Will we have SF2 @ EVO 2011?

The real problem is, simply put, people are not coming out. If more players came out (as in players who post & have never attended) things would be different. This thread wouldn’t even exist. But unfortunately, that’s not the case. And even worse, players STILL do not seem inclined to make an effort to come. Which is why, we have to consider every option going forward for SF2 (supergun, classic mode, HF, CE, whatever).

Everyone keeps bringing up the numbers we had for Evo, but everyone is forgetting some majors are possibly starting to phase out HDR as a main game. SB, done. Nec, probably done. Final Round? Given that HDR was on the fence last year, this year does not look very promising. Devastation? We heard rumors that last year may have been HDR’s last year (the meager turnout really didn’t help). So, if that holds true, then all we have left are just WC majors. And even then, how much longer will HDR be in the main line-up if we continue to have sub-par entrants? Should HDR get dropped from a WC major, I think that would be the final blow.

I’m sure to many it seems like my bro & I have lost faith in HDR. In many ways, the answer is yes. We have lost faith in the players. I’ve been critical of the ST scene for years…but at least now, some of those guys “seem” inclined to actually come out if we run Classic Mode or Supergun. What of the HDR side? People do not even seem “interested” in coming out. For SF2 to live on, players need to promote the game. The best way to promote the game is to actually be in attendance.

SNK Player, given where you live, I really hope that you make it out to NCR, as well as the group of friends you play with.

On a related note, seriously, somone needs to bring the PSN community into this discussion already (and to a tourney for that matter!). That community seems so oblivious at times…surely, they must know we are discussing the future of HDR, let alone SF2.

How about someone get in touch with MrWizard and get an anwser about what is feasible and what is not? I have a feeling it will be a one or nothing situation. If we got that answer for sure now then we wouldn’t have to waste all this time and energy on maybe’s and what if’s and could rally around supporting whatever our one option (if it turned out to be one) was. The sooner we started supporting what gets SF2 played the better, because there is going to be a huge number of games vying for spots next year.

Just did:

Sent as a PM let’s see what he says.

yeah, sbr and ec events constitute a large part of the “national scene”. i know you guys play hdr in the west coast(congrats on keeping your scene alive), but like i said hdr is only played offline at wc events and evo. you cant deny theres a push towards st right now.

hdr participants fall into the following categories 1)people that will only play online and nothing else. 2)those that enjoy sf2 and will play any version. 3) those that will just enter it at events cause its there and they are there 4) those that only enjoy hdr and will only play hdr at tournaments

i believe the #4 group is is an extreme minority and infact smaller than the “super turbo or nothing” offline crowd. if you look at this thread the only people on the hdr side that would actually go to evo are you and thelo, i also suspect you guys would join any sf2 at evo despite your preference.

i dont know, but i dont see a reason why we should be afraid to find out. im not calling for the death of hdr but the revival of st, we already lost the best version of sf2 at evo, now thats scary

Lmao! I thought you had at least some sense up until you said this ridiculous shit! I won’t even waste my time mentionin at least 10 other top HDR players it just clearly shows you don’t know shit about HDR players buddy so yeah you’ve been corrected. And then you say MAYBE Afrolegends DGV and Marsgatti are good at both ST and HDR?? Wooooowww and who the hell are you again? Prolly someone that would lose to every single person you just listed so calm down…

And I DO plan on goin to EVO no fuck that I’m GOIN to EVO!

Calm down. I said correct me if I’m wrong. I’m sorry if that offended you. That’s all I know.

Could you please list the rest of the TOP HDR-ONLY players that will possibly going to EVO?

This is not trolling. That’ll be interesting to know and will add to this discussion.

We want high quality actions in SF2 tourney.

And you’re right that people on that list can beat me with one hand.

[ Edit: geo. point taken. I was wrong. I want to find out what top HDR-only players are planning to go as well.]

papasi, sorry man this is just completely wrong.

I went to see Evo this year. I think I spent spent more than that on food. I spent more than twice that on lodging. I spent almost that much on gas, and I ride a motorcycle. The ‘entry fee’ is really a small part of the cost for going to a tourney.

I don’t understant your post, please explain

My point was that the guys who went to sbr spent $50 to enter plus all the travel expenses you brought up, if the setup was so bad I would expect someone to complain

If we are comparing $ spent this year I doubt anyone came close to what I blew on street fighter this year hah

What he saying is $50 is really nothing compared to all the other cost to go to a tournament. You were implying that players paid $50 fee did not complain about the setups…Most people are pretty chill & money is the last reason why they go to these events.

Humm let’s see.

Circa 6500 Kronor.

Comes out to:

983.36 US Dollars.

This is solely travel expenses + Tourney Fees and Food.
Not helped by the fact that i flew very last minute.

If you want to use LCD with a supergun, you could get one with scart output and just use that, but you will get input lag from the upscaling process. Likewise you may be able to get some kind of device to do the upscaling for you but again input lag will probably still be an issue.

As for the ST players not playing HDR, I’d like to hear some reasons why. I can’t believe so called top players would be so shallow as to not play it just because of the graphics or presentation.

As for Roy Bisel, I saw an interview with him recently and I think I know why:
-Uses O.Sagat
-Uses Boxer

As for HDR O.Gat is no more, and Boxer has been toned down a bit. Add to that other characters have been buffed a bit, and it means you have to work harder. I think the only people who really dislike HDR are those whose characters got nerfed. I mean this is why I prefer HDR, because my character is better. If HDR2 was released and Ken went back to ST Ken, I’d probably oppose it like ST players oppose HDR. I’ve heard that they consider HDR to be easier or dumbed down, then surely they should be able to win all the same right?

