Why do people like Tyler Perry films?

Tyler Perry is popular because he’s like the george lopez for black baptists.

Lee can be vocal all he wants but he doesn’t have to be a dick about it. Who gives a fuck if Tyler Perry is getting money. We know why the guy gets it but its not like all his movies are horrible. Family That Preys, Why Did I Get Married, and Daddy’s Little Girls were aight. I’m not too fond of the other movies. Lee has ALWAYS came off like he has a chip on his shoulder’s and maybe thats the problem.

Bottom line:

Lee >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Perry

That show is AWFUL. I can’t even believe that show aired for as long as it did. Does it still even come on? The “jokes” in that show were from the 80s and the “serious” episodes were the worst thing I’ve ever seen in my life.

People over look the “support the black community” aspect. Some people were brain washed into thinking supporting him symbolizes some sort of black unity.
Although he does employ the highest number of black people in all aspects of film making, he takes all that good away with horrible …everything else.
Its funny because people are coming down on Red Tails because it isn’t a grade A movie to most…but Tyler Perry gets a pass.

I think so, sometimes when I come home from school i’ll flip on TBS and it will be a perfect show for nap time . lol.

Sir, I think I know who the earthlings are referring to.

Texas Instruments couldn’t calculate the amount stupidity contained in :u: this post.

yeah, he’s so “uppity” like that. how dare he make (mostly) solid movies and not like the pleasure of getting shit on by people with no talent.

yeah, that’s an interesting thing i’ve noticed about many of my friends that are black. they have animosity towards Lee- who is a talented filmmaker/artist; but Perry -who is toxic- is just “aiiight,” or “needs to spend more money on his movies because they look cheap.”

taste cancer.

RHIIIIIOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, gather the dragonballs…

also tyler perry movies are terrible, id rather watch a full episode of the wendy williams show…

wendy williams is a whole nother thread LOL

Me and Bill O’ Reilly hates Tyler Perry Films. They were okay doing the early 200o’s era. But after that…

Bill O’ Reilly: “Fucking Thing Sucks!”

Havent seen any of his films and I think my life will be ok without them. Go’s back to watching robo cop 1

Not saying he has to like it but he’s been like this even before Perry came to the fold. Its cool to bring awareness but tone dictates if people will listen.

People are coming down on Red tails mainly cause it carries the George Lucas brand of BS where its all flash but no substance. The movie could’ve been better than what was put out. I’ve never known Perry’s movies to get a pass. I mean a majority of reviewers had came down on his movies hard as well.

apparently, George Lucas is feeling angry and conspiratorial these days as well.


George Lucas is a fucking idiot.

Tyler perry is successful because people like to laugh and people will watch anything other than something they have already seen or commercials, or when they need a reason to go out on the weekend.

Seriously analyzing a Tyler Perry movie like a work of art is retardery. The Ace Ventura movies were successful. Were they oscar winners? no

This comment is fucking stupid. That man is is a visionary. An imagineer. To discount everything he has done over his entire lifetime over 3 fucking movies is some short sighted, re-fucking-tarded shit.

Why is this thread even still open? It just ended, right here. Did everyone just miss that part?

he was smart in the 80s, now not so much

I doubt you have even half a clue how many pots he has his fingers in and how much new tech, film making techniques, and over all advancement in the world of film has been and continues to be involved in. He’s the man who pushed digital film making to the fore front in the early 2000’s, the new standard. So just stop.