WTF?! A Lubbock thread?!

besides the obvious of getting newer games, nothing major. More space, if possible…

Hey Fabi, it’s Jaime. I’m going to Lubbock this weekend to see my cousing grad. from Texas Tech. I went last time I said i would, but unfortunantly i couldn’t spend any time in the arcade. Since this is a pleasure trip, and not business, i’ll have some free time. But anyway, I hope there is some good comp over there, and i’ll post more to set something up once i’m in town.

That’s cool…look forward to it…

No matter what, keep the 4 player Spiderman game there!! I love that game. Keep shinobi, metal slug, XSF. The place just needs to get bigger to add more games. But I always say add another fighting game in there but thats mostly all I play. If you have some old classic games like the 6 player X-men, Willow, Fighting Street and Superman (I’m a Supes fan) please bring them in.

Well I’m not Fabi, but did you come and play? My friend said that someone came down from Austin around graduation time and played with ken. He said that you were good, but he is actually a beginner trying to learn 3S.

Yeah, I stopped by the mall unexpectedly to play for a sec. I was there for a cousin graduating from Tech. I was gonna post but the person’s house i was stying at didn’t have a computer b/c they just got rid of it. So I had no access to my PM’s or the board. But I’m gonna be back in town the weekend after Next for a cousins HS graduation, i’ll keep ya’ll informed. I could tell he was new so i was sandbaggin pretty bad.(not saying it to be a jerk, just sayin:) )

damn…no posting at all!!! I want some 3rd strike comp!!! :frowning:

Go out to Levelland to LanFreaks and ask the employees to play you. I think the guys name is Corey. He’s gotten pretty good at the game.

I’m going to put an old Super Mario Brothers game out in LanFreaks later on this week. You guys might want to go check it out.

Shatter Proof

This game exists in Lubbock!?!? WTF!?!? If yall can stop tipping cows for a weekend yall should check out this HUGE tournament coming up.

New Arcade in the Lubbock Area.

Go out to Wolforth on Main street. It’s called Main street Arcade, opens about every day at 3pm, it’s open until around 9pm on weekdays and later on the weekend. It’s got a few fighters out there, and I plan on putting a few more out there in the next few weeks.

Go check it out and please offer suggestions/recommendations.

Shatter Proof

Great I’ll go out there sometime soon and check it out. Hopefully I’ll get suprised. Do you have a phone # for the arcade, shatter?

It’s 866-0505.

Right Now I’ve got the following games out there

Cruis’n USA sit down
X-Men Vs Street Fighter
Lethal Enforcers 2
4 Player X-Men (Remember this one?)
SVC Chaos

They’ve also got pool tables out there.

If the fighters do well out there I plan on putting a few more in there in the comming months. I need to place another game out there in the next few months. I’d like to put another fighter out there myself.

Shatter Proof

If you guys make it out there, Please offer suggestions on how we can make the place better… (i.e. games, decor, whatever).

Shatter Proof

I think I will be going by the end of this week. My friends could have gone today cuz I told them of the X-men machine. We all want to play that, I love that game. Tell you more later

Well I went Friday with a couple of friends and it was pretty nice. Of course I think there should be more games. We just played X-men until we beat it and my other friend played chaos and XVSF too. The snack bar was nice and the pool tables and jukebox. The parking was just i dunno, would be nicer if there was actual a parking space besides parking in front of the place. Other than that the place didn’t look too bad and the arcade was dark but I had no complaints.

There will be more games out there soon! I’ve got to get some better numbers on the games I’ve got out there right now before I make any changes/additions.

There are plans to change the parking up a bit. I also agree that the parking situation can be messy out there. I hope they finish it up in the next month or two. They also plan on adding batting cages and paintball off to the other side.

I’m glad you made it out there. check back out there from time to time, I hope to put a few other games (possibly a foosball table or something) out there in the comming months.

Shatter Proof

Yeah me and my friend saw that the place by it looked like a paintball place. Yeah, I’m sure I’ll be there again to play some more X-men and to check up on the place

Hey I read on here that there was some people looking for some SF comp on Texas Tech in SF, I play SF2 Turbo, Cvs2, 3s and the Alpha series. I am kinda rusty because I havent had anyone to play against in a while…so hit me up if you are on campus or you want to meet at an arcade and play. Oh and I built my own arcade stick… REPRESENT!!!

Alright we have another person that plays here at Tech. Its good to have more people. So whats your name by the way?