Will we have SF2 @ EVO 2011?

i for 1 was very impressed with snake eyez winning at evo. i was also thoroughly glad to see a variety of different characters representing top 8. it was -at least for me- a sign that the tiers were a little tighter than ST. had this been ST, well, you know the usual cast of high tournament tiers that make it (but definitely not zangief).

there’s a chance, but most likely just as a spectator - if a do go at all. work and other things aside, even if i went out there i don’t have the practice time put in to do well (it wouldn’t matter if it was ST, HDR, or HF either - i have played and enjoy all of them). btw, i recall playing you a few times i think a long while back on PS3. by far 1 of the better ryu’s i’ve run into, and i wasn’t surprised you did well at this year’s evo.

like i said, i was in high school at that time (a broke high schooler for that matter), and there wasn’t any internet around - i don’t think srk even existed yet on the web and if it did, i was unaware of it. how exactly did people hear about MWC who were not from that region. btw, is there any details today of those past events? 128 is the most i have ever heard for an ST tournament, especially for something like in the 90s. i went 1 time as a spectator to B3 held in norcal. that had alot of players, but i don’t even recall them reaching 128 for ST (CVS1 and MVC2 were the main games then, and this is pre-justin wong era).

i don’t know much about roy bisel, but mike watson is an exception to the rule when it comes to tournaments. and actually, people like him (choi, valle, cole, etc) have probably traveled moreso than even your average tournament player. some people travel only for evo, or only for sbr, or NCR, etc. but i think people like mike, choi, and valle - of course those guys have been doing it for years. more so back then especially for westcoast since non-westcoast tournaments were usually “FREE” for choi, valle, and mike.

btw, even though i don’t attend tournaments, don’t assume that my support for competitive street fighter is non-existent. there’s a handful of players i play/practice with that i encourage to enter as many tourneys as possible. i usually give them the “when i was your age” speech and how that window of competitive gaming lasts for only so long before life priorities kick in. i make sure to tell them and make them realize what kind of competition to expect - better than me and more on point. but even if rusty and out of practice i still “play to win” whether its casual offline or online - but i’m not delusional, preparing for tourneys takes alot of time and hard work if you want to win. these days i just choose to focus my time into other things - but i still enjoy streetfighter

Then who is they then?
The only person is damdai. People complaining about broken tiers of Gief & Fei Long, oh wait a minute, didn’t damdai get eliminated from Aquasnake’s Fei?

ST steamroom
damdai: Man did you see how cheap Fei Long is, that dude aquasnake cant do that in ST
J. Rambo: That’s right, shit is babyzone!
Ganleon: Babyzone i tell yeah
damdai: Cant believe people are praising that Snakeeyes player, he aint no Jodim Babyzone Gief
J.Rambo: Babyzone, shits babyzone!
Ganleon: Fuck Sirln & his nerfing me claw

circle jerk continues

Im really really curious on who you feel that people think Snakeeyes win wasn’t legit or respected. You can Pm if you want.


Gotcha. Hopefully you’ll be able to make it out. You probably played against my bro. Even if you just end up spectacting, that still counts. You & your friends should meet up with the rest of the Bay Area crew. PM Thrust07

Each person standing next to a SF2 station only helps generate hype. Beyond that, EVERYONE needs to calm down already. Some of the rhetoric being thrown around in the last few pages is absurd. We’re all SF2 players here and we all want to see SF2 go forward.

There’s really an easy solution to all of this. If you want your version of SF2 to be played, come out. Then, we’ll just use the numbers as our guide. It’s really that simple.

No particular persons that I will point out. There are a bunch of them.

People would not say things casually here on the forum (especially personal attacks), but they would say that if they are with their peers.

Oh come on, casuals can be a lot of fun too. You can’t be the only old guy(as your implied) in that group, I tell ya.

Rhetoric is definitely the best way to describe this thread.

I hope everyone realizes that I was purposely a little colorful and absurd in my last post, just for comedic effect. I sincerely hope nobody takes (too much) offense to any of that. Seriously, I have :lovin: in my heart for all my fellow SF2 brothers and sisters.

Oh look it’s Sirlin. Let’s quote everything he says and argue against it.

Grow the fuck up. Seems people’s problem isn’t with HDR, it’s saltyness because Sirlin got to work on HDR and they didn’t.

Says the best SF player in the world. If there weren’t any overpowered characters, he’d win even easier.

If HDR Gief players are babyzone because he’s easier/more powerful now, then I guess that makes ST Claw and Boxer players babyzone too (since they are more powerful in that version).


Is this confirmed?

A general speed difference is bound to affect your inputs and we know HDR is slower to begin with.

