I just ordered X-mania but I have a question
I alreday have the Insanity starting over SF2 DVD, the one with Guile on the front cover.
Please tell me this is totally different and doesnt have any of the same matches ?
I just ordered X-mania but I have a question
I alreday have the Insanity starting over SF2 DVD, the one with Guile on the front cover.
Please tell me this is totally different and doesnt have any of the same matches ?
it’s totally different and doesn’t have any of the same matches. All the footage is from a tournament that took place last year. The starting over DVD was released in 2005.
I’m hoping they’ll be shipping them out soon. Play-Asia usually does so a few days before release day.
YES!!! XMania 7 is shipping today!!!
I can’t wait!
Should I be getting an email saying it’s been shipped?
Well Play-asia just sent me an e-mail saying it was sent today
yea i just got my shippment email tool.
Question: It says on play-asia that the DVD is region free. Is this true? Also does play-asia accept paypal?
Yes and yes.
Got mine the other day, I must say it is a fantastic DVD. Slowly watching it bit by bit… superb matches.
AssHole, S.O.B! :arazz: I am very jealous. :bluu:
I just got my Xmania 7 DVD’s in. But I have to wait to watch them untill thursday after i move.
Oh I cant wait.
Maybe mine will be in today … (starts to bite nails in excitement)
Jeez, what kind of shipping did you guys get? You’re getting them awfully fast!
still wait’n for mine
I paid a bit extra for EMS fast shipping or some shit.
Does the Xmania 7 set from play-asia really come with 3 DVD’s AND a CD? If so, what exactly is on the CD? I loved the remixed tracks that came with the yoga hyper book . .
It is only 3 DVD’s. One for the HSF2 3v3 and two for the ST 3v3 and some times 3v2. EVERY match from the tourny is on this. All bracket play all the way to the finals.
I highly recomend it.
One note. The DVD’s are not reagon free. So you must have a no reagon DVD player.
Oh you!!! :annoy: You got special shipping!! That is why… I was all excited about it. As soon as I got home I ran to my mail box… and… NO PACAKGES. There was not a thing from PLay-asia… :bluu:
Thanks a lot B-O-B! You ruined my night… What a let down :sad:
So, I just had to get ‘intimate’ with my fianc… :razzy:
It helps pass the time… :wgrin:
ergh! I need my copy. I couldn’t afford fast shipping.
So cigarbob, there’s no extra CD? And it’s definately not region free? Play asia are lying to my face!.. well they’ve just changed the region free claim but I want a random CD, I don’t even care what it has on it, but I want it.