Non sequitur 4tw there dude.
Please stop this before it even goes any further. No more ST v. HDR, especially if that is how it is going to be. This is a great thread full of good discussion, and I don’t want to see it ruined like EVERY OTHER thread in this forum. Some of us <3 ST, some of us <3 HDR, some of us <3 both. All of us <3 SF. Let’s just leave it at that for now.
I would if it’s the only SF2 available. Seriously, people on Xband had intense rivalries playing SF2 on both the Snes & Genesis versions. None of us cared that the graphics weren’t up to par w/the arcade counterparts…many of us still plotted down $50+/mnth regardless. We all loved to compete in SF2, that’s all that mattered.
Anyway, I’m curious to see what the turnout is like. Regardless, SF2 fans should support ANY SF2 right now. After all, if a guy like me who absolutely hated ST for 7 years (I can say I “accept” it now) and still considers it only the 4th best iteration of SF2 (SSF2, HF, HDR, ST in that order) can still support it, then NO ONE has no excuse not to support whatever SF2 is chosen going forward.
Just for you <3.
I’ve been trying to stop this shit in other sections of the forum, nice post!, some of us just love both games. I think the real thing that matter is that SF2 is alive and still growing, it doesn’t matter if you play with stick, pad, you like ST or HD Remix.
When i don’t like something, i just ignore it, as simple as that.
I think HD brought to the scene new blood(just like me) and some of us just jumped into ST, just to taste an old but good flavor, i’m so happy to be part of this, making my little part it doesn’t matter if i earn money for it or not, or if i’m famous or not.
Ok no more fighting, but I got to ask. You and Mad Possum like SSF2 over apparently all other SF2. Could you guys explain why? Is it because of the Supers? The less speed for more reaction time? Nostalgia for the SNES version?
@ Geo, you know I love ya :lovin: , so don’t take this the wrong way. But, you have grossly misquoted me. I do not beleive I have ever said that. In fact, I made it a point not to really say why I prefer ST because really like the constructive discussion taking place in this thread. I feel that a discussion and debate of ST v. HDR gameplay and design prefrences leads nowhere at this point and would ruin the thread.
** But if I am going to be quoted: I actually enjoy the new look of the game. I think Sirlin’s art design and aesthetic direction was great! :rock: However, I prefer ‘vanilla’s’ gameplay and design.
Oops, you’re right - I misread what you were saying. I picked the wrong week to start sniffing glue!
My apologies sir.
IMO, the best way to play SSF2 is to whip the the good ole’ SNES. You can have turbo on that version.
I think most people will be pretty sad if there’s no SF2 at Evo next year, but keep in mind 3s was still pulling very healthy numbers when it got yanked. Out with the old and all that … Too many games coming out
SF2 and SF3 just cant be compared. Nor Alpha, EX, crossover series or whatever. Even Tekken. SF3 is just another example: 2I was released, all their players went to 2I. 3S was released, all their players went to 3S. It is a game that’s doomed to be replaced, while SF2 1) is the father of all competitive fighting games 2) has been played for almost 20 years and 3) really has the fundamentals. Any hit-confirm fighter is released, the community plays it. When SF vs Tekken is released, it will replace SSF4 and when SF5 is released, it will replace SF vs Tekken, no questions asked. SF2 is just not like that, the only replacement for a SF2 is another SF2.
Edit: I do not think people will be sad. No-one will. They will be pissed off, and this will have consequences. At the very least, hardcore players would try and get a SF2 event going in place of EVO. But this makes no sense because there is just no chance whatsoever SF2 will be dropped.
Now that hit the nostalgia spot! I know a little about that game. So much that I wrote a FAQ about it. My first one. :). Thanks to that FAQ, you all now have the one in my signature.
If you like a version explain exactly why. Stop with the generic answers like it just feels good or I like the design. Those statements are too general. I gave the exact reasons why I liked HDR and want to know your exact reasons for liking your version. I want to know specifics and this will help convince others including myself if you can back up why the version you like the best is superior.
Did you really just say “Fuck Evo”?
About to remove you from the site for that thoughtless comment.
You know what that guy says is not true otherwise you would have never hosted Melty Blood.
Genesis SSF2 had more turbo stars than the SNES version (7 vs 4)
Genesis SSF2 had more voices than the SNES version (max out, round, fight, etc.)
Genesis SSF2 had more Cammy tits animation
Genesis SSF2 had the Nin Nin Hall
Genesis SSF2 had the multi frame Spain dancers
Genesis SSF2 had expert that let you fight all characters, instead of playing the mini games.
Genesis SSF2’s music does not end, at the end of every single round.
SSF2 is much better on the Genesis than on the SNES.
I disagree about PP and KK messing with piano SPD’s
I didn’t have this problem in SSF2 for SNES or Genesis
CPS1 was the best rendition of all the SF music
AE had all the CPS1 music, so it’s disappoint HDR doesn’t.
Also, why doesn’t Blood on the Asphalt play in the menu???
I didn’t even know SSF2 came out for Genesis. I thought they only got Champion Edition.
Lol must be a reflex. I never knew SSF2 came out for Genesis either.
Yeah that totally got by me. Don’t use SSF2 that often.
It is funny how nowadays people discuss perfect ports and shit while almost 20 years ago people would be more than happy with those versions with different sprites, moves missing and different voices.