*XBL HDR Tournament*

Special “Thank You” to Thelo, Blue, GJ. You all were extremely patient and willing to bend over backwards for MIA players. I want to genuinely thank you guys!

GJ don’t even bother with Smq, you can’t talk sense to him cause he’ll just keep blabbing & insulting for no reason. Thank you for the support though :tup:

P, I said it’d be fine if things weren’t moving along fast and Los didn’t show up, I don’t know where you and/or Smq get off saying that I didn’t let anyone know you beat me. I did, I said it 1,000 times, we were all waiting for you to get back. You were a no-show so Thelo did what he had to do. I’m not you or Smq, I don’t duck any challengers or competition, I don’t win once then run away “oh I gotta go etc”. You won fair & square 2 matches oh goodness it’s the end for me. Pfft please.

Smq…LOL! I guess P “out-turbo’d” me huh? Seeing as how I use turbo and all this.

Anyway, good to see youre back with Bluetallcans uh…Blue lol. Yeah this was my very 1st team Tournament and holy shit it didn’t pan out like I wanted it to. I mean I’ve thrown 3 other tournaments which were all awesome (so I’ve been told). I don’t think I’m throwing another Team Tourny any time soon LOL!

Once again, Thank You very much Blue, GJ and especially Thelo for taking things over and getting it all back on track.

You don’t get it do you, me, prodigy and Lyghts played earlier and cvital wasnt online, lyghts said he would call cvital to play if he had to which lyghts out didnt do after lyghts lost. it was then agreed that prodigy would play cvital later when prodigy gets back from dinner. again, lyghts out didnt let anyone know this so wen captain Thelo came to the rescue he knew absolutely nothing and told me to play cvital AND lyghts despite prodigy already beating lyghts.

me and prodigy were not ‘figuring out’ anything, we already had an agreement.

furthermore this tournament was supposed to last the whole weekend but Thelo changed it and made it for today only which is why he rushed me in to playing cvital even tho i was not supposed to yet.

i dont know when thelo took over this tournament and how but he failed to get all the right info from lyghts and lyghts failed to give thelo the right info which is why this tourny was a travesty.

and no this wasnt lyghts first tournament and to be honest its not that hard to run an online one of this size either if u plan it right, and furthermore he didnt even run it, he left thelo to do whatever.

lyghts failed in planning and thelo failed in minding his own business.

See what I mean? Pointless, let them think whatever it doesn’t bother me at all what Smq says in the least bit LOL!

Smq you lil jackass he said “it was Light’s 1st Team Tournament”. Not tournament but Team Tournament. Team Tournament. Team Tournament.

Cvital & Lyghts 0ut are the Tournament Winners.

Wow, I didn’t even Thank all the participants!

Thank You to everyone that joined up to play, I apologize for the no-shows and delays but it was the no-shows that pretty much threw everything off. If I decide to try my hand at another Team Tournament it’s gonna be with Blue & Thelo doing most of the work LOL!

I just hope none of you think i just dipped and aint give a shit who was waiting on me. See i said i would be back in two hours cause i had commitments and since vital wasnt online to finish our matchwell i was givin the ok to do so. I really dont care ggs to all congrats to pup and lion for winning. Next time maybe

@ GeneiJin, ok so you answered my question, Thelo was being a jackass because he DQ’d me for no reason. And I did not invite you to a match because I didn’t know what ‘GJ’ stood for meant, I only just realised it was you when I read your message here.

And how am I being arrogant and obnoxious? dont kiss Thelo’s ass because he has whatever reputation here, and dont judge me because u didnt get screwed over and had team members DQ’d several times for no reason so you dont know how to react to this BS.

Thelo screwed up, end of, idc if he has reputation for being a ‘nice-guy’ or helpful in the community, I dont judge people until I get to know them and all I know from Thelo is what I have seen today and that was that he gave me absolutely no respect when I was talking to him earlier, he just ignored what i was trying to explain to him about prodigy and lyghts out having an agreement, he DQ’d me for no reason when I was due to fight you Genei and he generally didnt run this tournament well.

Is it arrogant and obnoxious to have an opinion and form my own point of view from the evidence i have seen?

And yes WA suffered BADLY because we got DQ’d for no reason whilst everyone else just had to wait a little bit which is what happens at every fucking tournament so really no one suffered. This tournament was supposed to last the whole weekend anyway so if delays and postponments had to be made then they could. That’s what should have been done instead of Thelo getting Power-Drunk and DQing innocent players.

And why are you telling me to have my voice heard? I messaged Thelo on Xbox and he didnt respond, I looked on this forum, wrote a bunch of flaming hate and still no reply. I went in to that chat earlier and everytime i tried to write a message it came up with an error so i used the option to not use it (where does it say u have to use that chat and why ddint Thelo tell me to go on it whilst we were messaging each other on Xbox?).

And I’m not blaming you now either for not inviting me, if u were told I was DQ’d then fair enough but again, Thelo has failed for DQing me and prodigy (who came online before I was DQd) before our match.

I swear, what did I tell everyone? Remember? I said the problems were gonna come from Smq’s team. Only 2 players complaining. Fcking relax, stop all the shit talking and just cool the fck out.

actually he didnt say team, read it again