I’m also curious as to how this tournament will be executed. Will everything be managed via ICQ?
OK, I think I found my partner. Just waiting for a confirmation.
To manage the tourney, I recommend some kind of internet chat room, it really makes things much easier. Either IRC or Talkinator (what we use on sirlin.net/chat ) can work well.
Can’t show up to the tourney. Have work. Bummer
Oh btw is this tournament US only ?
No, I was wondering why you hadn’t joined up yet lol.
i’m still planning to enter. i am just awaiting a yes/no from a certain someone. it’s like prom or something but he’s totally worth it. no comment on if he’s cute or not. :wgrin:
WA Qarnage is using Boxer.
WA Prodigy is using Guile.
Yessir yessir WarriorsAnonymous in this bitch. But all jokes aside goodshit Lion you always throw great casual online tournys man. Much appreciated and good luck to all. Most of yall are very solid players so this is gonna be fun
Alright this is to the players who are waiting to surprise us with teammates. Please post in as soon as you can, I’m getting all the brackets & names etc ready and would like everyone’s teams already in.
I’m doing the matchmaking like I did when I threw my other 2 tournaments which were both on SFIV and were both for points (which were a big success or so I’ve been told). I’m writing the team names down on paper, cutting them out, throwing them in a bowl crumpled up then picking them out blah blah you get the point.
Also, a little disclaimer (if you will). If no more then 4 teams show up next Saturday I’m not gonna give up the points cause IMHO you won’t have earned them. Hopefully that will motivate (probably not) into not flaking and giving it your all.
So I’m gonna play “Guess. That. Partnerrrrr!”. I’m gonna sayyyy…Oski?
Damn I can’t make it for this lion cause I’m goin to a offline tournament on the 18th!
So confirmed teams are:
Prodigy (Guile) & SMQ (Balrog)
Cvital (<3 <3) & Lights (Sagat)
Blue & Mongolorobokop
Jameswalton & Afro Cole
Howmuchkeefe (Cammy) & Danielx510 (Zangief)
Thelo (Honda) & Blitz (Ryu)
GJ (<3, Balrog) & Evoanon (Zangief)
Exposed (Bison) & Caes (Guile)
People who haven’t found a partner yet are:
ZoolanderUNbeast (what about that huh?!)
Ego (<3)
Decoy (I think you wanted in right?)
Mad Possum
Ashman NW
Super Sharizord & Deluxe Noriega have dropped from the tournament. Why don’t you two just find other teammates rather than dropping?
Need the following teammates:
Ego (<3)
Decoy (I think you wanted in right?)
Mad Possum
Ashman NW
The only other person I would team up with is my older model Classic Norieaga.
Up Up Down Down Jab
My 360 shitted on me. It was already towel tricked and now won’t even turn the f*ck on. I’m really really really angry. I’m thinking about canceling the tournament but then I’d have wasted more money on the god damn points.
:lol: Huh? I might be able to, not sure yet. I would do this strictly for the laughs, because this is just fuckin’ weird.
EDIT: I’m not classic, I’m the original and*** REAL*** Norieaga.
you would have superior hitboxes though.
not sure if this tourney is still happening but if so sign me up to partner with Real Decoy :tup:
i will use Vega. i am assuming he will use Blanka. YGGBU!