Why we don't play new games? - GGXX is the new SF2

I have to ask, what exactly is so bad about GG?

It is an extremely deep game, that uses many of the initial mechanics of other 2D fighting games, but gives benefits to be on offense, rather than defense, as in CvS. It causes you to actually fight, rather than spamming fireballs at each other, and uppercutting them when they jump in. I mean, Yeah, SF2 is great, but it is so two dimensional (no pun intended). Most of the game is played by repeated fireballs and Shoryukens. Dhalsim pokes, Zangief grabs, and Sagat “Tiger Tiger Tiger Tiger Tiger Tiger Tiger Tiger!”'s. It’s straightforward, and if you love it, that’s fine. But don’t go bashing on GG.

I see GG’s depth, just because all of the characters are so different. You don’t get clones, or “Shotos”, or even spammable characters. On top of that, it adds in a unique battle system by introducing the Burst, which works as a functional Combo Breaker, that can be used once (or twice depending on the length of the fight) per match. It adds in Cancels that were put in the game intentionally, not glitches, that add a mentality for improvisation, not predetermined combos. The FRC is rarely used(I only use it if I need to retreat with Slayer).

I don’t see why all of the old school fighters hate GG so much. It is a deep fighting game. It doesn’t have O. Sagat, or Sentinel/Magneto/Storm or Yun. The closest thing to any of that is Ogawa’s Eddie.

I could see disliking the game because you are accustomed to Street Fighter, KoF, MvC, CvS, or whatever, but saying it’s a bad game because it’s unique is like saying freeing the slaves was bad.

Wow, the twins look pretty cute in that pic.


if you dont want people to hate on gg you should probably do them the courtesy of shutting the fuck up about games you clearly know nothing about

then again, “the frc is rarely used”? seems like you don’t know shit about GG either

and then you end it all with the worst analogy ever. good show.

Don’t read too much into the negativity. There wouldn’t be that much ‘hate’ if people would stop asking “Why doesn’t everyone play Guilty Gear! It’s the future!” Therefore inferring that old games are obsolete. There’s no way to bring the topic it without sounding pretentious and so the replies will be equally pretentious if not more and/or hostile. Honestly I think the Capcom-only crowd could give 2 shits about GG and are content to let the franchise do it’s thing.

It does suck for them that Capcom is kinda leaving the OGs behind in favor of putting their name on what’s basically a spiritual successor to HnK. I mean if SNK can release freakin 9 games of it’s flagship franchise before they have to totally redo the formula, I think Capcom should have been able to do something with CvS
or Street Fighter or hell even a new Justice Gakuen would be nice.

Guilty Gear is a different breed of fighter, almost to the point that the gaps from the SF games to the GG series (in terms of gameplay style, not quality), are about as close as comparing a 2D fighter to a 3D fighter. Guilty does take it’s roots from “old school” fighters. Spacing, zoning, poking, are all there, but the actual ebb and flow of a match is just a very different style than what the fighting game genre was raised on.

I love guilty gear, it’s the only fighter i have much skill at, but i wouldn’t blame anyone for not caring for the style or path it has chosen. It’s not friendly to new players, it requires a lot of effort to get compentent at, to the point that it goes beyond just playing other players. (I.E. playing LOTS of other players to learn various matchups inside and out).

GG crosses a line that creates a bit of a paradox. Fighting games needed to try and evolve, or at the very least show some new innovations and ideas to create a fresh feeling in the gameplay. Unfortunatly to get there, GG has employed a very complicated system that requires a lot of convoluted pratice and study to get better at. So you have a game with a lot of depth, a lot of unique and interesting characters (the majority of which are tournament worthy to play), and thus a game that a lot of new players who were not brought up on the roots of traditional fighters were able to start getting into.

Guilty gear is complicated with a lot of depth, SF is more simple at heart, but still has a lot of depth of it’s own, especially in the mind games that are played. They’re two different tastes, one just happens to be a little more modern. Guilty Gear is either your thing, or it isn’t, so even if guilty gear is “the future” of 2d fighters (a sentiment i agree with), there aren’t a lot of other choices out there, so some people choose to simply stick with what they enjoy, even if it’s part of “the past”.

Long story short, GG is good, SF is good, and they are different. People love and hate all sorts of things. People will praise and bash just about anything if their opinion drives them to. If you like guilty gear, keep playing and supporting it, and don’t worry about the people who dislike it. The rest will take care of itself.

it doesnt help that most gg players are apparently incapable of trying to play the diplomat without acting like they really think gg is superior anyway also

man looks like the dead horse didn’t went zombified after all the beatings it took, now didn’t?:bluu:

GG may be an awesome game but noone really cares!

