Will we have SF2 @ EVO 2011?

Wow, I didn’t think about it in that way until you said it, but it really is a testament to how specific and niche each fighting game really is in our genre at large… Awesome insight there.

Next, who knew Mr. Wizard looked in the HDR forum from time to time? Awesome! At least this means he knows what’s going on in our internal debates so that’s awesome.

Although if I can add my two business cents for EVO… I think EVO has some cause for concern at the moment. While SF4 reinvigorated an entire genre and made fighting games accessible to the masses, I’ve heard rumors that there’s talk of restructuring Evo. I would sincerely hope that EVO maintains at the very least its current 6 game format in order to ensure some level of diversity of people. I mean its great to get 1700 people playing SF4 and its great if you can maintain those numbers. But in the event that SF4 doesn’t have the staying power that say SF2 does (and I believe I can speak for 85% of this forum when I say we do not believe it does) then what does EVO do from there? I ask this from a place of genuine concern. For example, the NBA is currently heading towards a league where 50% of its top players play in probably 5 cities thanks to LeBron and Bosh “Taking their talents” to South Beach. It’s nice to get great ratings in 5 markets, but its bankrupt when you get zero ratings in the other 25. 5 teams can not support the other 25. Likewise, if SF4 starts to fall off and there’s not the community diversity to bring in revenue from other titles, my fear is that EVO would get blindsided one bad year and would be in a fiscally perilious situation.

Of course, I don’t know all the internal details of their accounting, cash flow, etc, so maybe I’m making mountains out of mole hills, but I personally continue to hope for a diverse list of games for EVO which brings many different facets of the fighting game community together to celebrate their own and each other’s games.

Now with that being said… if there’s no SF2 at EVO next year… I could envision someone running a tournament to get all the SF2 players away from EVO and capitalizing off of what would be ALOT of saltiness…

Yep, they got both SSF2 and SF2 Special Champion Edition (which included Hyper Fighting)
The Genesis version was again the better version.

Genesis SF2 SPE had the intro from the arcade version, which the SNES version lacked completely
Genesis SF2 SPE had animated, and uncut loser portraits
Genesis SF2 SPE had the uncut Guile stage, with the girl who has her hand on the guys crotch
Genesis SF2 SPE had the multi frame Spain dancers (SNES and HD Remix scared to have all the frames of the dancers)
Genesis SF2 SPE had the bats in Ryu’s stage
Genesis SF2 SPE had the more accurate music
Genesis SF2 SPE didn’t need a code to get 10 turbo stars, and could even have 5 turbo stars for Champion Edition/Normal mode (the SNES version didn’t get any)

The only reason SF2 is more of a SNES thing, is because SNES got the exclusive for vSF2 (World Warrior)
And if you wanted SF2 SPE/SSF2 on Genesis you needed to buy the Genesis 6 button controller.
Which as a matter of fact, is one of the best controllers ever.


Didn’t Sega make the 6 button controller for SF2 when Nintendo’s exclusivity agreement ended?

Yeah, I think that is when they made it.
Works with all the Mortal Kombat games too.

I have the adapters that let it work on the PC and PS3 as well.
Pretty cool.

It has an R button too, but no L button.
So it’s like a 7 button controller.

Sega… you sure did make the best controllers… Sega Genesis 6 button, the Saturn pad… your pad knowledge truly knew no boundaries.

There are [media=youtube]0zfUhWzmAIE"[/media] in SF2T, and many more if one compares to the original version. I does not look like, in case one can get a real measure of which one is better, it would matter in the end.

A number of the differences on the list are wrong or incomplete. No version has all the frames from the dancers, for example. It also does not include the (not really relevant) things the Genesis version lacks and the SNES one does not.

Have you seen the Dreamcast controller? That thing is made for robots.

Oh my god. My hands have never been more messed up when I got MvC1 on DC. If only I knew about DC arcade sticks back then.

^^Yes, that DC controller is bad. The XBOX dpad is heavenly compared to the DC’s thumb-breaker. I remember playing Soul Calibur for the first time on a buddy’s DC, and just about threw the controller in frustration. LOL Kinda weird too, especially considering the Saturn and Genesis’ dpads were the best ones ever.

Are you kidding me? Proof of my weirdness I guess. I played MvC2 for YEARS on the Dreamcast Dpad. I mean sure, the way it jutted out would give you blisters but they’d heal over as callouses and you woudln’t feel it anymore, then it was perfect!

I played SC on the DC with the Dpad too, but I think for me, it was that maybe I didn’t know differently and I just did it and it was what was normal. I actually really liked how the XBOX 360 Dpad felt. I like it much better than the PS3 Dpad.

