Will we have SF2 @ EVO 2011?

What kind of input do those Samsung CRTs accept?

BTW, john choi told me that NCR has abandoned all CRT’s.

If I’m not mistaken, I believe NCR use equipments supplied by Ponder (the same equipments for EVO).

So we still need to find out what equipments are available for EVO 2011.

If everyone is going to bring superguns to events then they should bring CRT monitors as well or at least make sure that SDTVs will be at the event. Yipes was saying after SBR that most of the top players at EVO last year didn’t like MvC2 being played on LCD monitors. He said that MvC2 on an LCD screen was not Marvel, that SBR being played on CRT monitors or SDTVs was the only way to play MvC2 properly and that SBR was a better tournament as a result. If people are truly going to make an effort to properly play ST then at least go all the way and use the right monitors (4:3, standard definition). Superguns and widescreen HD monitors isn’t really ST in my opinion.

Places like eBay and Craigslist have dozens of CRT monitors available for next to nothing if you’re close enough to pick them up in person. Some people even given away perfectly working SDTVs and monitors for free on websites like FreeCycle as long as you take the TV off of their hands. After every school year I make rounds at as many colleges and universities as I can to see if anyone is giving away old televisions that they don’t want to lug back home. Just last month I got a perfectly working a 37" 4:3 SDTV with multiple component inputs, that I now use for Wii/PS2, for next to nothing off of eBay, all I had to do was drive to the person’s house and pick it up basically.

I think the idea is to make sure that it’s a main event game. Which, looking at the current state of things, is a very rough prospect to say the least. Those were good CRTs though. And really, I’m just talking about Evo. If the biggest major in the US stops running ST, that means that the game will collapse in that vacuum in terms of whether or not other tournaments across the country would have incentive to run the game. Just sucks like that.

I know they have other options than the Evo monitors though. We all saw those very same TVs set up for casuals, and I think that’s what TVC ran on?

So is this a sidetourney ?

I am fairly sure it has been stated before that it was HDR or no SF2.


I think you misunderstood me. I meant that people should either purchase new superguns that feature encoder boards such as these:

Video Converters - CGA/EGA/YUV to VGA Arcade HD-Converter PCB (GBS-8220) - JAMMABOARDS.COM - JAMMA Coin-Op Arcade Game Parts - CGA/EGA/YUV to VGA Arcade Converter PCB (GBS-8220)

OR, modify their pre-existing supergun by swapping out the present encoder board and replacing it with one like this so that you do not have to bother with any additional components that may introduce lag into the equation.

VFF, using CRT’s is certainly the easier route to go. But going forward, I think it would be best if the scene made sure that their superguns were LCD-compliant. In the case of Evo, the scene should do whatever it can to help appease the staff concerning hardware since we are not running on a “console.”

Oh, and I think this thread should be renamed already->Will we have SF2 next year?

I agree with Vintage, a more diplomatic approach.

I just checked craigslist after VF4’s suggestion, there are actually a lot of them available for cheap right now since everyone upgrades to LCD.

But storage is a problem for me (I need 4?) and in that case I cannot fly to vegas which I prefer over driving…

I think if you are building your own supergun, it is possible to “dual mod” it with two encoders and toggle it with a switch. It will probably cost $50 more for material, but the hack will not be that easy, at least for me.

haha , good luck with that :slight_smile:

put aside your st vs hdr arguement for a minute and let’s look at the facts. hdr at evo had like 300+ participants. are you guys saying that if we got supergun setups and changed things to st instead of hdr, that it would bring in equal or near the amount that hdr has brought in? would that also make things better logistically speaking? i don’t see participation increasing to be honest. oyu’ll satisify maybe 30 or so og players, but you could be pusing away alot more new blood.

unless st was released on ps3/xbox360, i don’t see how you could seriously, SERIOUSLY justify having st instead. if there is any version of sf2 that will be present at future evos, my guess is it will stay hdr, unless something new comes along on the current platforms.

the only other way i see srk bringing st as an official tourney back (or even considering it) is if an army of japanese st players (i’m talking 20 or more of their best st players) guaranteed they would show up at evo. and that’s not happening.

hdr is the game as far as evo is concerned, why don’t more of us promote it, instead of finding reasons to have st instead?

SNK-player, before we discuss further, could you tell us if you are going to EVO2011.

I think this might be the wrong place to discuss this. I mean ST vs HDR debate aside, this discussion should involve players actually planning going to EVO otherwise it would not be fair as Ganelon explained.

I’ll going to start a poll for players going to EVO later. We don’t need to theory fight here.

BTW, just for arguments sake, quality of competitions matter as much as number of entrant.

If the top 10% percentile of people going play as shitty as myself, I don’t think DGV or any other good players will be interested be going as well.

Although it might be harsh, nobody really enjoy watching those random casuals recorded and uploaded to youtube. Only the best of the best are interesting to watch.


