I am looking trade/barter for a galaxy s3 (us/euro), galaxy s note or a iphone 4s 64g cell phone for a 2 month old alienware 2310 3D FULL HD monitor…this setup is lagfree and i think performs better than the asus vh236h aka the evo monitor. I also have a dual band router from linksys model E4500…this router is top of the line in the market still.
AW2310 3D 1080p Monitor - $350.00 shipping included.

Linksys e4500 still in packaging - $100.00 shipping Included.
I have 100% feedback score so plz buy/trade with confidence.
video-2010-03-04-12-20-52.flv video by PmOney2DmfMAX - Photobucket
If you have any ?'s please call/text 336-740-2558.
Will only use Paypal for payment option.
Paypal address is - hectorpadial@gmail.com
**Will ship to 48 states **
I will use USPS or UPS unless your local no charge if you pick up.
RD2 TE multi moded - sold to scarsofzsasz
Asus vh236h - sold to Calipower
Xbox360 - sold to dutty2zero
6 x Like New Sanwa Dark Hai 30mm buttons. Sold 2 ihiryu
1 Brand new Dark Hai sanwa ball top, 1 x JLF Shaft Cover and dust washer. Sold 2 ihiryu
1 Sanwa dark hai meshball - sold to Edgar
1 Sanwa violet meshball - sold to W00P MstR FresH
1 Red LS 40 shaft cover - sold to ibeatu
6 x Seimitsu PS 14 DNC - sold to ibeatu
6 x Violet seimitsu PS 14 KN - sold to ibeatu
1 Sanwa TP-MA Replacement PCB assemply - sold to tanabe
6 x Sanwa RS-SG Switches - sold to brighenne
DUAL MOD RD1 TE - sold to Casc-o
1 New LS-40-01 - sold to kasprfoto
1 Mint ls-32-01 - sold to kasprfoto