I hope they keep HD Remix cause I don’t wanna have to learn SSF4 to be able to compete at EVO
Do you really hate ST that much?
No hate at all, it’s just slightly worse as a tournament game though, and slightly worse overall as a game.
Also, from what I understand you will NEVER get ST at EVO again, so you have to realise that’s a pointless quest. It’s not on any console they run. Ganelon’s ideas above make some sense at least tho, but I’d still disagree personally. (Not that EVO matters to me directly of course!)
That was an impressive non-sequitur.
You were the judge for pool E right?
There could have been many reasons why people didn’t show up. Arturo Sanchez (Who was in pool E) in a broadcast was speaking of airline problems when trying to go to EVO.
I just screamed at my computer in rage.
I wish you luck and hope that you can let go of your inner rage so that you can stop being so mad at the world.
Will we have HDR next year at Evo? Yes. Ok. Close thread. :D. Just kidding, but I think it’s obvious based everything I’ve seen and read so far.
You think HDR>ST?
You need to be shot.
Y’know, I didn’t realise I wasn’t in the HDR forum… oh hang on…
More ST trolls huh.
Let’s see how long they last.
From what I’ve seen, the vast majority of offline US players outside California have come to prefer ST (a poll of players who’ve entered at least 1 SF2 tourney this past year would be interesting to see). It’s sort of sad because there are plenty of online HDR players but few of them show up to tourneys. I think folks on both sides did a good job in keeping a unified SF2 front before Evo but eventually, we have to decide what the settings will be for SF2 in the future.
As much as folks prefer arcade SF2, there’s very little chance for that with cabs or superguns except at local tourneys. The DC version is good but not at Evo; it may possibly be more hassle and less satisfaction than a supergun with PS converters (I know laugh has the converters at his eTokki shop: PSX to JAMMA converter). Evo will be on PS3 in the foreseeable future but I wish someone would perform a lag test so we know whether the PS3 version has input lag or not. So for next Evo, it’s really just a matter of classic mode vs. remix mode, 4:3 vs. 16:9, and Turbo 3 vs. Turbo 4.
I don’t wanna speak for them, but I think what SFII players are out here have a preference for ST.
At least I’m pretty sure dreamTR does.
I’m not afraid to say it, count me in the pro HDR camp. Just sayin’
i didn’t want to start a new thread again, so: http://shoryuken.com/f238/2010-battle-year-sf2hdr-tournament-online-244306/ follow this link if you want to sign up for a HDR tourney with prizes, featuring NHC members, hosted by NHC members like Hadouken696969 aka Hop Vo and VIIXIII aka Number VIIXIII.
This one is on PSN.
This kind of things prove that our community is strong and still growing, there’s a lot of new faces on HDR’s PS3, despite some lag and dc issues lol.
A lot of tournies I’ve been to lately have had HDR as a main game and have had ST as a side tourney (arcade, supergun, whatever could be set up). I’m more than happy to enter both. Heck, if they had a HF tourney I’d enter that as well.
I don’t get all the bile being slung at HDR (or ST). They are both awesome games. To be honest I prefer SuperSF2 over either (I hate Supers in an SF2 game LOL), but have no problem playing either one. I’d pick HDR over ST just because of the compressed tiers and HDR seems to bring out more character variety in tournies than ST did.
We should just be happy that there is more interest in any version of SF2 than there has been in years (there were basically few to zero tournies for ST or any SF2 game in most areas of the country for almost a decade before HDR came out).
For the ST purists: so you like ST better, great, but why piss all over the new SF2 standard? It may not be ST, but it’s still better than 99% of everything else out there. Plus it’s pulling decent numbers and appears to have enough dire hards that will keep it going for awhile. The negativity, anger, and spite really don’t help or solve anything. I just don’t get it. Anything that keeps SF2 going strong is nothing but a good thing.
It could be worse, we could just be stuck playing SSF4. LOL.
Hey Possum, you know what I just learned? I learned that the Amtrak isn’t a bad way to travel and rates from Indy to Cincy aren’t bad so I may just have to go down there and buy you a drink or take your kids to Chuck E. Cheese for those words of wisdom.
I think some HD Remix fans out there need to appreciate what just happened to their game at EVO this year: It made a return and was featured as a main game 2 years in a row. From what I remember of the past 3-4 Evolutions that hasn’t happened recently for any game. Brawl? Gone after 2008. Guilty Gear? Gone after 2009. Soul Calibur 4? Gone after 2009. Hyper Street Fighter 2? Gone after 2006. Dead or Alive 4? Gone after 2006. The other “new” games that did return did so only because a better, more popular version of the game came out.
HD Remix even beat out other brand new games such as TvC and Melty Blood as far as turn out numbers go. Heck HDR went neck and neck with Tekken 6 with 300 players for each from what I heard! Also the semi-finals of HDR were shown on the Day 2 stream. Super Street Fighter 4 and Tekken 6 Semi finals were the only other games that got coverage on Day 2 (Note: I haven’t watched the entire archive for Day 2, but I’m pretty sure that is the case).
So all things considered I think HD Remix fans should be extremely happy about all the love shown for their game at Evo. Does it absolutely have to return to Evo as a main game next year? I don’t need it to. You shouldn’t either. Embrace all the amazing new games coming out that will probably have even bigger turnouts and generate even more hype than HD Remix could ever hope to produce. After all it’s still Street Fighter 2. 16 years worth of hype and competitive tournament level play has to end at some point.
Just because HD Remix isn’t at Evolution doesn’t mean it’s “dead” as so many ignorant people have tried to say. Super Turbo is being featured at SBO this year and the interest in the qualifier in Tennesse took me by surprise. I look at new threads for new HDR tournaments all the time in the Tournaments and Events section and most of the time HD Remix is featured as a main game. And if like one poster said we have to have an HD Remix World Finals on the same weekend or near the same weekend as Evolution, then so be it.
As one poster said in a previous thread, HD Remix is a great game. But there are even better games on the horizon. It’s time to support these new games and communities.
… Do you think people who are playing as you say a “16 year old franchise” (and doesn’t WW go back to 1991? that would make it 18 but I digress, I could very well be in error on that) do you think we want to play anything else? If anything, EVO this year has proved that HDR has reopened many old discussions and we can finally throw many old assumptions out the window which if anything increases the viability of the game in the short term. If we wanted to play something else we would… but we don’t. I may ‘play’ super, but I “PLAY” HDR. If HDR weren’t at EVO, I woudln’t go, because those are the people I 1.) Care about 2.) Want to play and 3.) Want to meet. That’s it for me.