WTF?! A Lubbock thread?!

Next time I go I’ll make sure I go on Saturday. I go to Atown everyday of the time I’m at Dallas. I’ll let you know when I go to Dallas so we can go play/hang out when I’m down there.

Lukus, you LUBBCOK!!! I knew you were a fucking faggot…damn cock smoker… :tup:

Oh yeah, BTW you suck at every game that I play…har har har…I bet my bro could school you in GGXX…haha…you are the sux… :party:

PS. wad up thread…long time no see…=/

Long time no see DMX, good to see you again. Keep up those GGXX skills.

Well its too late to find this all out now isnt it…because Im out of Lubbock…tisk tisk tisk…let all this hatred die now shouldnt it?

hahaha…cuz nobody wants you here…that’s why your tounaments ran like shit…har har har. good riddence to another shitty player…

anyone going to Evo???

har har har fuck off…Id take you down in TS, KOF, and many other gsmes anyday Fabian…you may get me in SC2, T5 and GGXX buddy, but otherwise youre fucked…and what the fuck do you know anyways motherfucker…go suck a dick stupid ass…Im in Dallas now…maybe now I can actually get better because theres some skill here…so you just drop it motherfucker…at least I still play RYAN ABELLA…i didnt “give up” against him as he says about you…but anyways man…Im dropping this shit…aint worth my time for some bs 7 hours away… hahahah pathetic…as Ryan says “YOU GAVE UP…”

He didn’t give up as abella says. Why play a shitty game like Tekken? Heh, its funny that he actually saw the light of how crappy Tekken is. Who gives a shit about abella anyways and why do u keep pointing this out that you still play with him and such? He doesn’t care, he’s not scared of him so quit assuming that he gave up just cuz abella says so. Abella is nothing but always starting to start up shite. You’re gone and Fabian is here so yall don’t play against each other anymore until somehow you meet each other again. So theres no need for both of you to talk shit.

Good points Dark Zero…no need to carry it on…I put my hand out on a truce…(handshake)

Whatever. Who are you giving a truce to?

i <3 your avatar. :pleased:

Thanks. I saw yours last week and its cool. Guy gets pwned hard. I was wondering if that girl is an Alex fan.

Im giving a truce to Fabian…

I guess we will both wait and see if he calls a truce too. But hes hardly on so it could be a long time.

hahaha…A truce?? why do you want a truce…I can give less a shit what you or anyone else says. You and everyone else here that has been here in Lubbock play the shittiest games. And if ya do play any games that do have comp here, ya kill it by being asses to everyone. no one wants to deal with that shit. anyways, all this shit is old…I don’t care anymore. Get better first then come back and be something… :lame:

Fuck you stupid ass…your the lame one gay voice ass motherfucker…Iam getting better…always will while you work at some sorry ass job for the rest of your life…I be asses to everyone…LOOK WHOS BEING THE ASS YOU dumbfuck… stay the fuck out of my way PENDEJO…puto…PINCHI CABRON…you disgrace “my beloved hispanic race”…people like YOU…I am Cuban bY THE WAY FABIAN…I can become something here in Dallas MORON…that will FOREVER BE BETTER THAN LUBBOCK…why would I come back to Lubbock anyways???/ Nothing there for me, more of ANYTHING IN DALLAS.

I try to let this shit go and this is what I get…FUCK YOU TO HELL…DONT TALK TO ME AGAIN…FUCK OFF TO HELL BITCH…

No truce? Doesn’t surprise me. Again, all I hear is nothing but “fuck, ass and shit” in every sentence, mostly from Lukus. How about editing those out. I don’t what else to say to ya two.

Right Right…

:xeye: Ok I don’t know where you came from but since I’m in a good mood, I’ll rep ya.

btw…lukus is “aight at best”… :razz:

you heard it from me! he was tried and tested here in DFW! :karate:
and SNK games STILL suck! :razz:

sorry Lukus, but you should’ve left Lubbock behind like you said you were, but you KEEP ON COMING BACK TO THIS THREAD! :lame:

If you were truly the class-act and the better man, you would’ve left this all behind, but it usually boils down to…

“fuck you man, DFW is teh shitz, and Lubbock is teh lame, and Abella is teh shitz, and u turds r teh lame! I’m going to gain MO’ POWUH TO CRUSH YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!”

Lukus, leave it be. K?

I find that DarkZero and DMX are making a tool out of you.
**Just STOP! **
From the looks of it, I’d rather chill with THEM than YOU. You’re not painting a good picture of yourself online, and it mirrors itself off in person too. You’ve already made a perception of yourself that I now judge by.

One more thing. Just play.
Don’t talk more than you play, b/c it didn’t impress me at all, and I’m sure many of the other DFW players can vouch for me.
As of now, I’d peg you at mid-tier at BEST. You are FAR from “decent/tournament-caliber”, but at least you have enthusiasm. A little “too much” enthusiasm can be bad, too, neh?

**So less shit-talk, more fighting games. **

BTW, as an outside observer, 2d Tony got bored REALLY quick. But he usually does if either a) the competition indeed sucks, or b) he would rather play something else. Last SNF was a combo of both; he wanted to play T5, but nobody played it when he came, so he played a few kof games with you. No biggy. Just don’t expect him to always play you when you want to. Doesn’t happen that way here. He plays whatever he feels like playing that SECOND. Call it short attention span/boredom.

Some pointers to take in heart, Lukus:

  1. less talk, more fight.
  2. leave this Lubbock thread alone. you’re just fanning the flames.
  3. improve your game, cuz’ it’s “blah”
  4. less SNK games, more SF games. the “random mexicans” at A-Town can probably wreck ship on you in the SNK games! :razz:
  5. please STFU in this thread.
  6. please don’t get on MY nerves. i can put you on my blacklist. don’t push it.
  7. leave the e-thuggin’.
  8. learn to block. no, seriously, learn to block.


don’t misconstrue this as a flame; i’m just stating facts.

Thank You

Co-signed and stamped! Couldn’t have put it better. Now if maybe DarkMan X will stop since I’m sure Lukus will stop and will listen to you. The pointer you gave on improving your game should be bold and font of 70 or something. And if he does say that Abella is that shit I should slap him twice. I’m just glad that you kinda know how he plays and how is far from being “the best”.