John do you not see the hypocrisy of posting on the internet to complain about people posting on the Internet?
And what makes you assume that people posting on here aren’t playing ST on cab every week with other people?
It seems like ST fanatics feel that saying ‘well, you aren’t coming out to tournaments’ somehow invalidates every other argument or should just shut down discussion, like some trump card or finishing move. It doesn’t and it shouldn’t.
Geo, I know you are pissed because you owned a cab and play both HDR & ST, you of course are right about the assumption that rambo made.
His assumption is not 100% safe but would you agree that it applies to most people who post online? percentage-wise?
I know you have problem with Ganelon’s posts too, since again his assumption doesn’t apply to you.
Why are you concern about that if you won’t even bother to go to a local tourney?
Vintage asked you nicely and if you have trouble going to one that is close to where you live, then why should we listen to your opinion regarding what game should be featured (whether HDR/ST or whether there is a SF2 even)
rcaido, if you already said that you have your personal reasons not to travel (which we respect that), is it fair that offline tourney goers should play the game voted by online forum posters?
Please try look from the other side of the coin.
Edit: rcaido: saw your response. yes this thread is for people going to EVO 2011
I thought the discussion is about EVO, which im planning to go if HDR is the main event. I didn’t know that if i cant go to all tournaments, my input is no longer valid.
As for me, i’ve always been supportive w/ HDR in my area. Trying to set up a scene/tournaments. I do my best on what i can do in my area, but sadly responsibility/real life plays a huge factor this point in my life.
Mr.Wizard already confirmed that it’s gonna be HDR at EVO2011 (thanks to Shari for the PM):
It doesn’t get more crystal clear than that. That should’ve ended this thread or moved the debate to HDR Classic vs HDR Remix. But the HDR haters are still posting in this thread about arcade ST, supergun, etc, etc. If you guys want to run a side tourney at EVO, then by all means create a new thread in the ST forums. This discussion was over a long time ago and this thread needs to be closed. HDR is here to stay, like it or not.
if HDR was held at japan evo, and if it did well there and caught on, i think it more than solidifies HDR at evo here in america. best case scenerio, is it catches on there in japan, or people there realize it isn’t so different than ST and they might -gasp- actually like a different change for once. and maybe they even send someone out here to compete for HDR.
HDR has not had a formal introduction in japan. all it needs is a spark to catch on, and what better way to make spark for HDR and EVO? the japanese seem willing to give any game a chance if given the opportunity (they played CFJ did they not?), so why would they totally shun this game? if a top player like daigo likes it, i don’t see why other top players would pass on it (of course not all would jump on board, but i do see a good amount enjoying this game in japan if given the chance).
so you ask why else would it matter? if roughly 300 shows up again this coming year to EVO usa, how many more would show if say some1 from japan likes the game (and who discovers it at EVO jpn) and then decides to try his hand at next year’s HDR? like a gamerbee coming out of the woodworks but for HDR instead of SSF4?
say someone like muteki did come to usa (probably unlikely but i’m trying to make an example here), say he showed up to play HDR here, i’m sure even ST-only purists would show up just to watch (and i’m sure build up their own ST tourney to accomodate such an event).
on youtube, i’ve seen a few matches of jodim, yuuvega and muteki i believe, all playing HDR. i’d actually like to see more of the experts from japan playing this game and see what they can find.
** actually, speaking of daigo, he was a purely arcade only SF4 player, and prior to this year’s announcement of SSF4 AE, the only accessible way to SSF4 was through console. daigo knew SSF4 would be the main game at evo, and he prepared for it - (he reverted briefly back to SF4 for sbo). even SF4 console was different from arc SF4 but he adjusted to the new characters and changes. I don’t see why it would be so difficult for a top ST player to come here and make a similar adjustment **
No, that’s no good. You can already sort of fake people out if you know your distances and use jab ball > c. RH or whatever.
What Blanka needs is an AK-47. That way, DeeJay, Ryu, Boxer and Honda can get shot up.
Actually it be be good if his super was safe on block. He could use it as a tool to get in and keep position without fear of a counter hit.
