Will we have SF2 @ EVO 2011?

That great, I am curious as to what you will find. However, if we are speaking in regards to the PS1 version (which I am) , then testing the Ps1 version is all that counts.

How many PS1 versions of Super Turbo are there???

I think the Dreamcast version will be relevant too, since that’s what HD Remix is built on top of.

ssf4 is fucking boring. i’m glad we still get to play legacy street fighter through hdr. i personally like 4:3 vanilla over widescreen hdr, but i like that hdr kept old school sf alive more than anything. if it weren’t for hdr, american sf2 would be on an iron lung. no tournaments, no weekly gatherings, no love, no hype, nothing. it would have faded into obscurity and we all know it. whether it’s st or hdr, i’m grateful for the fact that i even have other people to get together and play with.

los angeles will always welcome you should you ever find yourself in california, friend :tup:

Review page 5 of the thread… I think you forgot what we were talking about. No matter, its really not appropriate for this thread anyway. :karate:


I"m more concerned about a recent development at Season’s Beatings. They’re dropping HDR in favor of Arcade ST. Now HDR will still be a side tournament but I personally hope this trend does not catch on… I think it would be better to play classic mode HDR than to do arcade ST as it only encourages the OG purists to rail on about ‘their’ game and alienate all the new people who are interested in the SF2 legacy but didn’t play OG ST…

What concerns me more is the response on the tourney thread has been almost unanimous praise (with my exception)

I will say this, I respect Ghaleon and Fugee, I told them how I felt, they were good enough to respond to my concerns in a reasonable way, but I feel like promoting this kind of event, only portends to a very negative result for SF2 at large…

Okay I’ve said my peace, all that said, if you can go out to SB, support two of the hardest working men in Fighting games and get out to Satan’s City!!! (Errr… I mean Columbus, OH… boy do I hate Ohio State…)

I find it interesting that the USA is split between the WC/EC and HDR/ST. There seems to be equal support for both games on a regional level. I really don’t get a sense for which is more dominate right now…

I also wonder how much of the EVO turnout for HDR was “spill over” and if ST (HDR classic) would have done reasonably as well. Sure a switch would lose some HDR fans, but would have gained some ST fans in the meantime, so maybe the attrition would have been offset. And, following that same thought, it EVO was on the EC would it get more ST support.

Just some thoughts…

What? How in the world could running a proper arcade SF2 tourney have negative results on the SF2 community. If you have the means to run arcade ST there is zero reason to run HDR classic mode. None what so ever.

Arcade ST > any other SF.

I appreciate that seems to be the pervasive attitude for many. But can we at least admit that Arcade ST is at best caters to a host of older players who played in an era or had access to an arcade and intentionally disenfranchises newcomers? If ST is happy being an invitation only club where the blessed few are allowed access into the prestigious elitest “ST Club” then sure, I’m all for it, go knock yourself out. But if the goal is to make SF2 more accessible to the masses and to encourage as many people to play it as possible, then arcade ST, I’m afraid, doesn’t do that. I could be wrong, but I would feel fairly confident in the results.

I’m actually confident that arcade ST at SB will do well, particularly since they’re going the ‘high roller’ route and charging 50 bucks to enter ensuring that the ‘elite club’ plays and everyone else watches while they play ‘their’ game.

Looks like Damdai is suggesting the same thing at GVN Summer Jam 4 in Philly.

I agree with Silver Rain, if tourneys start switching to arcade ST it will discourage newcomers, or anyone else who is used to playing on pad or Japanese sticks.

I do not agree with Silver Rain on this one. I believe any arcade SF2 version helps newcomers, if they are run in a real cabinet. From my experience of trying to attract casual players back to SF2, (been doing that for quit some time) most people have trouble playing home versions (console or emulator) because they can not obtain moves in home (read “not a real cabinet”) joysticks. They fail because the joystick moves when they move the stick, which pretty much never happens in the real cabinets. People don’t expect it. Then I argue that the game is OK and help them hold the stick case: they can get most moves fine. Pads are even worse, even I can not play on most of them, while any real cabinet is at least descent. With the exception of stand-up cabinets where the sticks are too close to each other, I believe they are the best option, even if I have to face boxers, claws and O.Sagats only.

