Will we have SF2 @ EVO 2011?

This made me LOL.

What tournament were you where someone did this to you?

It only works in certain situations on certain characters, just like ken throw loop in hdr

Actually two of the characters noogies work on like chun and claw, are still considered bad matches for him

What up dave

I think you should try reading that post again i don’t think you really understood it.

Maybe when you all understand what a loop is rather than a series of moves that can be abused but can actually be escaped with many characters and well timed reversal or blocking in the case of wall dive. Difficult does not mean “impossible.” Difference between dustloop and the “loop” Sirlin keeps claiming is a loop is that if you get hit by a dustloop in #R, you aren’t going anywhere unless you maybe have a burst.


Oh you guys are still going on about semantics.

Have fun.

It’s really not.

“Inescapable combo vs something that can be blocked/reversal’d!”

Keep it going.

Stop feeding Shari, you can never satisfy his appetite, seriously.

As for sirlin’s comment, he can keep repeating that and ignore to address the other 99 complaints people have with HDR. You cannot say that he is wrong in an objective way but he is only giving a glimpse of the whole picture. Yes claw dive and o.sagat recovery are good fix, but that’s about it really.

Like a loop?


I just reported him, but the fact people put up with someone who actually lowers the discourse is hilarious.

I remember Sirlin telling me to beat O Sagat in tourney with Cammy… so I beat Sanford Kelly’s O Sagat. James Chen, koop, and Damdai saw me do this. I mean, what does it matter if I or anyone else really think Fei Long is worse in HDR. We’re always gonna have trolls who’d just willingly show how stupid it is to do anything but put offline, in game hands on players. So while there’s a split, the split seems to only be here to champion online heroes.

Preference doesn’t mean anything at this point, the problem is raw numbers. So whether or not the Sirlin Defense Force and Sirlin himself feel like we’re wrong in disagreeing with them about changes gets us nowhere. “Moral victory” isn’t going to keep SFII alive. I like what Vintage is trying to do with the Street Fighter II scene, I hope we all continue doing what we can to keep SFII’s position as a feature legacy game alive.

I could care less which one, i just wish i could get to play offline.

I’m wondering what’s the likelihood of the staff allowing superguns to be used for an official game at Evo again? I seem to recall Evo using superguns to run 3S a few years ago (2k4 I think?). I might have to log onto #Capcom one of these days…

I don’t think the likelihood is good, Vintage. Mr Wizard and the Cannons have been pretty adamant that Evo is a console tourney only. I know that while we have the ability to play Super Street Fighter II Turbo on Superguns, I am not above Classic Mode at Evo. I only choose to play CPSII Super Turbo where it’s available because we have the means to do so and I prefer that, but it wouldn’t stop me from classic mode HDR. I will not play Remix mode, I was tired and didn’t have the patience at SB5… but I feel like my action more than my words should say enough.

Vintage, if you asked here you’ll get negative answers for sure.

I believe there are at least two obstacles previously

  1. number of setup (supergun + board)
  2. custom controller (hard wired or neo geo compatible)

I think #1. can be solved if the community is willing to help. I don’t think $ is a big factor as I recall Ponder giving hundreds of cash to a judge to purchase extra copies of tekken on the spot.

previously we don’t have an answer for #2. but now with laugh’s psx converter with button mapping support, it is looking very good and we already had a few tournaments using them with great success.

Again, this is probably not the best place to get answers as you’ll only get “theoretical” responses, but we can discuss.

Hasn’t it been console only for quite a few years ?

Yea, I hear what you’re saying. I’m only hoping that they meant “console tourney only” as in no official arcade cabinet tourney. Given that superguns are comparable in size to a console, logistically they could be used…provided that superguns feature VGA output so that they can work with Asus monitors.

Yea, my brother & I were originally thinking Classic Mode. And then we thought, “well, that means Classic Mode…on PS3.” Eh, rather go the CPS2 route ,’) But, like you said, if the staff wont budge on “console” then, I suppose Classic Mode will have to suffice as well.

If, logistically, we had to donate free superguns to the Evo staff I think the main concern would be finding out how Supergun ST meshes with those monitors.

There are video converters that output component/svideo and also another type that output VGA.

There is a rumor that the VGA one will introduce half frame of display lag (I asked laugh, who is an expert in this area). But he cannot confirm what the actual story is.

[Edit: a down side with classic mode is that you cannot attract serious competitions like shirts / watson / dreamtr / apoc / cigarbob and the like to EVO, I know you don’t mind DGV, but it has been shown that a lot of top ST players don’t play anything but the real thing]

And Shari, not to be rude, but unless you are planning to fly over to vegas and attend EVO, please keep your opinion to yourself just to be fair for those who are actually planning to attend

Again not I’m not trying to single you out. If you are coming, free feel to tell everyone and we welcome your input on EVO ]

We need specifics, though even then that is a grim “ideal” situation. Evo doesn’t only run on Evo monitors, though. They had those sweet Samsung CRTs. I would like to know how it runs, regardless. I imagine the lag would be present and a very real thing.