GGXX and SF2 are very similar in alot of ways. Street Fighter 2: world warrior was a great game, still is. Good gameplay, graphics, music, it had it all, but the key was its innovation. There was nothing else quite like it. No 2D fighter has been as ground breaking since, but theres been alot of good efforts. So what makes GGXX stand out from others that also boost all these qualities then? Its the rehashes. Thats how SF2 managed to stay on the top, it keep itself uptodate, bringing in new things combined with its original qualities that made it so great to keep the gamers coming back for more, and thats what Guilty Gear XX is doing now.
SF2 series was followed by a slew of other games all trying to grab at their own piece of success in its wake. Some did OK for themselves, particularly SNK. But no one really truly challenged SF2 untill MK came along. However when compared to not only SF2, but to most of the other copy cats, it was pretty medicore to horrible gameplay wise. What it had going for it was a totally different artstyle and of course fatalities and gore. Pretty much just gimmicks, but innovative all the same. Eventually though Street Fighter had to reinvent itself, as so many games were being released, which were starting to make SF2 look like an inferior game (even though we know thats not true, SF2 will be the only fighting game to live forever).
And theres the major difference, while GGXX has been around for a while now and had its fair share of followups, nothing has come since then though which has really dented its armour, and really challenged it for the top spot. Theres been some good efforts, MBAC, Arcana Heart, Battle Fantasia, KOFXI but these all live in the shadow of the GGXX series, just like the other fighters during SF2’s reign. As proven with games like MK and VF1 they don’t even necessarily have to be good games.
Previous innovative games that came before GGXX with solid gameplay are alright, they made their mark already, so they don’t need to worry about GGXX, they will always be remembered. Difference with them though is that they actually had strong competition back in the day, with plenty close rivals. If anything gained the lead for a short time, another game would soon rise to the challenge. I know theres other facters such accessibility, artstyle, gameplay, etc. but these are all the kind of things which are important for game to come up and challenge GGXX.
And thats essentially why people aren’t playing new 2D fighting games imo.
Why play something else which is new, when you can already play the best of whats new? Back in the day no one would have scoffed about too many people playing SF2 and not enough playing Art of fighting, Samurai Shodown, World Heroes, Power Instinct, Fatal Fury, Fighters History, TMNT:TF, etc.
Some of you will no doubt make the observation that todays fighters during GGXX time are much superior to those during SF2 reign, but back when those games were new people thought that at least some of those games were good aswell, hence why some of those series spawned many sequels themselves. I mean you can question how good a series like World Heroes is, but it was obviously doing something right at the time, as it had more than its fair share of rehashes.
Be good to read others people views on the matter, as at the moment i alittle concerned. GGXX series has had a long hold, and its been a while since something else truly big, 2D wise has comeout, maybe Sengoku Basara X will spur 2D fighters into a new era…