*XBL HDR Tournament*

Err. I’ve signed up and also don’t have a partner…

Yeah, I’m trying to go as close to big team tournament rules as I can so yes. Please announce your characters before hand. I mean shit you don’t have to do it in the thread (up to you) just you know, send your opponents a quick message before you guys get down.

If you decide to post your characters in the thread I’ll add all the teams/chars/etc all pretty like.

I’ll play Honda.


GeneiJin87 (Balrog) and evoanon (Zangief)

So confirmed teams are:

Super Sharizord & Deluxe Noriega
Prodigy & SMQ
Cvital (<3 <3) & Caes
Blue & Mongolorobokop
Jameswalton & Afro Cole
Howmuchkeefe (Cammy) & Danielx510 (Zangief)
Thelo (Honda) & Blitz (Ryu)
GJ (<3, Balrog) & Evoanon (Zangief)

People who haven’t found a partner yet are:

ZoolanderUNbeast (what about that huh?!)
Ego (<3)
Decoy (I think you wanted in right?)
Mad Possum
Ashman NW
Skankin Garbage

GeneiJin87 (Balrog) and evoanon (Zangief) <----- this team is legit. I think we have a winner.

Sweet, I want in on this. Sign me up.

Engravings (Vega/Claw)

Ego, wanna team up?
Hundred hands and walldives all day.

Super Sharizord (vega), Deluxe Norieaga (vega)

Read rules please. Also before you are entered into this tournament I’m gonna need you both to join my room, just so I can see you are actually two different people. A couple people (who shall remain anon) brought it to my attention that you are/may be the same person.

They’re Vega Uno and Dos aka Baconology and his buddy, most likely.

No offense Norieaga but im tired of seeing “guess who they are”. Me and Deluxe have nothing to do with uno, dos, and whoever else. You people ever heard of the name champjackson? Or Pre CU? Well, if you have then you have played us. I think there is a video of evonanon comenting on a video of champjackson, so maybe he remembers. Lyghts, me and Deluxe have no problem showing you that we are two different people. Send me a friend invite (or i will next time im on) and you can even watch us fight as vega vs vega if you wish.

If you actually don’t want people trying to guess “who you are”, a good way is to avoid obviously gimmicking off other guys’ names.

No hate, just sayin’.

Champ was the notorious rage quitting Vega of yesteryear lol.

Totally agree with this. I’ve spoken to Deluxe, he claims the whole point is to boost rep for Norieaga, and that he “is missing key elements.” (?) While, it’s a nice deed the both of you are doing, I can see where some people could take as disrespect. (Especially Sharizord, because his Claw is damn good.) Point is, if you want to help someone out, train with them, show 'em the ropes, not troll them.

Fuckin’ lol’d.

I just saw Eggo’s videos with ChampJackson/Super Sharizord.

:lol:I’ve never heard of Champ or Pre Cu, I’m glad they know me and Shari though (celebrity status, 'ya know). All I see is vids of this “ChumpJackson” rage-quitting all over Eggo, and against Dhalsim too. It would make sense that they’re not Bacnology and whoever, when I played them I thought they were worse than those guys (no offense meant).

Oh i don’t mind.

It’s kinda cute to be honest. People tend to imitate what they admire.

I don’t know if you’d partner with a rusty old wall-diver, but I’d partner you if:-

  1. I can get me head around how this will work.

  2. I can spare the time required on that date.

To Thelo: Yes i understand that people would want to know who we are. I have no problem with that. Only that Uno, Dos, Baconology names come up everytime. As far as immitating these names, its just in good fun.

To Engravings: I dont believe either me or deluxe are trolling these names.

To Sharizord: Admire is a strong word. Though I do understand that it is the first card to pull out on your line of defense.

To: Norieaga: Yes you stand out as a celebrity here (atleast to us) if for nothing more then that hilarious care bear as your avatar. I mean whats not hilarious about that? Unfortunately when we fought you chose to be T-Hawk, instead of pulling out one of your mains, perhaps next time.