Oh this is awesome.

I hope you guys realize that your type more than any other contributes to the death of SF2.

You can promote whatever version that should be played online as you pleased.

Buy if you are not attending EVO 2011, really you should keep your mouth shut as there is nothing you said would matters anyway.

And thanks for trolling again, we’re not going to fall for that one either. And opposite to your belief, we are actually trying very hard to revive sf2. I have lost many days of sleep for the past 2 weeks just because of this.

I’m wondering what are you guys even doing posting on the HDR boards ?

You seem to have absolutely no interest in supporting or promoting it.

Go make a thread on the EVO forums saying you want to bring back CPS2 ST because this is hardly the place for it.

Because we’re discussing SF2’s future for offline play here. There are only two options : ST or HDR and this concerns both ST and HDR players.

I know many HDR players from CA that play both (online and offline), and they are active on this forum.

BTW, if EVO staffs said no to supergun ST even after extensive discussion and planning, I’m still a full supporter of EVO running HDR or HD classic.

Your Hahahaha is neither funny nor the sarcasm welcome.
Are you done trolling yet?

So let me get this straight.

You are discussing the future of SF2 by replacing the current most played version of the game with an old version that is in terms of availability and logistics inferior.

Good plan.

Be honest with yourself.
You are not interested in keeping SF2 alive.
You are interested in getting ST back to EVO.

This is a moot point anyway.
EVO staff has already long ago stated that if HDR fails that is the end of SF2 at EVO.
All you are doing is killing SF2.

Not only by this but just look at the attitude you are presenting:

Only the best of the best are important.
Nobody cares about randoms.
And so and on.

Who is the one trolling again ?

HDR Classic is an option to play “ST” at Evo. I mean, elsewhere we’d run CPSII more than likely.

Someone tell Shari to cope with the situation.

Even though my opinion doesn’t matter for this, i do agree that the first question you guys need to answer is whether SFII is even going to be a main game, and then after that what is the allowed medium for the game. Such as arcade/classic/remix only.

If they are going to force a main game to be console only, then you gotta decide between classic/remix assuming they aren’t flexible.

We’re discussing the possibility here. Did I say that’s the only plan or nothing?

HDR is sf2, ST is sf2. SF2 is dying because HDR tournament turnout are disappointing.
No serious ST players are playing HDR.

And I never hide my intention that I prefer ST. Look at my avatar.

That is what they say for EVO2010. Are you ponder or mr. wizard’s secretary? Do you represent them now?

Seriously, if you cannot state that you’re going to show up @ EVO. Shut up already. Nobody cares what you said.

Troll, scroll back up and read. I said quality is as important as quantity

Nobody wants to watch randoms playing casual. Everyone wants to watch the best of the best plays.
Hey why not EVO just stream the first round of the pool and skip streaming top 8?
You wouldn’t mind either way, right?

You. And you’re still hungry for more.

Keep twisting my words. Try.

papasi, i’ve thought about it but probably not. the last time i attended an evo event was when it was still called b5 (and i entered st back then). would i be more inclined to go if it was st instead? no difference. but why does it matter to me then you might ask?

because i play people in hdr and have seen people improve in the game to the point that i’ve encouraged them to go to evo and participate. ggpo has been around but none of them have downloaded or played it, and are more inclined to gather if it’s hdremix. a game they can practice on and play vs others relatively easily. none of my friends have super gun and the closest thing i come to playing st is on dreamcast.

btw, i’ve been to my share of tournaments going back to the 90s (in different games). although my competitive spirit isn’t as strong obviously, i still enjoy seeing the best play and i don’t want to see sf2 disappear. st will not disappear. i always hop on youtubre or whatnot and see good stuff

if you took a vote of who is going to evo from these forums attending just for st or hdr, by the time the event draws near, half of those will have some reason why they won’t attend.

don’t assume that the quality of competition is any less if the game was hdr, or that the competition would be crazier if it was st. if this was the case, st players who did enter, should have won hands down if they came with the superior comp and knowledge. afrolegends, dgv, daigo, cole, etc entered and they placed high as 1 would expect, but new players on the scene proved that they could bring it (before any1 discredits the gief player i’m talking about, remember a good st gief also entered and didn’t place as high). a few of the previous st champs placed high (and i don’t think it would have mattered much had it been st).

Haha the irony of you talking about twisting words.

So let’s look at the only arguments you raise that are not just you calling me a troll:

Oh really now you missed last EVO did you ?

So being the second largest game after SF4 at EVO is a poor turnout huh.
You really think ST could match those numbers ?

The rest of your arguments are just silly.

Is anyone entering HDR evo because its HDR or because its SFII?

Would turnout actually change?

On another note i think the most likely scenario at this point is people just saying fuck it and not wanting to deal with the ST crybabies nor the HDR crybabies and simply picking another of the many new games coming out next year to replace it.