X-Mania VII?

WTF?! I just checked back and sure enough, it still says region free on the list page but when you click on it, the details page says it’s Japanese region 0. And yeah, it still says “3 DVD + CD”.

At any rate, it said mine shipped this morning, so I guess i’ll find out soon enough if my DVD player is region free…but I kind of doubt it :sweat: If it’s not, does anyone what you can do? Can you rip a DVD and re-burn it to get rid of the region encoding?

You can do that. But all three DVD’s are double layer. So you will need to pick up a few of them.


try these… there might be more as well

I just got mine today but wont watch it until my friend comes along as we need 2 study for Evo 2007 and also I paid for the cheapest shipping

Thanks for all the info on the DVD stuff guys! Hopefully mine will show up soon :sweat:

so are the matches any good?

Wish I had read this earlier. My brother just got his DVD in the mail and it’s Region 2 (Asia). But, the site he bought it from (PlayAsia, IIRC) said that it was Region 0, which is the only reason he went through with the purchase really.

So yeah, you need a region-free DVD player to play it. Guess he’ll be watching it on his computer.

Another word of warning, don’t “read” the manual it comes with, don’t even open it 'till after you watch the footage, it contains spoilers. :blush:

Abhi you gotta come to UK events first to play guys like desk and I at SF2 before you jet off to america.

sorry who are you guys? :confused:

Why do UK peeps PM me or quote my shit about coming to their events

I will only go when I aint working, There is no UK event that I will ever take a day off for work, if I am working it.

At the end of the day Evo is just a event thats part of my one month holiday to America.

The way you guys PM me or quote me makes me laugh, like we are friends, I mean I dont even know what colour or sex you people are.
We never spoken WHEN I have attended UK events in the past but yet when I have been to America, people welcome me and talk to me and shit and thats a country I have been to once. I certainly dont go just for the games and shit, part of it is for the interaction. If I want to go just games, I will just go to an arcade.

You say attend your events, well I am off on the 25th March, lets see what happens then ?

Just use DVD Decrypter to rip it to an .iso image, changing the region to yours, then burn that image to a dual-layer DVD. It is seriously not that difficult or as big of a deal as it is being made out to be. And yes, the gameplay is phenomenal.

I got mine. Yay! I tried some codes to make my DVD player region free, but they didn’t work. So, I just started watching it on my computer. If that becomes annoying I’ll just rip it and burn a new set.

So far it seems pretty cool. There’s some bizarre character choices in the Hyper SF2 matches, which is fun to watch. A team with 2 cammy’s?! Good stuff.

do all matches have that red/blue border (like in the preview vids) or can you turn that off?

Don’t know what the preview vid looked like, but they’ve got a border with the character mug shots to the left (color-correct, even) and player names below (mostly in kanji and/or other non-English characters, naturally). I gotta say, their video production is improving tremendously. I will get a screenshot up, for those interested, when time permits.

It’s old news now…but… I got mine!!!
I am watching right now! whahaha:wgrin:
Thanks to those who kept the info about the DVD coming!

EDIT *** Just finished disk one! ********

Wow! ST Dhalsim players needs to watch this and commit the all of the Gian matches memory. Even if your an expert player you’ll just enjoy watching Sim played so well. :karate:

For average players, the disk is full of all the strats people ask about. “How do I beat Blanka/ Honda/ Chun/ Claw with Dhalsim…” Using some great technique and strategy (and a little luck):sweat: , Gian beats these characters several times through out the disk. You can really learn a lot. I did at least.:lovin:

Here’s an in-match screenshot, for anyone interested. DVD menus, 'tween match and 'tween round screens and everything else about these DVD’s is very well thought out.


Sorry dude didn’t think you’d take that as a personal attack on you.

But just to make things clear, I aint trying to be your friend and i am not pretending like i know you, i’m just saying theres Sf2 comp in England. Yes we have never spoken at any events, but so what, you should come and support the scene, and you will no doubt chat to loads of people. Besides you gotta make the effort at these events, you can’t just stand there and not say anything and hope people will just approach you and know who you are. When you was in America you no doubt told people that you was coming and that your from England etc etc. But at UK events, 99% of players are from england, so it aint exactly a big deal you know.

And no one is forcing you to take a day off work or put your life on hold to come either, its like you sound insulted that we would choose to hold an event on a day you are working.

No offense dude, but you seem like you got abit of a chip on your shoulder.

LOOOOOOOOOOOOL, but does it matter wot sex or colour these people are, ok, maybe ones sex might matter depending on what mans are looking for. But, if you are looking to improve then it does make sense to go to the events and play mans. And i have found that most of the people are quite friendly at these events


I am just wondering :wonder: …What would have happenend if each team, A/B/C, at the end of disk one/hyper fighter all won one match and lost one match in the finals? Would it be a three way tie? Would they start another set?

start another set