No. You didn’t give Blanka anything worthwhile. Your article on him said you made his Blanka ball safer and that it helps him vs ryu and now his bad matchups are supposedly gone. Despite the fact that fake fireball throroughly screwed Blanka over and his ball isn’t all that safe after all.

You blatantly ignored every other bad matchup. Including his two hardest that didn’t even get a mention and still just as hard.

Someone even quoted you saying Blanka doesn’t lose to anyone. Now I’m not sure if that is true but if you said that then I don’t care about your knowledge of other characters. Your knowledge on Blanka is greatly lacking.

How would you fix Blanka’s worst matchups? Just curious.

Lol, too good.

Maybe what makes the game so enjoyable is that not every matchup is a difficult grind or stalemate. For every blanka I low strong to death, they comfortably crossup and bite someone else. For every ryu I effortlessly anti air slide with dhalsim, I flinch before blankas jump fierce or chuns jumping whatever. For every character I get boners landing feis chicken wing combos on, I cool down when they don’t work on Honda or guile. The frustrating lows help contrast the wonderful highs. Every character needs matchups where they can feel at ease, and others where they feel the pressure. Sure some have it harder than others, like hawk, but they also deliver the most satisfaction. If all that was remixed was o sagat, claw, and boxer, the game couldve been perfect.

I think if you gave blanka a ‘fake ball attack’ which is identical to the regular strong ball attack except:

  1. It doesn’t hit.
  2. It goes half as far.
  3. Can be done with charge down/back -> down/towards
    That would improve the mindgame aspect of the character, and make him more fun.

@forums fighter 2 players- this thread should be people that actually want to participate, trying to figure out what’s best for the future. Instead its 80% full of guys that do nothing but post on srk. Instead of building credibility for yourself by being a tournament player, you all try to “get yourself over” by attacking others through posts. Thelo ran a hdr tourney at sb, nine people entered, there’s 5x more people than that repeating “salty” nonstop on here, that’s a joke. It wasn’t on the day you wanted? Show up on a day you could go with a casual station, show people why you like hdr so much. Your busy with whatever excuse? A lot of you guys still find time to post on here ten times a day, maybe convert that into productive time. Everyone wants to bring up balance and tiers, how many of you have even played these matches? Any day1 player could look at a chart and sound smart, wouldn’t it be better if you could cite actual tourney matches you were in and form your own opinions? Right now there’s a big difference in the tournamnet community and the forum players, if your just posting your only trying to get yourself ovver, your not participating. If you want to post attack me, I welcome it. At the end of the day I’m traveling, playing my game and enjoying myself, your just posting

@sirlin the best blanka,guile,ken and cammy players disagree with you. Imo you should stay out of it and let the players decided what they want to do. The difference between you and everyone else is that you profit professionally and possibly financialy from what happens with hdr, the rest of us are just fans

I think you been in Japan too long, you must got that yellow fever like i did. Japan is a small ass country w/ great public transportation system. You can get to point A to point B easily & cheap.

Now here in the big O USA. Shit is expensive to fly out or even drive for a 9 man or so tournament that’s a side game…Most people just save up & wait for the big one, EVO.

The main focus here is keep SF2 w/ EVO. Numbers dont lie, HDR has been strong for the past 2 years. We really shouldn’t change anything. Its up to you ST guys if you want to join us or not.


How can he possibly profit from HDR since he is no longer with Backbone? What the hell is it with you ST guys against Sirlin? He’s tried everything he possibly could to get good ports of ST out. Ungrateful sods.

Stop trolling, we all know Sirlin gets paid under the table w/these.

Hah if say 40 out of the hundreds that play hdr online showed up to sbr just to support a side event, you could close this thread and call hdr the winner. Travel didn’t stop people from showing up for other games. If evo is the only thing that matters then you really don’t care.

I would assume it would hurt sirlin on a professional level if his game was replaced by an older and less accessible version, wether he profits from hdr sales I don’t know

if we go by numbers, i don’t see HDR going anywhere for next year’s evo. 300 is a good turnout. even if they get something like 200 or so, i think it still justifies keeping it. at the very worst case scenario, it would probably win out among the games voted in.

btw, sorry i haven’t read every single post from the beginning, but where exactly was it said that evo might not make it in (link please)? wizard and srk staff check these forums, why don’t they just point blank tell us which way they are leaning towards? we can close this thread if they confirm HDR will stay.

i’m more interested in their plans for sf2 as far as japan EVO at this point. i think if they stay console and include HDR, it’s a good way for them to “stand out” among the tourneys being held there. they should at least check if there is enough interest to have an HDR event in japan. imagine how that would be if it caught on?