I guess some people just want to laugh? I mean the world is fucked up as it is already. The US is gettin away with so much shit on people it violates the constitution and every right you THOUGHT you had. They lock you up for thievery but turn around and do the same thing but call it legislature. I say fuck it watch what you want to watch. Neither Lee nor Perry give two shits about anyone in this thread. And no one in here is even hittin the radar of how much money they make or made. SO… enjoy life. Watch what you wanna watch. Fuck who you wanna fuck. Make the chick make you a sandwich. Did Paul Bundy not set a perfect example of what to do while the world is bickering and fighting?
guy is a billionaire. he must have done something right
House of Payne was like…Fucking Blossom with awful black stereotypes and overly dramatic plotlines.
Meet the Browns…I can’t even…
The movies and plays are atrocious.
I’m not sure why people brought up Uncle Tom, but from the comments I have the feeling some of you have never read this story. It is an anti-slavery novel. Uncle Tom is not some derogatory term (or at least it shouldn’t be). Uncle Tom is a noble black man who stands up for his beliefs and does not just bend his will to the slave owners. In fact, he is portrayed as a man whose will is admired by his enemies while they concurrently hate him.
you mean why do black people(not all) like tyler perry movies?
pretty sure no one else is watching them. TP is the biggest scam/fraud of our generation.
…legal scam.
because they arent people, thats why they like that shit.
Look at AV, talk to him
he did in the 80s. Though ep 1 and 2 got a ton of hate, even from his own fans hated them. 3 was alright
Three was just as bad. Don’t lie to yourself.
You live up to your name.
Rock that motherfucker is stupid as shit lol. He just don’t know.
Read number five please
Did you just post a Cracked article as your source for why Lucas is a sham? A fucking Cracked article? God dammit you’re even dumber then LazyJosh. I said nothing about Star Wars aside from the fact that 3 movies isn’t reason to condemn the mans work. THX 1138 and American Graffiti are amazing movies he wrote and directed.
Created ILM for the Star Wars movies and turned them into one of the most successful, creative, and forward thinking effects studios in existence. Large majority of movies every year turn to ILM for effects work.
Created THX one the leading sound engineer studios in the world and just like ILM help with hundreds of movies every year. There’s also Skywalker Sound.
Both of these studios fall under the LucasFilm banner and are some of the most respected studios in their fields in the world.
He was also smart enough to recognize the benefits and money in merchandising for films, one of the very first to do so in the film industry. His initial fortune comes from selling Star Wars merchandise. Not the movies themselves. Also he was executive producer on the last two SWs films, Empire and Jedi. He had final say on everything that made it into the movie so that Cracked article can eat a fucking dick.
He produced Kirosawa’s Kagamusha, Labyrinth, The Land Before Time (Only the first one tho), and was writer and exec producer on the Indian Jones trilogy.
Animation Studio Pixar’s history goes all the way back to ILM where they did work on movies like The Wrath of Kahn an shit.
The mans has done an ASSLOAD of shit that has jack shit to do with Star Wars so people decrying him over 3 movies is petty, stupid and again, re-fucking-tarded.
Linking a Cracked article to disprove my point. Fucking weakass loser shit. “Naw son he doesn’t deserve credit for Star Wars. I mean he only dreamed up, organized, spear headed and gathered together the people who could make his dream a reality and deliver us a fantasy galaxy in a universe far far away.”
Fuck off man.
Kinda how people forget that Jim Henson’s studio has led to some amazing puppetry.
Either way the Episode movies are a travesty and Crystal Skull never happen.
Could care less about Lee. Could care less about Perry. But Lee “Scratch” Perry is dope as hell.
yes thats the way people are, and think, you can do a lot of good things but if you mess up once, twice, people tend to think different about you. Yes hes done and ton of good things, but I was talking about his fuck ups which most part ep 1 and 2. If you want to talk his other great stuff no one cares but fanboys. Lets say a company makes a lot of good stuff, then bam! One day they make shit, everyone is going to think, oh this going down hill, its over, end of the line. People will never for give him for adding such lame shit as Jar-Jar, a very fast death of Darth Maul, a very lame love story, which was god awful, the only thing people will remember about Ep 2 was yoda fighting. The only thing people will remember about ep 1 in a few years is Jar-Jar stinks. Ep 3 was a big improvement over the other two, and im glad about him making other films, but only fanboys will remember his best achievements.
Just, shut the fuck up. Please.
Obviously people have forgiven him if studios continue to make use of his services.
Someone fuckin buy this Man a drink!!! This guy does his fuckin homework. To even argue with this man will lower your creds!!!
No one cares except people who give a shit about films, AKA the only people who matter on the subject of George Lucas’s worth.
Daddy Little Girls was really good, it shows a black man being A GOOD FATHER (something rarely seen on tv). Also House of Payne is an enjoyable tv show as well. Fact is: he is giving black actors ton of jobs (which even Boondocks admitted that). It’s pretty annoying that most black films take place in the ghetto or in slavery showing us as only weak and stupid. Also Spike Lee just need to do films on his own, he know hollywood is racist so why he is so surprise when they dont fund his movies?