WTF?! A Lubbock thread?!

well, i sized him up. i don’t need to play him in every fighting game in existence; i did observations.

Lukus knows the regular stuff, but he uses it with reckless abandon. Hopefully, he’ll get better as he refines his playstyle. I already told him he reminds me of The Chief’s playstyle…very similar. :sweat:

There are good points about him. He’s got potential. That’s something that I can readily observe. Secondly, he’s willing to learn. That’s very important. Thirdly, if he is willing to hear us out, he’ll definitely be “someone” in DFW. :pleased:

I’ve refined a few players here in DFW. They’ve taken my advice to heart; hopefully, Lukus will do the same. He’ll only get better from here on out, if he channels his resources in the right direction. My advice is the game of psychology and strategy, so he’ll be able to apply it more readily to all games…and not just “FAQ-knowledge”. :pleased:

I hope the Lubbock crew can come to the Houston Soutwest Regionals in July; I’d like to meet ya’ll. :cool:

And if you guys happen to play Lukus again, after he’s taken some of DFW’s advice, you’ll see him a bit improved. :badboy:

Actually I will be in Dallas during the time of the Regionals but I’ll will try to make it to Houston. I’ve been trying to figure out some way to go to Houston during that time but I’ll see what I can do. There is like no Lubbock crew either. Its just me and only me. IMO, Lukus’ playstyle is whack. I see very little potential with him and thats if you teach him “the ropes” and the advice given. The willing to learn is just that he wants to be somebody and own everybody, and I don’t think its going to happen. And I agree with you that he is willing to hear you guys out. Hell when he was here he kept talking about all kinds of things that I already knew and knew better than him and he was sounding like he was the hotshot. But since I’m sure he knows his place now he is willing to listen to better players. That is the ONLY way I can see him getting better. If its anything I was trying to talk to him to getting better or point out things but lukus is the one that never shuts up and it annoys me and I have leave. Everytime I play with him, he always has to talk. Saying like “good”, “nice setup”, “hmm”, “didn’t know you can do that”, “interesting”, “I’ve seen (insert name) do that”. And I’m like quit it. And if I do see Lukus again I’ll will still win but MAYBE he will be more of a challenge. This is the same as Kingdom Lukus, this was not meant as a flame so don’t go crazy with all your curse words.

P.S. If Lukus did say that I was trying to make a tool out of you, I’m not.


yeah, “verbose” is my new nickname for him. :pleased:

It should be. I just don’t like him talking all the time. Its fine every once in a while but then it gets too much. He talks and talks and gets excited at the same time and I’m like WTF, stop already. Anyway yeah it doesn’t look like I’ll be able to go to the Houston Regionals cuz I will be in Dallas. So maybe I might catch up with you sometime when I’m down there.

From here on out dont worry you wont hear much from me…never again in this thread I promise…i’ve officially left Lubbock behind…

Well Im dead serious now…the quest for a new me has begun…a different me, so no more. :karate: Pretty cocky huh Dark Zero…you take me for granted, never take anyone for granted that is what I was taught… "Never lower your eyes before your enemy :badboy: " All this makes me wonder I do know you-lets see…Colt, Aaron, David Mares, Kyle Mays, Tony Mays,Jon, Nan, from all this I must know you. and about the “put in his place thing” no sir not the case as you may believe, I went to Dallas with an open mind, willing and ready to learn, as I have stated before sir. :pleased: I still am open-minded and will do whatever it takes to become the best. Playstyle whack? Thats because you “think” I do everything without a purpose. I do EVERYTHING with a purpose, just because the last time you played me I didnt play safe doesnt mean I cant or dont. I am more than willing to change my playstyle depending, I think a persons environment plays many factors in things. Im in a new environment now so I must adjust, and adjust I WILL SIR. :tup: The way I played got me by people in Lubbock, hell my Ibuki got me by people in Lubbock, its all about adaptation, trust me no flames, I cannot allow myself to return to that stage and act “niggardly,” I must be above all possible reproach.

At least I am middle tier to begin with, theres always hope… :clap:

THE END-“Cockiness is a sign-those who are cocky in the end will fall.”


