Why we don't play new games? - GGXX is the new SF2

And you still suck at life, being home alone every friday night and whining to us about it. Which is getting tiring by now because i’m not your shrink lol. :looney:

Word that makes sense and I see your point since you actually know how to write coherent sentences. Then again, the only games being made in the GG vein are lame ass loli fighters, while they may be good games in their own way, no one is playing them.

There’s quit abit of hype for Arcana Heart ps2 release, and the melty blood scene (from what I’ve seen) is decent in america. What other games do you consider loli games? Because I have this feeling people are playing them.


I know more people who are actually like that than people who play GG and loli-fighters… ^^

I like loli-fighters… :sweat:

Hokuto no Ken is hardly a loli fighter, it’s like the antithesis of loli. Plus what kind of argument is that? Do you only play fighting games with a big shirtless black man in the roster?

Arturo said it best a few pages back - why can’t people just appreciate old games and new games for what they both have to offer? I’m not saying everybody should play GG (it is a fairly technical game to get into) but complaining about huge chain combos and just-frame inputs for basic gameplay necessities and then arguing that the “old school” was simpler (coughreversalscough) isn’t constructive or even all that compelling.
It’s just kinda silly when people are like “hey new games have too many chain combos and systems to make them interesting to me also screw Japan” and then go and cheer when Daigo does jab jab jab super in ST.

(insert comment about how people say they don’t want rehashed gameplay in new games then complain when games do something different)

(also insert comment about how people who used to complain that yesterday’s new games were too simple should wonder why they’re complaining that today’s new games are too complex)

A new game should be a new experience. Guilty Gear shouldn’t have to be Hyper Fighting graphics update 20.1b. If you don’t want to play a new game, that’s cool. Don’t whine about the direction fighting games are going if you’re not going to influence that direction with your wallet, or if you’re not going to budge regardless of what direction it goes.

i don’t see anything wrong with that genre of amateur efforts to make new fighters. (usually since some really intesting stuff comes out of it) but it just so happens that [media=youtube]vJTvjf0yjWo[/media] made about them

it certainly is better than the less than kind atmosphere of the mugen community. ugh.

you just haven’t been around the right forums

I like both old school and new school. I like games that are as different as possible. I like new features and characters and playstyles. Nothing is replacing anything. I’ve learned things in SF that I use in GG and vice versa. People really need to open their eyes and be happy that someone somewhere is bringing something new to the field. Because if they didn’t we would have SF1 not SF2.
Tekken, VF, Killer Instinct all are here because they are different. New experiences.

ObsidianZ needs to go die in a fire

Maybe you can explain why non-otaku Americans hate japan so much?

And people rep/neg rep for the stupidest things, so if you think rep is a sign of how good a poster is, you’re wrong.


You know its actually quite funny, I often dumb my posts down so people like yourself can understand it, maybe I don’t dumb them down enough. So sorry, next time I make a thread, I’ll make sure to dumb it down enough so you can understand it.

Not every doujin game is a Guilty clone either, IaMP plays nothing like Guilty (or anything else out there for that matter), Akatsuki Blitzkampf plays like SF2 with a touch of new school.

It’s a combination of people not wanting to lose, not having enough time to devote to new games due to RL constraints, not wanting to accept change. As for Guilty Gear itself, other people have already stated why people don’t play it, the learning curve is just too steep for people who want to try it casually to ever get anywhere without devoting considerable amounts of time into it. Not everyone who plays is hardcore.

Way to take things out of context.

#1 I’m talking about the overall attitude of people who post in these threads, NOT YOU.

#2 People in this thread are talking about communities weither we like it or not, again, IT IS NOT ABOUT YOU BRO.

#3 and #4 that was a statement regarding common threads in SRK FGD that end in a shit fest, NOT YOU.

#5 Yes I did read your original post and I understand where you are coming from. Unfotunately, posters here can’t comprehend your arguement 100% so they post negative shit-fest opinions which promote negativity which is what I’m pissed about. Once again, NOT ABOUT YOU, just a comment about the thread in general.

It took you two sentences to say one thing. Thanks for proving my point about your shitty posts.

Like I was saying, after some clarification I agreed with Zakuta. Arcsys has been the “mold” so to speak. However, I still believe that it is not enough justify that GG is the new fighting system all others will try to emulate. 3s was the biggest 2d draw at Evo despite it being almost a decade old. Hell, ST got a pretty big turn out as well. Evo should be a good reference point to the overall popularity of a game amongst the fighter scene. I do not see the arcsys fighting systems to have that big of an influence any time soon.

What? This is kind of funny, given all the stuff people say about “this is [insert country here, usually USA] not Japan”. What does Evo have ANYTHING to do with what new fighting games that are developed are going to emulate? Capcom, SNK, and Arc System Works are all Japanese companies. The overwhelming majority of fighting games are made by Japanese people. How many of them do you think particularly give a fuck about what game did awesome at Evo? Did it make them any money!? So, here we see the other side of the coin, “this is Japan not [insert your pussy country that doesn’t develop fighting games worth playing here]”. Considering you’re lucky if any new 2D fighters are brought over here to begin with, I sincerely doubt the Japanese really care what we’re playing.

Specifically your last two lines are pretty dense. Guilty Gear is insanely popular in Japan. I’m pretty sure they look more at that when developing a game than, say, the mostly arcade free West, where by and large we’re off playing dat Madden or teh Haloz if we’re not playing some 8+ year old fighting game. If you don’t think that the success of Guilty Gear influences other Japanese developers who make 2D fighters, then, uhhh, ok then. I’m sure Street Fighter wasn’t the biggest influence of other fighters in its time (and, yeah, it still influences all other fighters, durr), either.

Since I bothered to post at all, I’d like to go on record that even as a Guilty Gear player I hate these kinds of threads. All sides are quick to talk trash and/or judge the other sides. Who cares? Everyone who posts on a forum like this either knows or should know of all the different fighting games out there. If they aren’t playing the ones you like, that’s their choice. Asking ridiculous questions about why people don’t play blah blah is just going to piss everyone off. Just talk about the stuff you like with other people who like it. If someone new to “your scene” is interested, then chat them up about all your “unique insights” into whatever, and try not to be a dick to them so you don’t run them off. Why don’t people play “new games”? While I’m sure a lot of the reasons covered here are probably true, it’s just as much because none of the preceding happens very often. Maybe people are too busy bugging the fuck out of everyone with threads like these to do that shit. Even if you have positive intentions, you have to consider that the end result is going to be pretty negative.

I just wanted to know why people care if alot of people don’t play their game? There is a Guilty Gear community in dustloop.com, why not post there?

I thought SF3 was the new SF2. :wonder:

we should all just play the new Smash

smash is a party game, not a fighting game. Fuck that kids game. I rather play DOA then smash.

Not only is that a horrible comparison but calling Mortal Kombat’s game-play mediocre to horrible almost made me vomit. Granted the original MK wasn’t that deep game-play wise it was still not horrible neither was MK2’s. UMK3 has a very in depth fighting system with amazing game-play. However the fact that you compared MK to SF is just off the wall bat shit crazy I almost mistook if for a joke. They’re too different to compare. It’s like taking VF and comparing it to Tekken, two entirely different games that look, sound and play nothing alike.


Asian Mike:

You know that the OP of this thread doesn’t play GG - or any new games for that matter? :slight_smile:

[EDIT - MK is fucked. Sure, there may be a system in place, but…DAMN!]