On a more serious note…
Been reading the past few pages of this thread and I must admit that the hate is strong. Just an observation…
Some HDR players have shown little respect to ST
Some ST players have done the same
So where does that get us?
That tier chart referenced by Geo does not prove anything other than that character popularity DOES play a role in winning percentages for documented matches that track character usage.
I’m not a stats guy but to prove that characters can or can’t compete a different system must be used. I’d like some input on this from someone like Thelo.
snk, you keep repeating HDR is very close to ST, etc as if ST players haven’t tried it already.
I doubt anyone here that prefer ST haven’t given HDR a fair chance, you might not have read all the response.
I guess you’re not interested to going, we shouldn’t take your interest into account for offline tournament, wouldn’t you say it’s fair?
Just to entertain your thoughts. Given how HDR is received in the US by the hardcore players, you can imagine how it would be if it’s released in japan. There are more hard-core players in Japan than in US. Not to mention how impossible for it to happen in the first place as explained by Ganelon. I’m not saying this to shot you down, since the control is really in capcom’s hand anyway.
I’m complaining about those that do nothing but post in an attempt to build a name for themselves instead of attending events. Say what you want tabout damdai, but at least his opinions are based on his experiences at actual places. The rest of you are no different than a baseball fan sitting in the stands saying “that pitcher sucks”.
Look through the thread, people on both sides have brought up apathy and "guys not showing up
Everyone please hate on me in this thread, it doesn’t matter, if you want to punish me for my evil ways then show up and beat me at an event
That chart doesn’t prove anything - really? It’s the data for all ST tournament results in Japan for the duration of an entire year.
Of course the chart doesn’t control for character probability, but if it had zero value do you think Nohoho would have posted it?
To me is seems pretty clear from that chart that certain characters in ST like Cammy are very weak tournament characters in the long term. This is contrary to certain people’s statements that it is “comical” to assert otherwise.
Awesome, i’d rather play a real game than this one anyway
Instead of posting charts and repeating “babyzone” over and over, why don’t you share your own personal experiences with matchups and characters, have a nice day
HDR is close enough to ST. i’d say HDR is actually closer to ST than say SSF2 even. the people who aren’t playing HDR and sticking to ST only, it seems to be character specific complaints or control issues - mostly… that or they just refuse to conform for whatever reason. i could understand it more if they aren’t playing HDR because it’s “seriously broken”, but in all honesty, i don’t see that being the case. if characters were able to compete then, they can still compete moreso now (is there some examples where matchups have become more impossible in HDR? - not slightly worse, but impossible).
plus if HDR wasn’t close at all to ST, people like daigo, tokido - both who have very little experience with HDR, they shouldn’t have done well at all if the game was vastly different. i saw tokido’s gameplay, i don’t think he utilized wall dive cancel at all, and the fact that instant knockdown wall dive wasn’t instant, that obviously changed things up i think for tokido’s gameplan.
actually even though i personally don’t go to the tourneys, i have convinced others to go and have helped others practice to improve. mr wizard and srk staff help and support evo, but you don’t see them necessarily entering every tournament do you? support comes in MANY different ways. i’ll give you another example. that guy who won the 1st gamespot tournament when HDR was being rolled out, me and some friends battle him every now and then. he was somewhat tricked/encouraged into going to that event. he ended up entering and somehow won. that little encouragement from people who didn’t go, made for an interesting night at that tournament (considering how wolfe/choi should have taken that event hands down). another point, that guy and others there, were using ST tactics and they were able to get good results. so that should be more proof of enough similarities in ST and HDR.
actually, you and i can’t make any judgements on how the game would do (bad or good) unless it is actually released there. yes, japan is an arcade culture, but SSF4 proves that the top players will play a game on console when it isn’t available on arcade. people like mago, daigo, sako, etc are playing SSF4 since it isn’t available other than on console and they have been putting in considerable amount of practice for it. if HDR was pushed even a little bit, are you saying it would be vastly unsuccessful? i personally see it getting more play than something like AE (but that’s just my opinion).
I also suggest that the next time a thread like this is started on this forum either Thelo or SJV simply close it immediately.
I highly doubt that anyone outside the ST forum has any interest reading about how much Crybabies think HDR sucks.