X-Mania VII?

I didn’t even realise but I learned something new about the dvd trying to work out what the menu says.

On the hyper dvd…

Audio track
game/commentary/crowd (this one only applys to the last stage of the tournament)

Play the whole thing from beginning to end

1st round

1/4 finals (of each group)

semi finals

Block finals (A/B and C)

League (winner of each block play off)

anyone know?

Thanks for the info Desk!!

I can read Japanese, but I didn’t see anyway to turn off the border. I think they did that on purpose. That way even if the vids get uploaded to Youtube or whatever, it’ll still have the X-MANIA logo in the vid.

DVDs aren’t very smart, the only thing you can turn on/off are tracks labeled as subtitles, but it doesn’'t alter the rest of the video, so if they made the border a subtitle, and you turned it off, you would just get a black border.

If they wanted to have a fullscreen option, they would have had to basically add all the footage again as a second track and let you switch between them, which would double the size of the dvd.

While I can see the downsides of borders in match videos, i would like to use one in a combo vid to provide more information, possible combo transcripts, hand motions, etc… My problem is that i can’t do combos, so if anyone wants to make a vid lmk =P.

finally ordered this dvd, the temptation was too great.

Thanks for the info. I’m still on the first disc but I’m liking it so far.

lol at the toutanki+K congratulatory pat on the dick after winning a match. :lol:

I skipped straight to the twin T-Hawk beasting, although all the matches are excellent in general.

T-Hawk action is too good… I wish they had pulled off the win over oto-chun’s team and taken 1st. Low-tier baby!!! I love how they beasted on so many dhalsims and boxers (ok pretty much everyone).

seriously that set is worth buying for t-hawk.

So I just got my DVDs in the mail today, but I can’t seem to get them to work.

I’ve played other region 2 DVDs in my laptop fine before, but this one freezes my computer after the warning screens.

Any ideas? Did I just get a bad copy?

I played it with VLC, a freeware player that doesn’t care about region encoding. That player also played videos fine for me that other players had troubles with. Maybe give that a whirl and see if it works? I don’t have the URL handy, but it should be easy to find with google :wgrin:

I’m using VLC for my region free needs already. :tup:

I fixed the problem by restarting my computer a couple times though, no idea why that worked.

Thanks for trying though :smiley:

No problem. That’s weird, but I’m glad you got it to work :woot: