Will we have SF2 @ EVO 2011?

if the chart is law then ryu and chun being the best characters, along with dic being better than sagat is law too. the chart was made to show who placed the best at events, it doesnt have numbers like how many people used each character during that time because it wasnt ment to be used as a tier list. i never claimed anything was more balanced than anything else. you actually did, if you want to use charts to prove this then provide similar data on both games.

You’re missing the entire argument by looking at the wrong end of the chart.


I’m ready to just play SSF4.

Maybe all the ST diehards need to move to Japan. Why do we need to kowtow to their “scene” again?


The exact order may be off, but other than Sagat being too low, the general groupings strike me as pretty spot-on.

John, the chart isn’t a tier list.

My opinion is indeed that HDR has “better” (meaning more compressed) character tiers. Okay so there were several Ryu’s near the top at Evo last year, but a Zangief won and several people placed pretty high using characters that don’t traditionally place high. Like I said, I think it would be hard to argue that HDR does not have more compressed tiers.

Edit to add: the conclusion must be that HDR is babyzone!!

muscle memory still gets messed up by screwed up visual cues. at least that’s the case for me.

I believe everyone got baited by the chart.

Is this the best game that you imagined?


Daigo said every game needs some overpowered characters to make it fun. He said he like sagat in vanilla sf4 because it provides a challenge.

Everyone is too focused on the chart that geo posted. It doesn’t tell the whole story.

Blanka in ST is not sean in 3s. Sure it is low tier BUT IT CAN WIN. And the odds is not THAT BAD at all, the game is overall very much BALANCED. Read the dreamtr interview if you haven’t.

It’s actually more exciting to see people like BTC and Komoda owning people with blanka.
People actually look up to people like komoda and BTC instead of Muneo and ganelon (sorry ganelon :slight_smile:

A part of me die inside everytime Noguchi picks claw instead of fei.

If every character has the same strength as the chart I posted, not sure how fun the game is.

Maybe in EA FIFA 2012, every team should be as strong as the others. Sure that would be fun. [I watched a WCG EA FIFA world finals. Those two guys pick the same team (brazil) with the exact same formation, it is the most boring match of all WCG games I watched that day.]

Sirlin’s only goal is to balance the tiers : “Fei is better, Hawk is better, Blanka is better, sagat is worst, boxer is worst, claw is worst, what the hell are you people thinking ??!”

Some change are good, some changes are bad. But with balance changes also introduce a bunch of undesired side-effects. Not worth any of those balance changes to begin with IMO.

They are elitist, arrogant, & prima-donna’s…They are so busy circle jerking each other that they forget they need us (HDR) more then we need them…

Well put.

Now you’re just being rude. Not just to ST OG but to everyone that loves ST.

cvital/pup: I play HDR doesn’t mean I prefer it

john rambo : same story…

philcito : similar experience…

me : my xbox elite, one year gold + $15 for HDR

Yes she can win, but do you feel that Cammy is a viable tournament character in ST?

I agree 100%.

Yes it would suck if every character was the same strength, but I don’t believe that anyone has said that’s what they want.

Yes, that’s very true. Several people (such as NKI) have been very articulate in describing the changes that they didn’t like. I’m not disagreeing what that at all.

If that’s not everyone wants then sirlin shouldn’t do what he did. Boxer, claw are not as broken as most people think. Wait for the DGV interview to come up in a day or two.

You should tell james chen and corrosive in the face during SBR :slight_smile:
I do think cammy is worst than blanka. We need more people to specialize in her, just Nakamura is not enough.

ST: Cammy vs. Honda, Dic, Guile, Deejay, …
HDR: babyzone!!

I had lots of fun with VF and the characters were much more similar in strength than in ST.

Oh the sweet irony.

That doesn’t say the inverse is false.

ST is less balanced than VF (but more balanced than a tons of other game) and everyone playing ST is having more fun than you playing VF :slight_smile:

OK VF4 you don’t need to tell me how wrong I am haha

maybe 3s fans, MvC2 fans are not having mad fun all these years? XD

But I’m damn sure that if all teams in EA FIFA are of the same strength the game will suck so bad.

[ edit: and the master troll of this thread loves to post one liner for each post. silly troll ]

Calling someone a troll is apparently an instant I-WIN button in any argument on any subject ever.

I never knew.

You are a troll.

Look at that i just defeated your entire argument.

Some people just have no self distance and can’t realize their immense hypocrisy it seems.

What makes everyone think HDR is more balanced? T.Hawk?

Are his matchups harder in ST or HDR ?