Will we have SF2 @ EVO 2011?

This post nails it.

Great opinions and all, but if SFII is the best then why aren’t the big names promoting it more? Why isn’t Valle getting everyone to play II, just as an example?

Daigo said that he loves SF4 because there is a lot of comp.

John choi said that he likes ST but doesn’t play it because there is no offline comp.

I wouldn’t be surprised that’s the same reason why Valle hops on the sf4 bandwagon and ditches sf2.

TBH SF4 does have crazy comp which is a major draw for a lot of people, but for me just that is not enough to make me play it, but I’m minority like you folks.

Didn’t Daigo say that ST was still his favorite SF game?

Yup he was asked in an interview which he prefers ST or HDR, he said ST because it was the first SF game he was introduced to and holds dear memories with that game or something to that extent

Yeah I’d assume he would prefer ST over HDR, as I doubt he plays HDR much. I was more referring to ST vs. SF4/SSF4. I thought he had said he liked ST over SF4…

Here’s what does matter about Chess:

  • One of the oldest and still most active online games ever created.
  • Easy to setup offline competition and run tournaments effectively.
  • Accessible to teenagers yet still challenging to lifelong players.

Noone believes the current version of chess is perfect, and many people prefer alternate (and arguably superior) versions, but they know that only one version is best suited for millions of players ranging from pre-teen newbies on facebook to elderly grandmasters playing in the retirement home, and that sacrificing that system, for whatever reason, would be suicide for the scene.

My point is if its the “best”, then there should be no question that II should have the largest scene.

If quality and popularity went hand in hand, Top 40 music wouldn’t consistently suck. Don’t fall into that trap.

If you don’t care for SF2 anymore that’s fine. But, in this forum of all places, the attitude that we might as well give up just doesn’t fit. SF2 has withstood the test of time past MK, KI, Alpha, SF3, SF4, and plenty of other games. Many of us are hoping it’ll continue to. If you have some ideas to help that effort, great. If not, why are you posting in this thread?

at wich time next year does the community vote thing open ?
i assume its like an online poll over at the evo2k page ?

i run a pretty unified community page and will for sure rally up a lot of votes wichever be nominated ST or HDR

this is not correct. i believe i read that article and there was a link posted on eventhubs.com (i’d have to dig for it but it’s there i’m sure). the interviewer asked daigo what his favorite sf game was of all time etc. he said sf4 and st. sf4 because of the present circumstance and how it brought him back, and st because it was his 1st intro, or at least the 1st sf game he played extensively. he DID NOT say he preferred st over hdr because that wasn’t the question that was asked of him. regarding his thoughts on hdr, sirlin asked him what he thought of the game and he said that he liked it, and that if it was released in jpn (i’m assuming he means arcades), that it would be a hit.

alex valle has been very accomodating to us hdr guys at his weekly wednesday night fights. he’ll even sit down and plays a few sets with people. perhaps as a result, the last time i was there a couple of sf4 guys came over and entered our “for funzies” tournament that we had. he obviously can’t devote all of his time to st/hdr since the popular demand is for sf4, but he still cares for it.

See what happens when Zangief wins a tournament?
Everyone says ST is better since it’s less balanced, and *supposedly *harder to play. (total croc btw, honestly I find HDR to be harder to play since my green hand, and FAB movements were nerfed, and since there’s no 3P or 3K unlike all the console ST’s)

It’s not about quality and popularity, if you are going to go out of your way to say SFIV sucks and SFII is the best, then why is the community so much smaller?

Instead of approaching IV with that attitude, you guys should give it a chance, otherwise, how the fuck do you expect anyone playing that game to give a shit about your game?

It’s not about not caring anymore. It’s about being open to more than just SFII.

That’s why i’m more than willing to play any of them. There’s an entire pool of prospective players playing IV, but if you don’t show that you care for their game, they probably won’t care for yours.

I’m not sure what to say. You dismissed my answer and then asked the same question. I thought the Top 40 music analogy made my point obvious. Just because Justin Beiber has a lot of fans(much bigger community) than some other arguably more talented artist , his music still sucks.

SF4 may look flashy and new, it’s auto-tuned (auto-corrected mashed reversals), and it’s easily accessible. That may attract a lot of people. Many of them will remain fans, while some move on to see if something better out there exists. None of that changes the fact that the game sucks. Hell, it’s the only fighting game I’ve ever seen where a lot of the top players that actively compete in it constantly joke about how awful it is.

Oh, I play it. Hell, me and a few of the SF2 guys even joined the SF4 tourney at the last Denjin ranbat to help fill out the bracket because their numbers were low that week. On the flip side, we also get some of them and some of the 3S guys to play with us. I’ve been open to the game, and I still play it regularly. I also still think it sucks. :razzy:

I’d also be a lot more open to moving on and letting SF2 go if there was a new game that played anything like it. I don’t mean the specific moves and such. I mean a game where the fundamentals matter, where there’s not a free out from everything, where mashing the crap out of moves to “fish for counter-hits” isn’t a viable strategy, and where at high level the game doesn’t degenerate into some poke-fest because most successful pokes let you land a free super/ultra.

Look, all I’m saying is that there’s no need to detract from the a thread that revolves around good intentions. If you’re cool with SF4 or whatever games, that’s fine. But some of us have our reasons for wanting to keep this game alive. Please let us try. It’s already an uphill battle as it is.

I agree with everything you said SweetJV and LMAO @ the fuckin Justin Bieber analogy haha!

And to add more about SSF4…

“I still have a lot of areas to improve in, such as experience and reaction speeds. I win a lot of matches that I don?t deserve to win. In Super Street Fighter 4, often the winner of a match can go either way. Luck plays a role in SSF4.”

That quote is from GamerBee from an interview right before SB:R when asked about being a top player.

It would seem reasonable to prefer low characters like Cammy and Fei Long be better, for 1-dimensional o.sagat to be replaced, for Balrog to be slightly worse, for wall dive loop to be weakened, etc. Kind of mindblowing to suggest that HD Remix 2 would be improved by reverting those things–having a worse Cammy (she’s been dominating, huh!), worse Fei Long (it was more comfortable when he made no top 8 appearances here, and had tiny rekkas, tiny super, and no chicken wing to flame kick juggle), and ‘strategic’ O.Sagat restored to his pure tiger’ing glory.

Luckily there’s plenty who appreciate that those theoretical HD Remix 2 changes make no sense. I don’t even know what that would say to game developers if so much work to create tighter balance (that succeeded) wasn’t represented at Evolution. Especially when it was miles above non-SF4 games in attendance last year, and higher attendance than SF2 ever had. Surely it will be there.

Thanks for everyone’s support, and glad you guys see the purpose of tighter tiers.

It’s not a loop. Explain to me how repeated wall dives during okizeme are a loop. After all these years of ST you still persist in spreading the falsehood that repeated off the wall dives are somehow a loop. They are nothing more than a 50/50 series of cross ups that if you simply block in the right direction you won’t get knocked down by and reset. Instead of learning to simply block, which is the only technique required most of the time to stop a wall dive on wake up, you imagine that wall dives are impossibly strong and that the only way to really overcome them was to rebalance them. A series of cross ups is not a loop.

Much like how Noogie is not a loop it’s a serious of tick throws.

VF4 in yo thread trolling semantics.

Seriously though did anyone expect him to do anything else than jump down Sirlin’s throat the moment he posted ?

I find the dive to be very “counter-able” in HDR, Vega definitely isn’t as great as he was in ST. I’d give anything to be able to store his scarlet terror again…