WTT/S Alienware 2310 3D 1080p & Linksys E4500 Wireless router



pm’d. payment sent as well.

Great thanks!

Video added so take a look!

payment sent for meshball

payment sent

Thank your please PM me your name and address so I may send this out with the others tom.

payment along w/ shipping details through paypal for the dark hai meshball.

Sorry for derailing the thread but do you know if the plungers of the clear seimitsu buttons (screw-ins) would fit into sanwa obsf 30’s (snap-ins)? I figured I’d ask you since you had so many buttons, I thought maybe you tried it before.

no the only thing that i know so far about mix and matching on buttons is rs-sg switches on seimitsu buttons. You can switching button caps and rims with in the Sanwa/seimitsu button family to get a different look.

Oh, ok. Thanks.

Ibeatu, Edgar, Tanabe, and Brighenne your stuff has been shipped today.

WOOp MstR FresH…still waiting for the name and address to send to. Please PM with the details. Thank you.

got my shit today. amazingly fast. wasnt expecting it for another couple days :tup:

thanks dude.


:u: Good shit!

got my grey meshball today! thanks bro

No prob!

money sent for dark hai ball top, shaft cover, dust washer, and matching dark hai buttons

Great I will send it out first thing tomorrow morning.

WTB XBox360 and PS3 sixaxis controller Selling Stick

Added new item for sale!
Madcatz rd2 multi console stick.
Sanwa JLF
Seimitsu buttons
And more

Sent from my SGH-T959 using Tapatalk

I’ll buy the dual-mod stick.

Pm sent veikuri