I like “The Family that Prays” which ironically Madea is not in. In fact, some of his better films are the ones where Madea is not playing a heavy role or just not in. I hope he does more films without Madea as its much more interesting to see the characters develop on their on, than having Madea intervene.
Spike Lee joints used to be the shit.
I don’t remember either Boyz in the Hood or Bamboozled suddenly turning into bad movies.
I’m white and I can’t decide which I like more… Boyz N The Hood or Blood In Blood Out???
Dude…Blood In, Blood Out is just…Wow. On an unrelated note, shotouts to Zoot Suit with a most godlike performance by Edward James Olmos.
Neither. “Don’t Be a Menace to South Central While Drinking your Juice in the Hood” is where it’s at.
Why yes, I AM mostly white… why do you ask?
Entertainment is subjective. People like what they like because they like it. Many people like Spike Lee, I hate every Spike Lee movie I have ever seen. I like the Boondocks and Monty python, many people hate those shows. We like what we like.
The fuck you on about most people like The Boondocks and Monty Python is basically a national treasure where it’s from and pretty fucking popular world wide.
nah, if people can’t explain why they like/dislike something then their opinion is invalid.
maybe the thread title should be worded ‘Why do so many people like Tyler Perry films?’
Everybody just stfu already and click this link. It’s America dammit.
Sells out football stadiums all the time
this person speaks the truth!
all of his movies are just good old black comedies like his plays too it just on there for us to have a good laugh he defintely is a genius for his work in the characters he play i would mind seeing him live on stage again but at the same time his movies are very good and unique as well good story behind them all
They target a niche just like any other genre film. Twilight is aimed at Tweens, teens, and lonely 40 year olds. Slashers and action flicks are aimed at teen and 20-30 something year old men. Etcetera. Tyler Perry movies are for the middle aged black church crowd.
When does the new Twilight come out?
I’d pay to see an action movie Uncle Tom.
Starring Terry Crews (cause face it, Michael Clark Duncan = RIP. Unless of course someone gets Tommy “Tiny” Lister…)
Have it start off similar to the novel.
But then all of a sudden Tom, had enough of the white-man shit and being a slave, instead of just giving him the stink eye all day, decides to grab a Springfield rifle with unlimited ammo and him running around, saving his bitches, bustin caps of the evil slaveholdin sons of guns, shirt half torn off, spouting one-liners, getting bitches of ALL colors of the rainbow under him as they whimper and cry for their protector as he goes around freein’ everyone, kickin’ ass, doesn’t give a damn to take names, carves a path to the North, kills the fuck out of General Custer (and the indians get blamed), and walks off like a badass into the sunset.
My god, I think I can make a better movie than Perry.
Because people are obsessed with the ‘messages’ that his movies have. The religious and moral jargon filled in segments. The “oh she used to get her ass beat by a guy all the time but now she fought back and omg that’s so great” shit.
Perry shows once again how easy it is to make money off of people if you use the right elements in your creations.
You do know that Quentin Tarantino was going to do a zombie movie with Samuel l. Jackson as a slave who comes back as a zombie and rapes white women out of revenge? He decided to make Death Proof instead and we all missed out big time.
And don’t forget about the obligatory CHOCOLATE ZOMBIE BABY!!!
I cant watch Tyler Perry because I’m not a real nigga.
His shows and movies to a lesser extent are nothing but nigger jokes for the masses.