WTS Madcatz RD2 Mulit Console Moded Stick
Adding asus vh236h with hdmi included great condition still under warranty with multi moded stick for 350.00 plus shipping
Sent from my SGH-T959 using Tapatalk
WTS Madcatz RD2 Mulit Console Moded Stick
Adding asus vh236h with hdmi included great condition still under warranty with multi moded stick for 350.00 plus shipping
Sent from my SGH-T959 using Tapatalk
Whew! For a minute there I thought you were selling the 3D version of that monitor! I was gonna jump on it like a crackhead! I’d like to see pics.
WTS Asus vh236h and multi console moded stick
Sorry if I confused you I’m on my cell and was driving…i will post pics of them both and reserve them for you.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using Tapatalk
Added new items i will add pics soon…sorry im taking so long but with work, kids, and my car broken down :-/…just havent had time to get everything together.
got pics of your R2 TE?
what’s the system software version on the 60GB?
pm sent CI581
just add pics.
Does the VH236H price include shipping? Long shot, but just asking.
Pm sent
Pimp sticks in this thread
Price drop on PS3 and 360
good shit p-money
Yo money i’ll buy the xbox from you for $240.
PM replied.
WTS Asus, VSHG,PS3, Rd2 TE(price drop)
Pm sent shinjin
Bump Price drop on PS3…now $250.00
Bump price drops on all!!
Is the memory card hatch broken on the PS3?
the hatch is broken and nolonger there…but that imo doesnt effect the system performance or price.
Bump! New prices on inventory…price are dirt cheap!