Will we have SF2 @ EVO 2011?

Awesome. Can you post some quick support thing in the Season’s Beatings thread, just to get some hype going?

Damn Thelo, if you’re going to Columbus, assuming my wife doesn’t have her baby that weekend, I’ll make the trip out to Columbus, and I will bring a 360. It’s a lot closer for me than it is for you and its time for some HDR people to make some noise!

Everyone thought standing jab into dizzy into re-dizzy was hot fire until they realized it wasn’t really practical to set up. And then they realized that all the WW characters suck (no reversals, worse special moves, etc).

yeha, isn’t the fierce fierce sonic boom fierce combo more effective?

Done. Sounds like there might be an even bigger turnout than last year, I think we can make the turnout for HDR bigger than almost all of the “official” games.

Looking forward to meeting you and you as well, Silver (though you can’t like two good Hondas at the same tourney, LOL).

Im going to try and make it out there too! in support for HDR.

You bringing Aqua with ya?

imma go too to support snake eyes lol na its for hdr

Wish i had my own private Jet, or HD remix airlines and bring everyone. Nah but i havent talked to Aqua about it yet.

Good stuff to all of you. Let’s make this a tourney to remember!

hell yeah hdr 4 life

I’m going to be at Summer Jam : (

Oh snap! HDR champ in the house? For the record, to put all the other nonsense from the Snake Eyez congratz thread to rest, I think we should put up the money ourselves to enter him into the Arcade ST tournament so he can put the smack down on the old timers and make them realize that the champ is here and he is an HDR MAN!

And no… I’m no fan of more Hondas… but it could be worse, I could be playing ST Cammy… another reason HDR > ST :slight_smile:

WW Guile’s strength isn’t his dizzy potential, but the recovery on his sonic boom. He can completely lock you down and never give you a chance to strike back, if played well.

WW Guile IMO is broken :S

Ehhh HDR is practically dead. I hope Mr wizard allows a ST VS HDR vote on the front page like he did for this past evo(which brought mvc2 back). This game is a fad, and wont be played 2-3 years from now. I’d rather try and master ST, and go to japan and test myself.

Stop spreading false shit! Where are you getting HDR is dead?

It’s a bit like schrodinger’s cat, only it depends on what coast you open the box on.

SB:R 2010 had 9 entrants for the HDR side tournament. Also the sequel to MWC 2010 which is now called Ultimate Fighting Game Tournament 7(UFGT7) in 2011, HDR wasn’t a main game last I checked. I wouldn’t say its dead but only bein featured as a ‘side’ tournament for these big majors definitely ain’t helpin it live unfortunately. The fact that it was only a side tournament for this SB was one of the main reasons I didn’t go plus seein that not enough people confirmed they would go to play in it. Just not worth it for me to drive from Chi town to Columbus for a 9 man side tourney…

A lot more HDR players should speak up when shit like this happens then maybe it coulda changed their decisions to make it a main game who knows. And I agree a lot with Ganelon in sayin so many online players should try to make it to at least 1 or 2 offline majors a year if you really want HDR to be a main tournament game offline especially with how many players play online via XBL and PSN. If even 25% of online players could make it to 1 or 2 majors a year I’m sure it would be crazy!

I actually plan on organizin somethin for Midwest HDR players to try helpin the dyin HDR scene here startin in December if everything works out. Hopefully it sparks enough interest and people speak up we’ll see…

I think your wrong.

MVC2 (among other very popular games like 3rd Strike and CvS2) was in the peoples choice voters poll and lost to Melty Blood (a game a lot of people had never heard of until then) because the Melty Blood fans got behind the game and supported it.

MvC2 got BlazBlue’s spot because the BB community had no way to play the newest CS version at evo. Wanna know why?

Because it was ONLY on an imported arcade machine format at the time, ironically enough.

Also it should be noted that 2010 is the last year before MVC3 comes out and that most MVC2 players will tell you the PS3 version that EVO ran is far inferior to the DC version (Yet another format which is probably never coming back to EVO) but im pretty sure they were happy to have some kind of mvc2 in the main lineup.