No doubt playing on a cabinet is much better than playing on console. But no one will be going to a tourney to learn how to play on a stick. I think people who attend tournaments know the game well enough to do all the moves correctly. It’s just a matter of preference, I think most NEW players these days play on pad or Japanese sticks as opposed to the older players who are used to HAPP.

If you are going to use ST cabinets, you are going to exclude all those who are used to Pad or Japanese Sticks.

I do believe at SB for example, they’re using a japanese cab with sanwa parts and square gates, but that’s not even the issue. It intentionally puts an undue burden on anyone who didn’t learn to play that way. It puts the arcade experience unfairly above all other playing experience and actively excludes players who would otherwise pay and play. I just don’t think its a growth oriented strategy.

I’ve personally never understood why playing on an arcade cabinet would be “unquestionably better” for anyone. It honestly seems like one of these nostalgia-only things. There are much more players than you might think that have just never really played in arcades, and are much more comfortable with their own controller than with whichever fixed setup a cabinet uses. I’ve played on an ST cabinet precisely once myself, at last Evo, and while I enjoyed it, I didn’t feel that it was in any way an objectively better experience than what I play on daily.

Not that I actually disliked playing on an arcade cabinet, just sayin’.

As for Season’s Beatings dropping HDR for arcade ST, I am personally disappointed in that decision. I was considering splurging and traveling to it for once, but as much as I’d like to support Ghaleon/Fugee, without HDR, I very probably won’t come. Just pointing out that dropping HDR “to give players incentive to travel” might in fact have the opposite effect.

I owned an Egret II cab with an ST board and I’ve played on TE sticks. Really, the only differences are that you are playing on a stick that is very solid in space (i.e. that doesn’t move around at all), and you are sitting very close to the screen. Really, you can adjust to play on both.

But the whole point of what SB are doing is that they’re putting a stake in the ground for ST. They don’t care about pad players or people who want to play HDR.

I agree with you Thelo, there may very well be unintended consequences. A $50 tournament in which there will be a lot of hard core players will dissuade intermediates from entering, even advanced players who don’t think that can make top 8 / top 5. So there might actually be very little turnout on the day.

there’s a serious lack of cheese amongst all this whine :clown:

I’m with Thelo and Silver Rain on this one. The bottom line of HDR was to increase the player base. Bring in new blood for new competition. It did that by also making the game accessible to pad players. My cousin and my brother are pad players. Granted, they’re about as tournament worthy as I (a dedicated joystick player) am these days, but why shouldn’t they be able to use the tool they’re most familiar with to showcase their skills? I don’t think going back to Arcade ST is a good idea in the long run as it would alienate the same new blood that the community said it wanted before Sirlin went about making HDR. Not a good idea.

How about an HDR side tourney at Season’s Beatings? Hopefully, a good portion of the ST entrants would also enter HDR, so we’d have a decent number. It could also be a low-cost alternative to the 50$-entry ST tourney, for those who are uncomfortable with that price. We’d probably need to get some real HDR players in there though.

I’m not even sure they are using actual cabs. maybe it’s just superguns. but they DID mention you copuld use your PS controllers through convertors so pads and sticks should not be an issue.

BTW to give some perspective, I got into street fighter with HDR. I’m that new guy. And because arcade ST is not readily avilable to me it makes me want to travel to these tourneys even more. I can’t make to SB but if I had the money I’d be there. I am however planning to go to an arcade ST tourney in France.

Nobody’s saying that HDR players don’t want to play ST Fulaani. They’re saying that ST should be played with Classic mode HDR not on arcade. And I agree with that. Even if one major tourney has arcade or supergun setups that let you use your own stick or pad, that may not be the same at other major tourneys. There needs to be a standard, and I believe the standard has been established as PS3/360.

As long as I can play on a round gate stick, I don’t care what the setup is, cab/console or ST/HDR. I started with ST, and IMO there is barely any difference between the games, so I’m fine with playing either at a tourney. I just won’t use Ken, instead it’ll be strictly Ryu, which is fine by me.

HDR classic mode should be the standard if the actual game is unavailable. Thatis the only reason to ever use an inferior version of a game.