LUKUS! you’ve said that before! :lame:

Your Full Of It Lukus

Posting this since I’m sure you’ll come back and see this. And I’m not cocky. Its a FACT that you’re not good. Ok lets say this yes you mentioned my name. But c’mon all those people SUCK ASS except two people; me and that other person (hes just better than the other people mentioned). I’m sure people have already put you in your place in Dallas. And quit giving me with this “open minded crap”, tired of hearing it. Your play is whack, another fact, no thinking involved. Adjust? You’re just playing better people so the only thing you need to adjust is getting better. Thats it. Your Ibuki did nothing except beat the other scrubs. According to Kingdom your middle tier AT BEST. Sorry I have no hope for you and I think your limit is around middle tier. And please no more lame quotes, it makes me realize more of how much you suck.

hahah…Lukus started his own thread…AGAIN.:lame:

BTW, Lukus, the word “niggardly” offends even ME, since LOTS of my friends are African-American, and you’re using it in a negative connatation.

If you want me to be “blunt”, you WERE playing “niggardly”. :tdown:

I already “feel” your playstyle. It’s basically a flurry of pokes and shit in the guise of “rushdown”. What you’re really doing is HOPING an attack will hit. That’s “KOF-Mexi-Rushdown” style, also. :rolleyes:

The way Jermaine plays, he plays in a similar manner, but not “niggardly” as you term the Lubbock players. He plays with great reflexes. It’s always a joy when I play him, since it’s raw skill.

Lukus, you’re going to be “stuck” in mid-tier status for a while, because your skills will “plateau” because of your habits. It will definitely take a LONG time before you can de-program yourself from your playstyle.

I’ve described that playstyle to you described as “Angry Black” Rushdown. Even my friend 50 chuckled at it. He was stuck in that pure rushdown for a while. I’m glad some of my words finally got through, since he’s improving in strides.

My playstyle feels out the opponent. That’s why I can gauge yours somewhat well. :pleased:

I’ll need to give you a lecture on strategy. :tup:

where did all the love go?

nevermind that, where have you been? So shatter is there any arcade somewhere else that I don’t know about? Not going to LanFreaks, Round One is gone so anywhere else?

just wanted to show you the self-hate…

…and openly admitting he’s only had sex once, and failed miserably! :clap:

fucked up in da brainz…

Yeah I’ve seen his posts when I’m looking at the thread. Its kinda funny.

And why won’t you go to Lanfreakx? It’s only ~30 mile from Lubbock it’s not that far!!! LOL!

I’m trying to work on a few things… I assume you’ve been out to Main Street Arcade in wollforth?


hahaha…lucas is funny…on to other things…

yo, dark zero, are you going to Evo??? If you are, I was thinking that we need to get together and get some play time in before Evo. hahaha, there is a Lubbock crew. We’re just all lazy…=/

shatter proof, what games ya have at Main street??? I might drop by if ya have some thing good…Won’t go to Lanfreaks. too far for my taste.

No fighters out there at the moment. I had a few out there but no one played them. I will be changing games out there in the comming months and putting in something else.

At the moments Here is what’s out there.
Captain America and the avengers - for sale
Road Riot 4wd - for sale
Lethal Enforcers 2 - for sale
X-men (4 player)
Aero Fighters 2
Police trainer
Cruis’n USA


Wont go to Levelland cuz I lived there for 18 years and don’t like it there. Won’t go to LanFreakx cuz I would be wasting my time and gas on games that I already have. Plus the major reason is that I don’t think anyone over in Levelland is any good at all. Yeah I’ve been to Main Street when you first told me that you have the 4 player Xmen. But now since you have Captain America and the Avengers I will have to go back. I would love to buy your Cap. America game but right now I’m kinda tight on money. DMX, I still don’t know if I could go to evo( the whole money situation). I’ll look into it this week and see what I can do. I want to go, hell its in vegas. If I do plan to go to evo I need to get on the ball fast and play more. Our Lubbock crew consists of about 5 people. Everyone else wishes they can be on the Lubbock crew. Everyone else = scrubs.

I feel ya…yeah, I’ve started saving money already. hopefully, no shit happens betweeen now and then. =/

I just dunno. I need new tires, save for school, evo, games, food and whatever else. So shit I just hope I can think of something.

Come on big guy you need to go and whats up DMX