I’m pretty sure SCART is a PAL (i.e. not going to find it in North America) only connection.

That and they seem to get their panties in a wad when they lose to pad players or characters that they normally would’ve won against with ease in ST. Sigh… SF2’s days are numbered.

i think whether we switch to ST or stay with HDR, the tournament turnouts will be the same. Those ppl who don’t come through any more Cigar, Giga… and others are not coming mainly because they are getting older and life just takes over. You can’t play games consistently when you are 30 and having to worry about a mortgage and all that grown up stuff (I am not quite there yet)
I do agree with Kuroppi though I feel like we should be playing what the japanese are playing, but HDR is the best bet we have now to keep SF2 alive we gotta realize that. Bringing in cabinets is way less effecient no matter how you try to argue it.

To be honest I personally hate how long the tournaments take sometimes. I have told Mongolorobokop this before. I only made it to a couple Ranbats because they just take so long with a lot of wasted time. They are really fun, but sometimes there is no reason for it to take so long, which makes people like me get over them really fast. Damdai ran WCW2 at a good pace by getting people to fight who were present rather then waiting for one guy who isn’t present to move the bracket along.

You can get top of the line CRT monitors in perfect working condition for next to nothing on Craigslist and eBay. I’m talking the absolute best CRT displays with multiple component inputs for next to nothing as long as you live within driving distance (because shipping CRT units is difficult and expensive). Not only that but CRT monitors do not lag compared to LCDs, they last longer (no dead pixels, overheating), and can be used with old and new consoles and superguns so they are versatile.

Season’s Beatings is one of the largest majors in the U.S. and they went exclusively with CRT monitors didn’t they? I don’t see what the fuss is with people obtaining and using CRT monitors for older SD 4:3 games. A tournament like EVO with money behind it could be rolling in CRT monitors if they wanted to be. And getting your own CRT monitors on an individual level is not that hard.

CPSII boards are not that difficult to find if you know where to look, and there are tons of guides on maintaining the hardware on various websites. There are even YouTube tutorials that show you how to hook up various arcade hardware, replace batteries, and so on. Not only that but SRK’s Tech Talk section has had multiple threads in the last year about CPSII maintenance, Phoenix boards, regional differences, and so forth. CPSII maintenance isn’t really as scary as people think.

Still though, the best way to play ST is on a cabinet, a head to head cabinet. Everyone plays on the same hardware (sitdown cabinet, CPSII). Same controls (JLF, LS-32). Same viewing environment (you get your own monitor). It really proves who is the best player as everything is on an even playing field (except for 1P/2P and characters). There is a reason why arcade is still the standard for everything in Japan and why arcades use the same sticks and buttons for each specific game. It’s the absolute best way to play and maintain a scene.

If you go to any arcade in Japan, the setups for most games are the exact same. Meaning, no matter what arcade you go to in Japan, if it’s a Taito arcade, Club Sega, or an independently owned arcade, if you play SSFIV or VF/Tekken, you’ll be using a Sanwa JLF with a shaft cover and Sanwa 30mm buttons, on a head to head cabinet setup. There is a total erosion of differences in Japan, they try to make each arcade the same as the next. Each scene has a standard that they all use. Everyone uses the same parts to ensure that no matter where you play any game you’ll always be on the same controls. That you can walk up to any arcade in Japan and before you enter you’ll already know what buttons and sticks and cabinet setups the arcade uses. Arcade operators try to make that a reality as much as they can.

The best future in my opinion for ST is to play like the Japanese do or as closely as possible. Arcade hardware for the game, so CPSII, and head to head cabinets. If you can’t do head to head cabinets then get a supergun and two CRT monitors and arrange the monitors head to head. If you can’t swing that then use two LCD monitors head to head. Can’t get CPSII then use HDR classic and try to use head to head monitor setups.

But really, head to head ST, there is nothing like it. Once you play ST like that there really isn’t any going back.


HDR, ST, AE, bullshit, whatever. Play whatever, get some friends together, smoke some herb, and shut the fuck up.

Instead of theory fight whether it is feasible for EVO, we’re going to do it on a smaller scale @ NCR


Discussion is only going to do so much, we’ll try it out in action instead.

Hats off to Papasi for running the event and settings things up with Choi :karate: This will be a good experiment/opportunity to gauge which game people are actually willing to show up for. This has nothing to do with which game “one feels is better.” What SF2 are people willing to leave their homes for? That’s what this scene needs to figure out. The sooner the better.

  1. Yes.

  2. God, Yes.

  3. YES!

Great post. (Rolls over and falls asleep… :zzz:)

Yeah I realise that it’s a European thing (actually thank the French for that I think, used to call it a peritel cable), but don’t US TVs have scart sockets on them? I’d have thought by now that it was pretty much as bread and butter as composite or S-video.

Signal wise it’s not a problem, I run my consoles and DVD players in NTSC and PAL60 through RGB scart and it’s easily the best analog connection you can get for SD. Someone bought along a supergun to Super Vs Battle and that was using RGB scart.

As for what SF2 version I’ll turn up for? Anything as long as I can use my pad. I can use stick, so if there was no alternative I’d practice at it and play arcade ST or whatever.