Its all about the audience! when people start playin games today, they dont play 2d fighters but WoW CS and other shit.

most people who play 2d fighter, started with SF2. Now they are mid 20 or older. They dont want to spend a whole lot of time to learn the bnb of GG or any other new fighter.
We play old-school SF2 and enjoy the magic.

So young kids play shooter, other play Sf2 and no one plays GG :confused:

ggs flaw to me is that its too nice, though ac is a step in the right direction

still i dont see it getting as raw as mvc2 or somesuch anytime soon

regardless i have faith in arc systems because of hnk

That is the smartest post I have read in what seems like forever. Eternal props, my friend. :tup:

both are made by the same company

The topic should be: “Why don’t we play new games from Japan?”. This has a pretty simple answer, we aren’t in japan.

Most of these games don’t really count as ‘new’ games.

The thread should be called why dont people play new fighting games like SNK stuff

No you’re both wrong, this thread should be called “Why play 2D fighters when we have dual analog First Person Shooters?”

You’re all wrong, the question is “Does it really matter!?!?”

There are plenty of people who play GG, plenty of people who play SF2, plenty of people that play Marvel, and plenty that play 3S. Do we really need to go on a shit fest about it? Just let it be.

I think people just don’t want to learn another fighter, simple as that. They have the right to choose not to play any other fighter.

If GG, Arcana Heart, Melty Blood, Virtua Fighter, Dead or Alive, SNK, etc. etc. want more interest in their game, they are going to have to CREATE the interest and not rely heavily on OG, Marvel, and 3S heads all the time.

Interest in what, a brain dead gamer society? In my short three years of being an gaming adult, I am always pissed at what “needs” are more important to gamers now a days. Believe it or not, the fighting game crowd has reached its max right now. The New Skool of gamers that complain about just about any game being too hard(shit they say any thing is fucking hard), they won’t take the time to learn shit, so why should a game company that wants to make a skill intensive game want to advertise to them? The reason you see more people playing H3 over any fighting game is simple accessibility across all of the skill sets. This shit isn’t over some “is the game online” shit. This ain’t about, “oh these graphics are the hotness”. Its simply about “Damn, you nerd, don’t you have a life”.

Sorry thats my rant on that, but to get interest in this gaming society about a fighting game is just impossible. Remember, between T4 and T5 sells, there was a huge disparity. If someone wanted to get their game played, they would have no choice but to try and take some of the audience from other established fighting games. Now, as much as everyone hates it on this forum, people are going to bitch and moan about nobody playing their game, but we really don’t have a choice. Just do it like me, and just suck it up. New blood will be few and far between, and we are not going to change anyone else mind about either a) such and such fighting game, and b)fighting games in general.

Isn’t ever fighter from Japan…? D:

The good ones tend to be. Some of the bad ones, too, but that goes with the territory.

the thing is, there are popular games out there that ARE very skill intensive.
just look at Guitar Hero runs on Expert. look at superplays / speedruns. look at the highest of high level Halo or Starcraft team play at WCG.
then again, the further you go with the skill intensive argument the further you divide people into niche demographics, which is really what this whole thing is about.
my problem is that there are almost too many niche factors involved in “converting” an audience. with ANY game.
even when starting with the simplest of games you STILL get people these days who don’t understand the concept of quarter circles and dragon punch motions.
and the majority of the demographic that wants “new blood” added into their competition circle just doesn’t seem very good at teaching.
essentially, you’re building up new blood to break them down, because not everyone can handle high level play. you can’t just grab someone off the street and make them Ogawa or whoever.
i agree though, the current fighting game society’s mindset is definitely not set on nurturing a community. rather, it seems to be two faced and schizophrenic; appear to be humbly inviting to newcomers yet pursue personal and individual superiority and dominance over its fellow brethren.
which leaves us divided into, of course, niche groups, or individual housecases ( like me ) that just play what they like and avoid the masses’ perceptions.

I’m sorry, Guitar Hero is at the bottom of the barrel in terms of using skill in a rhythm game. Also, Halo’s balance and super weapons being the end all be all kinds of diminishes skill in that game.

I’m talking about skill in the since of you can go higher. I play a lot of games, and I find my self thinking “are gamers just too lazy”. Guitar freaks is way harder than Guitar hero, shit Beatmaina (I play this game) is way harder than Guitar Hero, but no one in america gave it a chance.

Speed runs are done by the select few, and I do mean few. About less than 10% of the gaming society does them. We appreciate them, but rarely you see droves of people replicating those speed runs.

Maybe I figured it out, and people want to be awed with little effort, but to call an accomplishment your own is a huge thing, and I’ve found that ** VERY ** lacking in the gaming society.

As soon as you realize the lazyness of the damn gaming generation, just live with it, you are different than the rest of the dick head in the community. Stick that shit out and suck it up.