Make witty (or poorly thought out and grammatically challenged rage fueled) posts about his lack of technical skill and stubbornness to insult his audience’s intelligence with overly obvious beats but the (sexually confused?) man really knows how to accent cross dressing with profits.
yeah, i recall him saying something like that. IIRC, i think spike’s point was about the financing of films. TP can snap his fingers and get financing to make movies because his movies are profitable. OTOH, it makes it difficult for other black filmmakers, who want to make a different type of film, get money from studio execs unless they’re copying and pasting some TP type movie.
i agree. although, i’ve never seen one of TP films and 5 min of on of his tv shows were enough for me. i have no problem with them being made. however, for every “Transformer” or “Twilight” movie being made. you can still find smaller, thoughtful, well made movies being made as well. this doesn’t happen with black film making.
No Church’s Chicken?
You soldout to the white man : (
What exactly doesn’t happen with black filmmaking?
His movie targets a certain demographic that are more interested in the feel good quality rather than the movie being good.
I’ve been trying to get better with Balrog in Arcade Edition.
Do the Right Thing is a great movie.
Not all of us.
You should have all the “likes”
I think it’s the one where Perry got outed (or at least mad cuz the gay director was an allusion to him), got pissed cuz somebody who worked for him spilled the beans for the material for this ep’s topic* and fired all the dudes who were working under him…I think the title was “Pause”. Regina (Riley/Huey) says there’s going to be a season 4, and it’s already gone to production as of last year…so why won’t Adult Swim or McGruder comment on it?
*cross-dressing black director tries to turn out all his new hires…namely Grandad.
Churches is gross and should never be mentioned when speaking of Popeye’s.
They don’t have those in Queens
And I AM the white man ;o
People like Tyler Perry? Why?
Black people don’t like Tyler Perry. Black women like Tyler Perry, and they drag their husbands/boyfriends/families to go watch his shit. Also, there is generally positive word-of-mouth about his work- that is, between the people who would be likely to see it.
Also they are all family/relationship meoldramas, and at least as I understand it, often have Christian overtones/undertones in the stories. People think of him as a niche filmmaker, but his appeal is rather broad. He is a “safe” moviemaker, though I’d guess he doesn’t think of himself as being such.
It’s like if you see user reviews for Valentine’s Day or some other movie that looked like a piece of shit judging by the trailers/commercials. Critics may not like it, and most users may not like it, but the type of person who is interested in seeing that movie is infinitely more likely to enjoy it. There’s a selection bias, in other words, because the population interested in the movie is self-selecting.
It’s pretty much supported by Black women in the South.
Im sorry all people who like these films are idiots even the ones in my family… I remember I walked in a saw some of my fam watching this shit and I was just like //_-
Shits not even remotely funny
“Do The Right Thing” is one of the best movies I’ve seen and an excellent social commentary film. Lee has a lot of other solid movies like “Crooklyn” and “25th Hour” and his body of work compares very favorably to 90% of Hollywood at that.
But of course, he does say stupid shit at times like his spat with Eastwood and accusing Eddie Murphy of not helping bring up new, talented comedians.
Ro-Com is a billion dollar industry. People(Specifically Perry’s target base) don’t want the truth, because reality just isn’t as exciting as fantasy. If you could make millions of dollars fooling women into believing that a prince charming will come and rescue them IRL, wouldn’t you?
And I second what the guy earlier said about the Black church and whatnot. Visit one and you’ll just hear them preaching about Black men needing to step up, ad-naseum.
Same reason why white people pay to see Larry the cable guy
[LEFT]If Tyler Perry makes a movie out of Uncle Tom’s Cabin I will no longer check African American/Black on ethnicity forms. By other I’ll just write in “Fuck this shit. I quit.”[/LEFT]