Will we have SF2 @ EVO 2011?

I learned the habit to piano my yoga super flame in ST and I get teleport all the damned time when I do it in HDR. I keep telling myself to learn to double tap a single button instead but I never do it…I don’t know why :sad:

LMAO, wasn’t that from the movie Airplane!

Actually, the line in the movie was “looks like I picked the wrong week to stop x.”

I respect that but seriously, a lot of hurtful things get said on this forum. Let it all slide but start banning when it relates to you is a silly thing to do.

Besides, I’m sure everyone realizes a lot of work goes into EVO but to think that it could please everyone is a bit delusional. It clearly caters to SSF4 players the most these days. And if you aren’t a big capcom fan well then yea.

Yeah there’s a lot of hate with no sense around here and there, i think these persons are not that mature enough to take things as family men lol.

Nice to see the big men posting on this thread!..I want to ask them if they want to answer of course, Will we have HD Remix for a long time?

Philcito, the “OMG, SF2 may do dropped by EVO at any moment!!!one!” just has no basis whatsoever. No-one has said that. The only thing they have said themselves is that they are not running tournaments on dreamcasts.

Respectfully: Please try the PS1 version before you say it isn’t right. I promise once you try, you will take back your statement. :karate:

I said what I meant and meant what I said.

You all forgot the most important rule of all, piss of an admin, and get booted from the site.

We pay for the bandwidth so you can have your stupid troll posts. This is a private forum, and I can eject anyone at any time, for any reason I see fit.

Just remember that when you open your mouth next time.

That one’s from a book.

Wow SFIV has also killed our swagger…

We all forgot, what - everyone who posted in this thread? That seems a bit unilateral if it’s what you meant.

And regarding your reference to “stupid troll posts”, I don’t honestly think he intended to troll you when he said “fuck evo”. I think a lot of people were surprised to find out that you even read this forum.

It was definitely a thoughtless comment though, but I don’t believe it represents the opinion of the majority of people on this thread.

At this point, though, that becomes subjective. I mean, HDR isn’t all that different than ST, that’s what HDR folks have been arguing forever. So to say ST has way more skill than HDR so much that they fall into different categories? I dunno.

I mean TvC probably takes a lot more skill to play than most games these days. So does Melty Blood. Measuring how much “skill” a game takes, I think, it really too difficult to quantify. I’ve seen people do ROM infinites with Magneto who can’t do Low Forward into Super in CvS1. And meanwhile, there is very little I can’t do in SFIV or ST, but I can’t do the ROM infinite well at all. It’s all relative.

Of course, it’s hard to argue against the idea that VF takes the most skill… it probably does. But ST doesn’t deserve to be lumped in there, especially when ST players complain about the “execution barrier” of SSFIV compared to ST. And it’s that same very stringent execution barrier that causes VF to be considered so “skillful”. When VF2 players were combing Iaigeri Kicks (sp?) which were one frame “links” over and over again, people marveled at their skill. When people in SFIV do one-frame links, people complain how stupid it is that there are one-frame links in the game.

If ST were released today, people would see it as a scrub game, no joke. High damage (only one mistake killed me! How stupid!), no fancy combos, etc. Now, don’t get me wrong, I LOVE ST. It’s still my favorite fighting game of all time. But regardless, the reason why SSFIV seems so “basic” to people these days is because it’s so much easier to figure everything out these days because of so much knowledge we’ve built up and how quickly information is spread. Remember, when ST first came out, people hated it because they thought Supers were dumb and were easy “comeback” victories off of one guess, much how like people see Ultras these days. Is it skillful that I use Cammy’s Super to chip people to death so often? Or would it be more skillful if I had to figure out a real way to beat them? There’s a lot of ways you can argue both directions on almost ANY game.

So basically, I’m just saying: skillful is subjective, and it’s impossible to argue what game is more skillful than others.

