WTT/S Alienware 2310 3D 1080p & Linksys E4500 Wireless router

Got my tax refund as of 2day so Anyone plz get @ if you have a VSHG your willing to part with.

Good luck you been huntin for a while.

yea bro i think i have 2 get one off amazon japan :-(. I thought i had it yesterday but nah ibeatu scoop the last vshg.

lol don’t worry if i dont like it ill sell it to u :slight_smile:

cool thanxs ibeatu

I have a VSHG Id be willing to sell pm me if your interested in the details

PM sent Strikeshell

New item up 4 sale! I am considering to trade for the item plz check it out!

Hey I don’t have enough cash for that iphone but I DO have a gamestop giftcard worth $175.00 and plus I have a bunch of cool things in my trade thread. Would you be interested? You could use that card toward the new “S” TE coming out in a few weeks.

Will I be able to buy stuff from the apple store with that phone?

Damn I wish I had the money for that iphone :sad: gl on sale amigo


Bump added new stuff.


I’ll take the rs-sg switches if ibeatu didn’t already…

na u can have those may i ask what those are exactly?

pm sent!

pm sent!

These are the switches that go on sanwa obsf 30RG buttons. They are like the regular obsf 30 but they are more durable. You cant fit them into a existing regular obsf 30 button but you can fit them in seimitsu. So you get seimitsu look but sanwa feel. The button cap will be a bit taller/higher than usual since the button cap and switch are both male. But IMO they feel nice.

i will take the viloet seimitsu’s pm sent.

fireatwill pm 1st about the Violet PS 14 KN, brighenne pm 1st on the RS-SG switches, W00P MstR FresH pm 1st on the Violet Mesh ball. Those three items are called for unless they fall through. Pics are upload.

pm’d again

pm’d about switch assembly.