X-Mania VII?

LOL, I got a chip, I aint the one that came with the saying

‘‘Abhi you gotta come to UK events first to play guys like desk and I at SF2 before you jet off to america.’’

Are the Diego Maradona or Pele of SF that I NEED to play you before I am allowed to go to America.

Evo is an event that I want to experience once at least in my life, not a place where I stay in a cave and practice 12 hours a day for years on end so I can saviour that one moment in my life and know it was all worth it.

Also I never made out that I am mad cause UK events run on a day that I work, all I am saying I dont hold a UK event high enough that I will take a day off, thats all, so if I dont attend thats the reason and I certainly dont use that excuse either.

Also I know about the SF scene, I used to go play in Strafford in 2003 on 3S. I am on neo empire anyway, so I know what happens.

BUT thats it Flowdan, I am not anymore, at the end of the day, I got money to blaze and not like other peeps who cant afford to go.

I want 2 see whats Evo is like,
if I said I wanted to go enter a Evo type tournament for football in Brazil JUST BECAUSE I CAN and some mans told me ‘‘well boy, you got to play me and next mans in England before you go there’’.

At the end of the day I would tell mans, ‘‘are you paying for me or do I need to qualify here before I am allowed to go ?’’

Yes. r3ko is being friendly and you’re being a stupid cunt.


So wait a minute, you got the dvds so you could practice up for evo, but don’t actually want to play any of the best ST players in England before you go, not even for fun. Now you say your not looking to improve, was x-mania dvd that disheartening for you.

Anyway this is getting way off topic so this is the last of what i am going to say, besides i just found out your an officer of the law.

yeah yeah whatever


Anyway, I just finished the Hyper disc. I’m so happy I went to the trouble of importing these dvds. Wata’s CE bison is stupid, he lands one scissor kick and the round is over. Also there’s a deejay who does a single combo with no super for 75%. I’m sure there was crazy random damage going on.

No Joke! Wata Would open with the scissor kicks. The risk/ reward is just to good. Worst that happens to Vega is getting knocked out of the air, the best is a dizzy and instant kill.

That DJ was crazy. I think it was a Fei Long match where DJ had a tick of life and just went for a cross up and straight out killed FL with 75% of his life with j.mk>c.wpx2>Punches (4hits)…

That guy had one strategy and one only… Go for the combo…

I watched that kill several times. It was an insane amount life. :sweat:

Not to mentionthat it is REALLY hard to combo. I tried it a couple of time in Training mode. I did not hit with any constancy.

What did you think of the WW Zangief? That guy pulled some out some crazy wins.

I’m a lot better with written japanese than spoken but I typed up some items from the commentary/audio. NB: the audio tracks are 1: game 2: gian, otochun, inh dude commentary and 3: crowd (for the finals)

I think NKI got a mention. re: oji “grandpa” Ryu? Somehow.

Gian re: HSF win: “Well, it’s HSF, so I was just glad it was over.”

Otochun says he was nervous fighting Master Foosuke DJ.

re: K Hawk vs. Sennari Blanka:
O.Hawk’s crouching jab makes things difficult for Blanka.
(I guess that one move flips things from ‘(big) advantage blanka’ to ‘advantage hawk’?! weird…)

People tease yaya Sagat about his lack of Tiger Uppercuts. That’s why people were cheering when he hit Tasaka Cammy and Inro O.Chun with them.

re: AshiKouTanaka, the O.Ryu player in the ST tournament. His name is like “Tanaka likes the leg” seemingly a reference to his fondness for the vertical jump roundhouse. Pretty funny how well he uses that attack.

K: “We made it this far - now we’re going to win and embarrass everyone.”

Daigo: “My teammates …[crap, I can’t make this out. too much background noise grr.]… I’m having fun.”

More later, maybe. Otochun and Gian make a lot of interesting observations about which characters have the advantage in various matchups. Also: certain characters/players specific people (including themselves) do well/struggle against.

Er, what? You immediately make no sense. Usually if people find someone with similar interests, then they let them know what’s going on - there’s no harm in doing so. Networking has never been a bad thing, you’re just being a consummate Jabberwocky for no reason.

I have this set and I just started watch a bit last night. I like the in-match graphic setup like what was shown here:


…but is there a way I can turn this off and see the match full screen? I know nothing of the Japanese language but I was able to stumble across the audio commentary options on the main menu. Just wanted to know if this is possible as this is a nice feature but it’s not necessary for me. The in-game graphics tell me everything I need to know, really.

btw nohoho: your site is ridiculously nice. Everything on there is a great read. Seems like their old school players etiher never stopped playing or even if they did, could stand up well against the new school even today. Thanks for your effort!

I still haven’t received my copy. :sad:

I hate you guys. lol

Got a tracking number?

Good stuff nohoho! I look forward to hearing more choice quotes :lovin:

~Some spoilers below~~

I’m having a blast watching these videos. I’m only halfway through disc 2, but there’s been some really crazy stuff so far. A two person Hawk/Hawk team in a 3v3 tourney…winning matches!?! Several Cammy’s playing really mean. Daigo just beasting on people. GOH Ken almost taking out a whole team of really top notch players. A guy landing Zangief’s super twice in one match. Hawk beating up Dhalsim. Just crazy stuff! :looney:

And I’ve gotta ask, does anyone know what’s up with the O.Ryu guy? And I don’t mean his straight up jump RH, which does seem to work surprisingly well. I mean, why play O.Ryu instead of N.Ryu? Does he have something special I’m not aware of?

O.Ryu’s fireballs are faster and have less recovery, aswell as his dp being more invincible.

Interesting. Thanks r3ko!

I believe his Jup.RH has no damage [taken] hit box on his extended leg, or it is much smaller than the ST. version.

Also his cross-up Hurricane Kick has some different properties. It can hit you twice from behind as a cross up.

  • I could be wrong about this. But this is what I remember some of the differneces to be. Someone correct me if I am wrong.:sweat:

more re: AshiKouTanaka

In an old (1999!) post on t.akiba’s bbs the man himself says he’s been using “white” ryu since the early days. Even though he’s weaker than N.Ryu, in his case using O.Ryu doubles his fighting spirit. Or so he says. heh

There’s a lot more of him (normal nickname: Ashitana) and his crazy jump roundhouses @ master secret cup. Check out the first of the links in r3ko’s .sig if you haven’t already.

OMG. I just got done watching the rest of this tournament. That was awesome. I can’t even believe what it came down to in the final matchup. I was cheering the whole way through. If any of you guys are on the fence about picking this up, go get it! It’s good stuff!

@fatboy: More good stuff. Didn’t realize he had that many upsides. I still can’t see giving up his super or his other new stuff though.

@nohoho: Double’s his fighting spirit? LOL. I guess whatever works for ya :wgrin:

Got mine today :tup:

If anyone could shed some light on the booklet… that would be prime. :lovin:

EDIT: fuck the booklet… If anyone can guide me through the menu, I’ll have your babies. lol

I can watch the vids, but there’s like 10 options… what do they do?