Will we have SF2 @ EVO 2011?

How many contestants attented evo this year?, i mean, HD Remix contestants.

They say HD Remix is dying and everything but goddamn, i think/wish to have HD Remix for a long time.

Don’t worry. My pool had 38 people, there was 8 pools, so there were about 300 HD Remix entrants. Last year was about 330 entrants. That’s just not what a “dying” game looks like.

HDR at Evo 2k11 what could possibly stop it !
its clearly the best game out there right now

When I asked I was told HDR had the 2nd highest number of entrants. Someone should post the numbers. It is too bad the difference between 1st and 2nd is 1500 people.

  • Pete

That’s great news Thelo, I was wondering about that and was hoping to see some numbers. :smiley: Thank you very much.

agrees with DagV too

If Capcom would actually get off their lazy arses and support it properly it would really help though.

Here’s what I think they should do, in priority order, if they wanted to support this game:

  1. Fix or just remove Gouki for online play.
  2. Release it in Japan for god’s sake (again, I heard quotes that Daigo saying he loves it).
  3. Fix it on PSN.
  4. Add some online skill&connection auto matchmaking, or at least some simple filter options (especially important if it is released worldwide).
  5. Add some match recording and replay functions.

Heh, you can argue about the ordering and some of those, but most would be very easy to do, and all of these would really boost it, especially #2 for tournaments I’d guess.

I’d be way more excited about any one of these than MvC3!

Yeah Pool G had 35 entrants in it, so my guess is somewhere between the 280-300 entrants range, which is super hype! I don’t see any reason NOT too hold it next year seeing as melty blood and and mvc2 are probably the games first in line to be replaced by BlazBlue and MvC3 respectively. Tekken stays, SSf4 stays, and thats only 4 games right there. TvC is the wildcard here, but theres more than enough room for TvC and HDR to round off the tourney games # to 6, which is the same number they’ve had for the past 2 years.

I’d be really excited if HDR held onto the #2 spot in terms of entrants for the second year in a row :bgrin:

Niiiice!, everytime you respond is a relief cause you bring to us accurate info! :smiley: i knew that HD Remix caused hype but i dind’t know anything about the quantity of entrants.

I was going to say I doubt HDR is going anywhere. There were about 3000 total entries between all six games at EVO. SSF4 was about 2K of that, and if HDR pulled 250 that would be more than 25% of all the remaining entries which mathematically would mean that HDR more than enough to justify returning. BTW, that’s fantastic news.

EVO 2k11 Lineup

Tekken 6

Six is interesting because Ono-San is supposed to announce some project at Comic-Con in two weeks, rumors of a Namco v. Capcom crossover abound on this. If this would be done by EVO 2k11 it is the sixth game, but I doubt they’ll announce and turn it around in time for EVO so the sixth game will likely be another forum choice, and I have to say, I have no desire to PLAY Melty… but it is fun to watch. But from EVOs standpoint I understand wanting to keep everything to one console, having to switch between PS2s / Wiis / PS3s was kind of a pain so maybe they’ll try to pick a sixth game which will also be on PS3.

I hope HDR will continue, but I did hear a rumor that 2010 was going to be HDR’s final year. I certainly hope that we will continue to have SF2 at evo, it would be a sad thing if that went away.

Honestly I’ll be glad as long as the game’s online servers are still running for years more.

It better be there! Not only did it get the 2nd highest entrants, it was also crazy hype!

I watched pretty much everything on sunday via the stream, and I’ve got to say HD Remix was easily the most hype top 8. Definitely enjoyed the TvC as well, and would not be dissapointed to see it back next year! I’d even come out and support HD Remix and try to compete if it sticks around!

Let me just say for the record, right here right now, if EVO is dumb enough not to bring back HDR after having the second highest number of entrants for the second year in a row… then I will officially (on the same week of EVO if I have to to prove a point) create the HDR World Championships in Indianapolis and I will pay the money out of my own pocket if I have to to make the pot viable enough to get people to show up…

Now that being said… EVO can’t be that dumb…

Hd Remix will continue this year evo though the entrants were a little less the Hype that the game brings in finals is just amazing… I can’t explain in words how awesome it was seeing my boy DGV up on stage against our other socal boy snake eyes it was just amazing had me off the edge of my seat everytime!!!

Super T/HD Remix will never die

Having HDR another year would be great. Of course, having 4:3 aspect ratio, Turbo 4 speed, and classic mode rules in would be even more preferable. :smile:

It either ST:HD, ST or SX (unlikely due to Japan-only version), no need to worry. At all. And all this “SF2 may be dropped” is complete BS, it shouldn’t even have been brought up in the first place.

Now that’s music to my eyes!

SF2 is the reason there even IS an EVO. It needs to always be represented in some form.

HDR’s future is just fine, it had the second most entrants, runs on the same console as the SF4, and it’s fans are extremely devoted.

This forums seems to have an inferiority complex about HDR, don’t let the few SRK haters (who are vocal but in the miniority) get to you guys!

The day EVO removes SF2 games completely from the line up is the same day I delete my SRK account and peace out forever.

Will we have HD Remix next year?.

Tekken6 had the 2nd most entries, fwiw.

I had to DQ about 30-40% of my pool. Not a whole lot of passion there, IMO.

Evo likes some form of ST because it takes no time at all to run and the finals are usually great to watch.