WTF?! A Lubbock thread?!

Well since you hardly post I’ll tell you later. So far nothing is stone but the weather looks nice.

Hey you lubbockites… If anyone is interested in picking up a few arcade games… I’ve got a few listed on e-bay.

Thanks for looking

Would love to but I already paid for things that I won earlier on ebay and on other things so I don’t need to spend anymore. Thanks for letting us/me know.

That’s cool. Let me know if you every want any, I’ve usually got a few games for sale.

I also do windows decals and signs… I did these and am working on a few other old school games… LMK if you guys have any ideas or suggestions for decals.

Those are neat! Well if you ever have MSH hold onto that for me. Can you make a decal of Megaman(or even better,Zero) cuz I’ll purchase one of those.

anyone still around?

I’m always wandering around here everyday but I don’t post in this thread since its like 2-3 of us. hey I’ve been meaning to ask you if you know how to hook up arcade games and play them into a computer monitor? Oh I just thought of this just now, can you somehow get Virtua Fighter 4: Final Tuned? This what I’m asking might be tough to find but I just gave it a shot.

I could get you a VF4, but it’s really expensive right now… the price on that has not dropped yet. Why do you want to connect them to a computer monitor? full arcade cabinets can be had for 200$ or so and you’ll have a real setup. I’ve got 3 cabinets that I’m selling right now fully working for 200$ each. e-mail me at if you are interested…

hrm… I’ve been tossing the idea of having a little arcade party at my house… how many lubbockites roam this board?


I didn’t know there was a Lubbock thread! If anyone wants to play any 2D fighting games, go to Bledsoe room 333 in Texas Tech because I don’t have a car. :lame: I will start posting up in this thread more often.

I mainly play CvS2, 3S, but I can also play MvC2 (Scrub…), and KOF games.

Not really a fan of 3D games

I don’t know cuz soon I will get a bad ass computer and thought I could get some boards and somehow plug them in and play it through my computer monitor so I won’t have to deal with a big cab to mess with. So a full good working cab for $200? Wouldn’t it be cheaper to get the boards and the equipment and put it to my computer? I dunno, all I’m doing is speculating. Arcade Party? Sounds good but theres only me and DMX but hes hardly on but I can spread it around and I could get people to come. If you have the party put in SS2 cuz I dunno I love that game.

Sup 2d I saw you that you’re going to be in Lubbock in the DTX thread for school. I play mainly 3s at the moment but lately I have been learning T5.1, haven’t played MVC2 in a long time cuz I kick everyones ass here but I want to pick it up again and get better. I’ve been meaning to play CVS2 cuz people do play it so I want to pick that up too. KoF games im ok at but I know I need to play that more too. I too wasn’t a fan of 3d games but if theres people playing it then I’m for it and learn it. People here in Lubbock play mostly 3s, and sadly most of them suck. Some of them like to parry alot. Then you have a handful of great/good Tekken players. Anyways when you can you should go to the mall so you can play some people mostly the DDR crew since most of them are the 3s people and I’m there alot as well mainly to play T5.1 and customize my characters. Anyways I’ll go by to Bledsoe sometime and say hi and play, maybe even tomorrow and I could bring a friend along since he likes playing people and wants to get better himself.

Also I’m thinking of having a 3s and T5.1 Tournament at the mall but I have to make the tilt people to fix any problems with the sticks/buttons.

Well I suppose it might be cheaper to connect it to your computer. I’m a purist and like running things on original hardware, all else just falls short in my opinion. Drop me an e-mail @ if you want to e-mail about games and stuff.

For the arcade party, drop me an e-mail, we’ll see what we can figure out… I don’t like having a TON of people over, so we can keep it small…


Yeah I see what you’re saying and I sent you an email about the party and such. 2d whats your name just in case I do go over so I don’t get confused with a different person.

Andrew Leung, but I will tell you ahead of time, I’m not super good.

Ha ha, no thats ok. It doesn’t matter if you’re good or not, just another person to play and hang out with. At least you’re not one of those people who think they’re the shit but they really suck and will realize it when I beat them. Ok Andrew, me and my friend were deciding to drop by but we didn’t cuz he didn’t know if you were there and he wanted to know your name. Whatever but I’ll drop down to say hi. What is a good time to go by Bledsoe?

First day of class is tomorrow on the 29th, anytime in the evening is fine. This Sunday I actually plan to go to the morning service for church, but anytime after 3ish or so should be fine. Other then that, I don’t have any evening classes during the week, but I don’t have a car because my brother took it and he goes to UT. I’m just happy to find people actually playing 2D fighting games in Lubbock, and what the hell is the DDR crew?

Andrew, Its Blake From Bledsoe 249… whenever you get some more 2d gamers up in 333 just let me know, i would love to join the fight.

The DDR crew is a group of people who play Dance Dance Revolution and In The Groove. They play 3S too and are ok at it. I’ll do my best to try and drop by and play a couple of games.

Dark Zero, let me know if you plan on coming over anytime this weekend during Labor Day, because I will be gone on Friday for a snow day event that is being held by Tech. Also, I was wondering if you had an AIM SN. Other then that, I don’t know if I’m gonna to have any other plans, just post back on the Lubbock forum sometime. Blake is also really good at MvC2, and he lives in the Bledsoe dorms also.

I was planning on going tomorrow (Sat) in the evening. Anyways I’ll be holding a 3S and T5.1 tournament at Tilt next Sat, so you and DPossum can come and be in it. I use an AOL account so I have AIM somewhat. If you’re not there tomorrow I might drop by at Blakes and maybe we can play. Anyways I’ll show up tomorrow and I might bring my pupil along with me. Seriously think about the Tilt tourney next Sat.

I don’t know if you had trouble getting in the dorm or if you caught me during dinner time (7:30-8:00), but if you need anything, just private message for my phone # me or send me a message on AIM. Let me know what time your tourney is, so I can know if I can go or not. I don’t have a car as you know, and there will be a Tech football game on this coming Saturday. Just let me know when and where it is, so I can at least tell others, or try to make it.