Will we have SF2 @ EVO 2011?

Again, in fairness to SB, HDR is one of the first on the list for a side tourney and they are going to at least have one actual ST cab and maybe some superguns to run the tourney faster, but my initial fear remains, and to be honest, I’m happy that other people agree with me on this and I’m not alone on an island.

I agree with Blitz that for most the differences are pretty minute, but I play a character who was pretty radically altered in Cammy and going back to ST Cammy is really difficult for me personally… I just think that HDR players should make their voice politely heard to Ghaleon and Fugee. They’re great guys and they’ll at least listen, even if they don’t agree.

I’m actually thinking of showing up to run that HDR side tourney, just testing the waters here to see what interest there would be. It could also be semi-awkward to be the only game run on Xbox (SF4 is on PS3, ST is arcade, MvC2 DC, GG is PS2, TvC Wii…) but I’m not too sure what else can be done for that.

where is seasons beatings hosted at?

It’s in Columbus, Ohio (Midwest US). Here’s the thread about it.

I was already planning on being there so you know I’ll play HDR as well (just make sure it’s on the same day as ST).

As far as the controversy, I don’t mind when ST cab tournies are ran instead of HDR (which happens about every other tourny in the Cinci-Cbus area lately) at the smaller tournies, but with SB being pretty much a major now I’d rather HDR was put in the spotlight since it has the best chance of growing the SF2 community right now. Plus as much as I love ST, I like the compressed tiers of HDR a little better, makes for more interesting and diverse tournies.

We’ll see, it’s not like HDR didn’t have a great turnout at the last SB (total entrants and quality of players - hoping to see the DGV brothers out here again). The $50 entry fee is interesting, I hope a lot of the OG ST palyers all come out (especially with all the talking about how ST would be better supportd than HDR).

Alright my nostalgia theory is now correct if this is going to be done on cabs. I practiced too long with sanwa parts to just say forget them and play on happ.

This is probably bad for the SF2 community if there is both an ST and HDR tournament. That’s like having a SF4 and SSF4 tournament at the same place on the same day.

Another wild card is some people still want hyper fighting and some still want championship edition.

HDR kind of helped all the complaints about tiers and much more and yet people are now just abandoning it? I forecasted all of this including the bad community traits I noticed. I am glad I got out of SF2 and stopped practicing when I did because everything that I knew would eventually unfold is starting to unfold.

HF maybe, but no one in the US cares about CE. That’s a Korea/China thing.

True Old School? He loves CE Guile.

Actually the majority of cabs/superguns today are square gates (sanwa). It was only during the 90s that cabs were round gates (happ). Someone correct me if I’m wrong please. People use sanwa and seimitsu as code to mean square gates, but funny thing is sanwa and seimitsu make square, octagon and round gates. So saying sanwa is not indicative of the type of gate being used. It would be much more understandable to just say square or round gate IMO.

Nah that’s a good thing IMO. It means there will be cross-support from both communities for both games, which means a bigger turnout/payout. As long as players of both games are accommodated to play at different times if the tournies are being run at the same time or whatever. There is no community that is completely homogenous and only plays the one FG in a series. Lots of Tekken 6 players are bigger fans of Tag, etc.

Yeah from personal experience, having both HDR and old ST played at the same venue is very possible and doesn’t really cause problems. I personally still cannot see why anyone would willingly play old ST instead of HDR, but that doesn’t stop me from playing old ST when it’s there, and that seems to be true of many players.

Edit: Actually, screw testing the waters, I’m going to SB and running HDR.

CTFA has Happs, I believe. Most Latin America cabs have either US sticks or copies. I would like to hear about Europe, Asia (but Japan) and Africa. But as this is a US-mostly discussion, I really do not know. I do know the Denjin arcade in LA has Sanwas with square gates. As for both Sanwa and Seimitsu producing sticks with any types of gates, it is true, but the most used versions (ASAIK JLFs are the ones most used Sanwa sticks and the original SF2 cabs had LS-32s) do not have that option.

Anyway, I have no idea why having both ST and SF2HD would be bad for the community. Really. I’d rather have 5 tournaments in the same day of SF2 versions (all but WW) then having combo fighters or hit-confirm fighters together. Balance tweaks and game speed make a lot of difference in the final gameplay so that they can be considered different enough.

You don’t have to just have one street fighter but HDR and ST are so similar while Tekken 6 and Tekken tag are so different. Most of the cabs I know are still running Happ for ST and I know a lot of people that like Happ that are into nostalgia. Unless you have more options, which can be done or else it is going to be more arguments about not being able to use your preferred controller. Also what about the people that like to sit down and play or like to use their arcade stick on their lap?

Seems to me that some will be getting a competitive advantage with their cab set up and diversity will be severely hurt.

Also I want to add having games that are too similar can hurt your performance especially with even slight speed differences. There is also other interference because the two games are so similar. Now when they are different enough most of this interference goes away and especially if you use a different character in different games.

Well, those people that are hurt by this can always just play on the HDR tourney instead :wink:

Yes and then the ST players will all snicker and say that person won in that baby zone game HDR while we won with skill (claw wins with wall dives).

Also everyone start back up practicing your O Sagat because I hear he is pretty good.

Thelo, let me know when we get close to the event if you need help with consoles and/or sticks. I can help with PS3 or 360 (have HDR on both). For PS3 I have a PS3 stick and a PS2 stick with converter (both HAPP, however). For 360 I have a HAPP and a TE stick (which never gets used, LOL. Screw Sanwa).

P.S. If they really are going for nostalagia and trying to make us old folks happy all the ST set-ups should be all HAPP! LOL.

I’m planning to use Xbox since that’s the version most HDR players use. I thought about it a bit more and actually, being the only Xbox game in the venue can even be a positive, since there will be no resource competition between HDR and other games so we could use all the Xboxes available. Ghaleon said he’s willing to lend his Xbox, and I’ll bring mine, so with yours as a third setup we could already have enough consoles to run it, hahah.

Some people prefer the challenge of beating ST Gief.

Good deal, I’ll get with you as the date gets closer. I’m 99% sure I’ll be able to make it (with my hectic life can never be 100% sure, LOL). Am planning on SB probably being my last tourney.

All Guile players do, but 10:1 they’d rather play him in AE than CE.

World Warrior Guile…