Xbox S controller dpad is of Saturn/Genesis 6 button quality.
Xbox Fatty controller dpad, and the 360 dpad though…they’re much worse than the Dreamcast controller dpad.

And yeah…

The SNES SF2T has an extra lamp on the left of E. Honda’s stage…
The arcade version is also missing this lamp on the left.
The SNES is also missing the rope on Blankas fish, it just floats in mid air on the right.

Ironically, the Controller S and the XB360 controller have the exact same Dpad assembly, the only reason the XB360 one feels so crappy is a lack of wiggle room in the dpad housing area.

Hating on EVO is a bannable offense now?

Alright I put some thought into this and you are right it does not break any rules.

Number 1 does not apply to organizations and makes no mention of posts. Number 14 has no mention of name calling relating to organizations and the example shows it is name calling in regards to people. He is not trolling because that is his legitimate opinion so it is not number 15. It can be seen as productive if it means there would have to be a new gaming tournament for HDR if Evo cuts it off. It is not number 20 because he is not derailing the topic.

Those are the closet rules and it appears no rule covers that after all. I guess he can’t be banned according to the rules then.


This is a very real issue. When we played on the PS1 version of ST one year, Kuni kept getting Lariats instead of SPDs. He would commonly SPD with Fierce and Strong for more accurate reversal timing (like Plinking) but would end up with Lariats, and it cost him a few matches. So yeah, going with 2P or 2K for moves isn’t a good idea.

In my book it is, but maybe that’s only because I know how much blood, sweat, and tears get poured into Evo every year and how much work it takes to pull it off. With all that it has done for the community – yeah I know we’re supposed to be “mature” and turn the other cheek and such – when you read someone say, “Fuck Evo”, shit straight up hurts… cuts deep like a knife, man. Sometimes I wonder what could possibly be done more to make someone like that actually appreciate what we do.

  • James

  • James

Now I am not talking about what I want and can’t really speak for him but if I could. Always make sure there is a master level skill game. HDR, SSF4, and Tekken 6 do not seem to fit in this potential in his opinion I assume.

Now in my opinion, what guarantee is there that there will be one game that requires a high amount of skill in Evo next year where the masters come together to play? That seems to be the worry. Virtua Fighter and ST will definitely fit but I strongly believe Tekken 6 and SSF4 are no where near the level of both of the previous games.

It should be. If you use this site the least you could do is shut your mouth if you don’t “like” one of the largest (and best!) fighting game tourneys on the planet.

Look at the context though, he prefers ST. EVO no longer hosts ST, so that hurts him.

I’ve seen one of the DGV bros post before that if EVO dropped SF2 completely that he wouldn’t bother going(could have been one of those exaggeration offhand remarks).

That’s not right.
Doing a 360 PPP in SF4 results in a SPD.
Not in SF2 though, I know, but, seriously.
In the Genesis SSF2, I piano my SPD’s, and I don’t get spinning clothesline, and when I piano my Siberian Suplex I don’t get spinning lariats either.

This is something noteworthy. Some time ago EVO had allowed someone to run Brazilian branch event. For that event, they only cared about entry numbers, and with that in mind had MvC2 and Smash Bros as the only games, with no SF2. I had questioned them about it and stated that without the game of my preference I would not go, and some started saying all sorts of absurd BS about it. That I should travel I don’t know how many fucking miles (notice if you don’t count Alaska Brazil has a larger territory) to an event with absolutely no games I liked that would also happen together with an anime/emo event being that I despise such people*, just because it took them work to set it up. What the hell??? Sorry, this is a POS excuse. If there’s no VF at an event, VF fans don’t go and if there’s no SF2 at an event, SF2 players do not go, that is obvious, expected and justified, specially when one considers the amount of money spent and the time it takes.

EVO is successful because it also has catered to their player base, which is a SF player base. If EVO had dropped SF2 to some hit-confirm fighter, Smash Bros or whatever, the SF2 community would have unquestionable reasons for not attending the event. And they would have a reason to be disappointed with the organizers: it has shoryuken in the same, after all. If one like rugby and gets to Wimbledon willing to get a game going, damn it, he should be shot**, but that event is not supposed to ever have a rugby game going. To each, their own.

Dude, do not take it personally, but you seem to be giving too much importance to yourself. If you (or me, for that matter) do not mess 2 button reversals but not only the pros but the majority of the players are having issues, who the hell will worry about you? James has given factual data that the reasons Sirlin had were justified, one does not argue with facts.

*I like some but to dress like characters and listen to theme songs is IMHO ridiculous
**actually he shouldn’t, but, well, you get it…