Why do people like Tyler Perry films?

I saw a interview with Spike Lee where he pretty much ripped on Perry for his films and his success saying they are setbacks for black film making. I decided to rent two of his movies to see what the big deal was. Now granted, my only exposure to Perry is Meet The Browns which is terrible. After watching both movies, I came to the conclusion that this man sucks at film making and actually writing a coherent script that doesn’t drift off into preaching, portraying black women as subservient or needy for a man and males as villains. This doesn’t even count the stereotypes like Madea who pretty much is the new Aunt Jemima in terms of negative symbols.

Did I mention they are not funny?

My question is why is this man successful?

Oh and I’ll save you some money in case you wanna see any of his films.


Black people love Madea. Can’t explain why.

White people love that stuff to. There’s never a scenario where people get rich that white folks don’t have a say in it.

A few of his movies aren’t bad like Family That Preys.Thats prob the best one I seen by him.But I can see why that other stuff is a turn off.Im not really that big of a fan of that style of writing.

Because they either enjoy the plot, like the actors, or find humor in the movies (idk how mang).

Because they’re ignorant and don’t realize that Perry is making fun of them as he’s one of the biggest Uncle Toms in this day and age.

Tyler Perrys narrative reflect popuplar black plays by a lot of black writers who happen to be heavily influenced by the black baptist church.
Of which is heavily supported by black women. The added bonus is that women in general can identify with woman problems. Young black people are a small part of Tyler Perrys audience.

A poster on SRK? He gives no fucks.

And what have you done for the black community lately?

Shit is funny to me (except meet the browns that shit is dumb and I’ve never met anyone who has like it) and black women love it. I think that the majority of movie and television viewers don’t really care about well written plots people jjust want to be entertained look at the transfformers movies, adam samler is still having people watch his movies and contraband was the #1 movie in america for a while. And spike lee is always the first dude to come up saying shit about something or someone he always has something controversial going on around him. But people are simple minded there not gonna really look deep into things or a lot of times recognize repetitivness. And I don’t see how tyler perry an uncle tom if anything it reinforces just what most other black entertainers are portrayin

What episode is this

:u: The greatest one imo

Huh because there’s a lot of Brit TV and other productions with majority-black casts.

Pause from season 3

Honesty a fighting game player should appreciate replay value, which is exactly what Hollywood does, and what Tyler Perry picked up on. You know who else rehashed old shit? P.Diddy. Just because it’s not revolutionary doesn’t mean people don’t want to see it. Gives you similar scenarios with a few tweeks.

Being hack is only a problem if you’re a bad hack. GOOD Hacks make $$$$$$$$. Tyler Perry was considered the highest paid man in entertainment in 2011.
Shiiiet, I want to be a hack!

Hate his films. Which is strange cuz I love the “black man wearing a fat black woman suit” genre.

Not understanding what this has to do with my post.

I cant think of any predominantly black UK shows, except Desmonds but that was years ago. Fresh prince of bel-air was HUGE in the UK but Tyler perry movies are routinely panned by critics.

i hate tyler perry and madia as the worst black guy to dawn a fat mama suit…but i saw someone bring up spike lee… other then malcom x…spike lee has never made anything worth a shit… i dont even know how he could still have money…royalties from jungle fever and fight the power in the late 80z?

dont get worked up…the easy comeback for this comment is always …why should i care what has the black community done to help the black community

i thought only black people love tyler perry films and shows.Honestly the whole UPN network is full of em

And the answer is, plenty.

I don’t know about him but I support the FUCK out of my Popeyes