X-Mania VII?

i’m stoked to say the least

Toutanki actually.

Why are they dressed like gay cowboys? :sweat:


I’m buying this!

Who was the T.Hawk player on the Starting Over dvd that got beat up by Gian. I think he switched to Ken on the second game.

He’s named Mayakon. He apparently switched to ken because it was way too hard to fight dhalsim with hawk.

I don’t know if it has been discussed here before, but does anybody know why Toutanki and K played S Hawk ? The alternate color sure looks neat, but I doubt this is the reason why they choosed him.

Haha oh man, World Warrior Zangief winning?? That alone makes this purchase-worthy for me.

Play Asia says it’s a 3 DVD + CD set. My question is, what’s on the CD? :confused:

I need to get this whenever my tax refund comes in…will it work on my american DVD player? or do the Japanese use a different region?

There’s another CD?

Dunno about region. :sweat: But if you’re lucky, your DVD player might have a region hack.




Probably not. My DVD Player is pretty old. What about a modded PS2?

S/O Hawk has better pokes and a better cross-up than ST Hawk. P.Jones your meant to the be a french ST legend, thought you would of known this.

Also WW gief aint bad, his SPD leaves you practically on top of your opponent ready to tick into SPD again and again, also got tons of range. His lariat really lets him down though, can’t move while lariating and can’t use it as a reversal. Its hard getting in, but all you gotta do is land one SPD anywhere on the screen and you’ll probably win the round.

WW.Gief is pretty fucked in terms of lariat. I dunno why that Rog kept trying turn punches.

But what do I know. I’m just a scrub.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but can’t you still half-reversal with WW characters? I know it won’t say “reversal” on the screen, but if you execute the special at the first possible moment, won’t it still work?

Similar to how you can “reversal” throw… if you throw at the first opportunity when you become vulnerable, you can throw right? (throwing Sim out of that meaty slide during noogie trap for example)

So why couldn’t you do the same with an invunerable special? Does this make sense? If you can throw, you should be able to execute a special too, right?

Reko :

I knew about the crossup, but new hawk’s mk crossup is very good too. Can you give more details about the other moves that are different ? Which moves exactly ? Do they have extra range ? I’d like to test this.

Professor: http://forums.shoryuken.com/showpost.php?p=2734406&postcount=720

He is THAT Professeur Jones?! lol Damn, Paris is so far … 600 km in a car, train … bleh!

On the subject of O. Hawk’s changes, I’m pretty sure that S.Hk is not the only move that went from a mid to a high…I’m pretty sure that the same is true with S.Mp, and maybe even S.Mk.

What makes S hawk’s low jab almighty ? If only we could see the hitboxes of the S chars, that would make things easier.

Some pain!

Here is a nother misc. note for you Dr. Jones

O.Hawk has a very easy Dizzy combo.

Cross-up splash>ducking jab x1~2> feirce DP (2 hits) = Dizzy (45 % life) :sweat:

That splash is beasty…

Anyway, while dizzy, you can walk up and repeat compbo or crossp up > standing fowrawd> negitive edge SPD

Either way the oppenent is lossing ~ 90% of thier life and is knocked down. :sad:

Anyway you cut it… your dishing lots of pain.

I’m thinking of getting this DVD. That opening sample clip reminds me of ‘Bloodsport’ for some reason, lol. Any idea how many matches are on it? I’ve never bought one of these kinds of DVD’s so I don’t know what to expect.

EDIT: BTW, is this considered “rare” footage of Daigo? I haven’t heard any accomplishments from him since Evo.

Hey, VGMWorld is taking pre-orders for this DVD too, it seems.


i believe that it was recent judging by the way he was playing and how recent this Xmania was…probrably sometime after EVO 2k6