Will we have SF2 @ EVO 2011?

Count me amongst the people who would have a hard time going back to “Classic” mode… that would make me very sad.

Hahaha ST Claw.

I’m actually really liking this idea of classic mode + 4:3. (It’s not playing the CPSII ST board, but what else is?) Tournaments like Evo could run the tournament on the same setups they already have with no worrying about superguns etc.

The only alternative that would usurp this approach (other than lots of supergun setups) would be a new ST arcade port on XBL/PSN like Capcom is doing with SF3.

Please don’t get me wrong. Sirlin made great game that has entertained me for 1,000s of hours, I really have had a lot of fun playing it. It has brought a lot of new blood into the scene and sparked some great debate (when we play nice with each other). However, for me and my own personal SF2 preferences, I still prefer ST. I really liked Ganelon’s 9.5/10 analogy. It sums up the HDR for me rather sysinctly when you consider what I like about SF.

I will always support the SF2 scene at least casually, but if ST/ Classic mode made a heavy WC return like it has on the EC, it be really hard for me to hold back my enthusiasm, interest, and particpation.

It is just simple matter of preference to me, nothing more.

  1. I suggest remove.
    They’ve already nerfed him as much as conceivably possible.

  2. Totally, they need to get on that ASAP

  3. I play it on PSN, what’s wrong???

  4. Meh

  5. Meh again, video tape your good matches and upload them to youtube on your own time.

What I’d like to see fixed/changed

  1. Zangief’s lariat changed to 2P/2K, instead of LP+LK, etc.
  2. Alternatively, add 3P and 3K buttons to the game (why are they missing in the first place?)
  3. Zangief’s 720 motion changed back to Super Turbo (you didn’t have to input it as fast)
  4. CPS1 music
  5. Classic Super Turbo backgrounds (return of the Nin Nin Hall, and multi frame Spanish dancers)

None of my changes will even be considered : (

Fuck classic mode, unless they add 3P and 3K buttons to the game.
Why oh why are 3P and 3K missing?

BTW I hope to see many of you at SummerJam.
Shame I missed WinterBrawl, too many real life issues : (

Do you honestly think wall dive is what makes Claw top tier?

As much as I like the idea, it’s not happening, Classic mode will never happen, and if it did, surely the game would still be played with the ugly, new sprites. Even if you had classic sprites, 4:3, with classic soundtrack and voices, you would still have the new backgrounds. It’ll just look strange.

I’m all for classic mode if it were to ever happen. It’s better than nothing.

Not quite. It would be new sprites & widescreen. There has to be a compromise somewhere…

For what it’s worth, I’m pulling for HF or AE…yea, I said it.

SF2 is played on 6 buttons. Button mapping is a form of macro and configures cheating, just like turbo, even slow versions like the TE 8Hz one.

Sirlin’s view on 2P/K lariats:

I agree with him.

Totally agree with removing Akuma from online play.


Air hadouken just does not belong to SF2. It would be a much better idea to just add all old characters that have strictly worse match-ups than the remixed characters than adding a noob crap Akuma, IMHO. I suppose Sirlin would have a couple of minor changes from current HDR to some new version, which would certainly be more important. And the obvious Hawk super fix.

If they fixed his invincible DP (which was an oversight), janky hitboxes, and the inescapable demon glitch he may be reasonably balanced out. Maybe if the game ever makes it out on Japan, they’ll put out one more patch that’ll attend to the Akuma issue.

I prefer HDR to ST, but then I prefer HF to all of them… far as I’m concerned, ST’s had its day, and at the events I’ve been to with both, HDR has always had a few more people playing than ST does. I see no reason for HD Remix to get dropped from EVO in the next year.

:frowning: I thought the whole point of classic mode would be to get as close to ST as we can get in a widely available, practical format that could be used at tourneys.

The point of this test is to see if the core ST gameplay brings more heads out. ST isn’t about aesthetics or sound. Hell, if we we’re going by that, then we should run AE hands down since it has the best soundtrack (Arranged Gief Stage ftw).

It’s what makes him retarded in ST.

Not what makes him Top Tier.

Once again.

hahahah ST Claw.

That’s cool to hear that you’re willing to come out to Cali. Believe me, the Denjin krew would love to see you out here. But till that happens, the AZ SF2 scene needs you more right now. A couple of guys in AZ are looking to throw a SSF4 & HDR tourney in Sep. Hope to meet you then.

rly? Up-thread fatboy is saying that the retro feel iss one of the reasons why he loves ST, and for me personally I love the look and feel of it.

If I replaced all the characters with stick figures but the engine was ST, would you still love it?

There seems to be two distinct camps right now:

  1. ST diehards that fucking hate HDR and won’t consider anything (including Classic on HDR) but cab/supergun/and maybe DC ST.

  2. People who enjoy HDR and view it as the future of SF2.

The thought of staging Classic HDR tourneys is just incredibly bizarre to me.

Cmom, dude. A number of people have said they will play any version of SF2. Fuck, they will play WW. For the ones who will only play some version (nothing wrong with wanting only HF, ST, HDR, whatever), well, to each their own. Nothing wrong with that.

Well I guess that makes Dhalsim retarded, since he’s better than Claw.

Not really. An excuse for why HDR is used and not ST is that it is on newer consoles. Well ST can be played on PS3, no excuses.

How else could you easily run ST tournaments (ok, let’s call them “ST engine tournaments”)? If not HDR Classic mode, then you’d have to organize CPSII boards, superguns, stick converters, etc.

If you had to do it that way, I guess that is the way to do it.

Why play Classic on HDR when HDR is available though?

You think Evo would host ST (if it existed in arcade perfect form or close enough on the PS3/XB360) over HDR right now?

Because classic is superior (imvho), and it’s available on the consoles that Evo uses.

There would never be HDR AND an ST classic port on PSN/XBL. If there was, Evo would just host the more popular version. If none was more popular (~50/50) then a shitstorm would emerge either way and the whole thing would be fucked, there would be no SF2 at all, and the universe would collapse within the massive force of such a failure.

But fuck evo, Evo just hosts what’s popular, it doesn’t matter if the game is worth a damn.