Worst MSP matchup

You’ve ran into that glass ceiling that we all reach at some point. We all just need to start traveling to other locals, and hitting up the local comp there.

Detroit or Chi should be first.

As far as the inconsistent wins amongst our group: We are your rivals. No one knows you as a player better than us. It’s going to be hard to pull away from the group and beast on a regular basis because we are all similarly skilled, and learning new stuff by the day. That, and don’t be afraid to try something new out against us. Switch it up from time to time. It is casual after all. You play every weekend like we are holding your 1st born over the edge of a cliff, threatening to drop em if you lose.

Your a good player man, but in order to be a great player it may take much more of your time than your willing to invest.

Shoultz is right. The better you are, the harder it is to level up. Insert obvious Role Playing Game reference here

try me

I’ve sadly put Marvel over Women at times(not consistently at all and probably never will but i will make the investment needed)

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I have nothing to say to that…

so i started training in practice mode again today. Instead of my normal romp of combos, resets, and blind ROMing. I picked Blackheart, Cable, CC. And i played around with them to see what BH can do. I Called CC with hime and tried to find the best times to call him. I also set up the other contoroller(Marvel taught me to spell that word) to call the assist on the face buttons. So i saw how fast BH’s assist comes out along with CC. How to get around it and when i can’t. So yeah… i guess my approach to Marvel has changed some since this thread first started. No more banging my head up against the wall repeatedly…

That’s something I was going to bring up too. The best way to learn how to play against a team/character is to learn how to use that said team/character. That said, any questions you have on Blackheart, feel free to ask. You’re probably better off going to the Blackheart thread I made and reading/posting there though since I’m in there far more than I am in the general strats forum.

this is a very effective way of training. Not only do you learn about a character eam you have a hard time against, you gain a potential new team to play. When you can play multiple teams @ high level, you see what they have in common. That common factor IMO are the basics. So when you start training like that, you gain all kind of new stuff to add or improve your game.

@ the end of the day and its tournament time there’s 2 ways you can approach it. You can either pick 1 team and stick with it, or you can pick multiple teams to deal with teams you have a hard time against.

The last tournament I went to, I played against 2 players who knew how to stop msp. I’m not super confident in my msp so I opted I to play s\d and thrax in those matchups. However, when I was purely a strider player, I didn’t give a fuck what team you put up against me.

Yes sir! Also, playing a different character/team can give you new ideas for the character/team you like to use the most.

I’ve been using Blackheart since almost the beginning. But it wasn’t until I started experimenting with characters like Mag and Ironman that I saw the incredible throw and guard breaking posibilities with BH.

I went to put a few things down into a file about Marvel recently. I thought i was only gonna put a few things in there. But when i sat down to do i ended up typing a few paragraphs. It was very helpful to put what i learned for the day down. It helped me plan resets that i would start to implement and tricks that i wouldn’t fall for again. And what did work against my very dedicated to Cable playing friend. Thx Shoutz

Lmfao… Oh its fun messing with you… For as many lil’ tricks you come up with i’ll have twice that with cable… This will be fun…

Sounds like you’ll both get better. Isn’t competition great!

though mags “tricks” far outnumber cable imo, it’s funny how much of an ass you act like towards Ryan on here. :confused:

anyway…I do sorta do what Shoult said…except it’s all mental. I just store stuff/matches/parts of matches and I constantly analize and make note and just overall really THINK about my game, instead of just doing autopilot stuff.

Lol… This is true… I am a complete asshole don’t deny it either… Lol… I have no problem with him getting better but when someone falls for the same thing over and over and unlike mags cable is much slower in general than mag… I find it funny…

everyone starts at that point. who knows, maybe the person tries something that has the same result over and over.

yes, mags speed is something cable doesn’t have…and?..just like cable has stuff that mags doesn’t have (the speed of AHVB is 1 thing for example…and ability to easily kill once hit/guardbroken)

cable is still prominent, don’t act like you’re playing a crappy character, especially at the level of play that you and I play at.

it’s pointlessly acting like an ass, a bit douche-ey…pompous maybe? I suppose I have no say in it though.

Re: Magnus counters
It seems like catching a particularly flighty Cyclops would be hard for Magneto. Don’t quote me on that, though.


Its not fun chasing Cycs at all. Damn, I want to resurrect my Matrix all of the sudden.

once magneto powers up past a certain point, the cable player will be hating life.

thats the unavoidable consolation prize for you beats:razzy:

i think team combofiend starting sentinel gives msp hell and can make the msp player cry

I’d rather just use BH. Doesn’t matter who they pick :razzy:

Its no big deal Beats. I started from 0 with while they were already training to fight Freeza. Any crazy talk they have is really just fuel. Joe really isn’t an ass in real life. Just in Marvel. But even there i like it when him and Ray get on me about doing something stupid instead of just beating me with my own bad play over and over again with no advice. I had to take beatings from all of them one day when i was just sucking. But i put it all together and came back and played decently the next time. There’s no friends in Marvel or in Naptown. We all never want to lose and there are no handouts ever. No one ever lets go of the stick even when its 1 pixel of life vs 3 characters. This thread was for me or any other MSP player going thru the same thing. It has definitely helped me level up.

What does combofiend do against a run away Storm?