Yeah, for sure. If ST is gone, he has every right to not show up. But to say “Fuck Evo”? Really? Video Games evolve, so because we dropped a game that is 16 years old, he has a right to say “Fuck Evo”? It’s like a group of friends of mine joked (and sorry for the tastelessness of the joke, but…): Girls the same age as ST are almost legal now. I mean, that kinda puts into perspective of how old the game is. In the world of Video Games, things don’t quite have the same lasting power as they do in other forms of entertainment. People can still buy old movies, old music, and such to actually appreciate them and learn about them and such. People don’t buy old video games anymore save for digital download content, and that’s only for nostalgia. Very few people buy them to “experience” the old games. And you can buy old movies on DVD, old music on CD or off iTunes, and any music player will play them. If you buy an old SNES game, you can’t do anything with it anymore unless you have a SNES. Games live a different life cycle. Dropping a 16 year old game isn’t that horrible of a thing to do.

Oh yeah, for sure. That’s why I said, for ME it’s a bannable offense. Not saying I would actually ban anyone. It is silly. But honestly, we all wouldn’t even be here talking about anything if it weren’t for Evo. I even doubt SFIV would have been made were it not for Evo (nothing would have even kept the Fighting Game genre alive for it to be even viable were it not for Evo, and Evo could barely keep it on life support as it was before SFIV was released). So it still really sucks to hear someone say that.

Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit amphetamines.

  • James

I agree with it all, except the “evolve” part. Arguably, most games evolve graphically, but in terms of gameplay, that’s hardly a rule. A few examples:[LIST]
[]Final Fight -> Final Fight 2
]Metroid 3 (AKA Super Metroid) -> Metroid Fusion
[]Super Turrican -> Super Turrican 2
]Mega Man X series -> Mega Man Zero series
As for playing old games for the gameplay, indeed people do that. I was careful not to include the many fighting games examples so as to make it clear that it is not a FG-only phenomenon.

It is not that hard and is real easy when you refer to a game like Starcraft. The skill ceiling in that game is incredible. The amount of difficulty for an extremely high level player from the USA to beat one of the best pros from Korea is extremely difficult. Not even cheese will work on them unless you are another grand master level player doing the cheese. This same high level player destroys everyone else. Intermediate players destroys the beginners. The skill gaps are so apparent in the game that each gap can almost never beat the other gap.

The game is so interesting though because in your particular gap there is still some luck involved so anything can happen. Although the best players usually still come through but not always.

Now lets look at SSF4. You go to the replay channel online and see multiple replays of Daigo and Tokido getting beat convincingly by intermediate level players. That would never happen in Starcraft, especially that often. This is like you are losing badly in Starcraft and instead of an ultra you get a free area of effect anti unit spell to help even the game out. That would be absurd and so are ultras.

They had something called battle net attack which is a television show where pro korean players went on battle net on the asian server to fight some of the servers good players and they would sometimes humiliate the players when they beat them. It was never close and would use units and abilities that were ineffective.

I come on Tekken 6 and beat some of the best players with their rage system. I get rage and land one luck juggle to basically take their whole health bar and win. The skill wasn’t high here because the juggles and bounds are extremely easy to pull off and all I need is a lucky launcher.

Basically to sum this up there is a skill difference between games and some require more skill than others. By the way you have great commentary skills.

LMAO, isn’t that a line from one of those Dr. Seuss books?

whats up james i just wanted to say thanks for playing against me in HDR at weds night fights. it was an honor. also your hooligan throw game is NASTY!!!

hope to see you play more HDR soon dude.

Well, I have the Saturn version.
I could test on that.
I also have the Dreamcast version, and I’ll test on that one as well.

I think SSIV is actually pretty deep. Many matchups to learn, all the FADC’ing, and option selects and hit-confirming. HOWEVER, some of those same qualities make the game extremely noob friendly. Being an Akuma user I can’t tell you how hesitant and cautious I play, as the existence of ultra means that persistent offense is not fully rewarded (check my Youtube page out and you’ll see). Add to that Akuma’s extremely low health and its not the most fun. SSIV has its share of problems but its really starting to grow on me. With that said I think HDR has a great engine that generally makes sense, though of course certain parts of the game I don’t agree with. In the end no fighter will be perfect, might as well enjoy them all as best as we can.

Trust me I know what stage you are at because I have been there. The next stage will be you hating the game most likely. Go to an only SSF4 tournament and you will be so bored. SSF4 is just such a boring game and you have to experience a SSF4 only tournament to know just how boring it can be. Then go to an HDR tournament and actually have fun and the difference will be blatant.

Too bad you have to drive an extremely long distance to play HDR unless you live in California.