amazing results.
O. Hawk. Seriously? This players must have crazy footie skills.
honda/blanka/gief is another cool team. Go mid-low tier.
amazing results.
O. Hawk. Seriously? This players must have crazy footie skills.
honda/blanka/gief is another cool team. Go mid-low tier.
Nice shit!
nice to see my two home boys ARG and Otochun taking the win and gett’n second even on AE
New Sagat and O.Hawk’s i definantly need to see the videos!
I dunno. Maybe he just likes having that 5-hit uppercut…
Normally no, but lately the Japs have started allowing it, in addition to allowing character switching in singles tourneys. However, there are still no double elimination tourneys…:sad:
I dunno, but I’ll post when I find out.
In Japan, there are lots of Claw and Dic players, and a good amount of DeeJay players, too. In America, I dunno why more people don’t choose Claw/Dic…they are mad good, and everyone knows it.
DeeJay, I think people just under-rate him. He’s not top tier, but he’s really good. Probably top of the middle tier.
This is not a word-for-word translation of the report. Just the highlights that are worth mentioning.
From the X-MANIA VII AE report:
-AE had 27 teams.
-Blocks were decided randomly, and only one team from each block could advance, so there were some black blocks of death.
-Block A had Oto Chun’s team and Noguchi’s team. Oto Chun’s team takes it.
-In the finals for Block B, a team comprised of three guys I’ve never heard of beat Yuu Vega’s team, surprising everyone there.
-Block C had Shooting D’s team, and Gian’s team. Shooting D’s team wins the first two, then Gian comes in and sweeps Shooting D’s whole team.
-In the round-robin finals between Oto Chun’s team, Gian’s team, and random guys I’ve never heard of, the random guys lose to both of the other teams, so it comes down to Oto Chun’s team vs. Gian’s team. Once again, Gian’s team is down 0-2, but Gian comes in and sweeps Oto Chun’s whole team. (Interesting aside: Gian did the same thing in set two of the grand finals of the Evo2005 ST team tourney. Chikyuu and I lost to Choi, then Gian came in and swept Choi, Valle, and Watson. Dude is a MONSTER…)
AE prelim brackets (Japanese)…
AE round robin finals (Japanese)…
And here are the highlights from the X-MANIA VII ST report:
-Biggest turnout ever, with 37 teams.
-Block A had Oto Chun’s team, which was the favorite to win the whole thing. In the finals for Block A, it was The Super Star/ARG/Oto Chun vs. Chamu/Muteki Guile/Shooting D. The Super Star beats Chamu and Muteki Guile, then Shooting D beats The Super Star and ARG. Oto Chun comes in and takes care of business, winning Block A.
-In the finals for Block B, it was Kusumondo (Honda)/Komoda Blanka/Pony Gief vs. Noguchi (Claw)/The Shop Keeper (Ryu)/The Doctor (Dhalsim). It came down to Pony Gief vs. The Doctor, and in a really close fight, Pony Gief squeezed out the W, and apparently he went nuts afterwards.
-Block C was dominated by a crazy-ass double O.Hawk team of Toutanki and K.
-Block D had Gian’s team which was different from his team in the AE tourney. This time he teamed up with Yuu Vega and Tuujii. (That’s a pretty NASTY team to have to face…) They overwhelmed everyone in Block D, for the win.
-Daigo (Ryu)/Yaya (N.Sagat)/Ani Ken take Block E, easy.
-The finals consisted of 5 teams, but it came down to Oto Chun’s team vs. Toutanki’s team. K took out The Super Star, but then ARG came in and beat K and Toutanki to win the tourney.
-Toutanki’s team made everyone think that O.Hawk is actually a good character. o_O!!
ST prelim brackets (Japanese)…
ST round robin finals (Japanese)…
I need this DVD asap.
Me too. On the comments page, a couple of Japanese peeps said the same thing, and Mr. INH just said, “We’re discussing the DVD production now. Please hang tight until we make an announcement.”
Dude, seriously, thanks for the updates! :wgrin:
Can’t wait to see that new sagat in action. New sagat is definitivelly more fun (and hard) to play than old one, and using that in real tournament is kinda honorable
And I’m glad o.hawks got so far the guys probably never missed a single 360
I hate to bump this old of a thread, but I made a new topic about this and it got locked.
Are the DVDs out yet?
So wait, Toutanki’s team only had 2 guys? That’s a shame. They might’ve been able to pull off the win with one more guy.
Is there a trailer or sample matches like Master Cup?
Nothing yet. I promise I will post up as soon as I see an update on X-MANIA’s page.
This has been mentioned in another thread but I tought i’d update this one.
check out the main site for some sweet sample movies.
For anyone in the know, is that ‘the’ TZW fighting muteki guile in one of the clips? If so, is he well known for playing ST or was he invited or something?
After watching the sample matches, I wanna get this DVD. :party:
I hope you’re all ready to GET HYPE!!!
Wow, what a tease. There should be laws against fading out at the end of a T.Hawk match.
Thanks! I just put in for my order! Gotta support the SF scene…:lovin:
Holy shit I’m getting this NOW.
Simply too much T.Hawk beasting to pass up. :tup:
The fourth video has Daigo in it towards the end beasting it up, still shocked to see he can be that good while keeping a low profile in ST. And it looks like he’s having fun beasting aswell!
NKI: I think one of the O.Hawk players (K) is from the really old first SBO ST teams DVD.