Who REALLY is the worst character in the game?

dude, lzj is really, really good. He’s not very technical, (like no ec player is) but he is very very good. Just not as well known as Buk, but he’s realllly solid.


please, i raped LZJ at evo like 6 straight games playing screw around teams. god only knows what would’ve happened if i played my REAL team against that scrub. shit, i don’t even think he got to my R2 any of the games.


Well I beat you at MWC then lost to LZJ in the tournament. The question is, who really cares @_@.

well i care.:rolleyes:

the REAL question is, how is someone from stockton going to play a money match with someone from new york?

that or how many licks it takes to get to the center of the tootsie roll pop.

Good point, Stockton sucks. It’s almost up there with Tracy now, but it still sucks.

Tracy owns everyone bitch

Of course… i’m the only one from there that plays so uh… yeah

Ok, lemme’ start by saying That I kno for a fact that Buktooth is good at the game. Seeing as he can acually rank in EVO. He did this year, but where are you on the chart? Do you Honestly think you can compare yourself to him?

Second, RC means ROLL CANCEL. does this sound famillier?

WTF is that? Even the biggest of scrubs know what RC is. You said you probably know what it is, but it’s obviously VERY clear that you dont’.

Third of all, I hope you keep thinking Sakura sucks. Thats your fault and quite frankly I dont even think you deserve to see a good Sakura.

Fourth of all, you think you can brag just because you won a few tournies. Who cares if your the best at your arcade? That just means that you dont have nothing to learn, because there aint nobody there thats better than you. Obviosly ou didnt battle any GOOD A-grooves in those tournaments. An A-groove that would have Sakura in it. Since you think that you’ll beat every Sakura out there then why dont you try winning EVO.

And finally, I know if somebody is good or not. Wat if some 5 year old kid decides to to post on a thread saying “Hey guys what are your best button mashing patterns. I just try to mash as hard as I can so I can get alot of hits in.” Am I supposed to bow down to this little kid because I never seen him play?

Your the one thats being :lame: :rolleyes:

And another thing!!!

the REAL question is, how is someone from stockton going to play a money match with someone from new york?


It doesnt matter where your from. It’s how much you play the game and how much you know. Not where you’re from! Damn I guess everyboby sucks who isnt from NY or Japan or whatever. Thats why I’m on SRK! So I can learn some shit and practice it, regardless of the town that I live in.

Good point, Stockton sucks. It’s almost up there with Tracy now, but it still sucks.


You just said that to make me mad. Your just mad because you dont’ know how to play CvS2, MVC2 or 3s. Stick to Soul Calibur. Oh wait, I’ll smash on you at that too. :mad:

maybe buktooth88 is very good but it doesnt mean that i am not good. and since your so impressed by rankings in the EVO tournament where did you place? i dont care what ROLL CANCEL is, because if its not in the basics of the game then it is not that big of a deal. i may not have technical knowledge about the game but it doesnt mean that i cant whoop you. so if you think that knowing what ROLL CANCEL is what will make you good then youre wrong. the basics are what make you good. when to roll and attack, when to roll and throw, execution on your moves, your most damaging combos, taking advantage of situtions etc, etc. i’m not bragging about being the best at my arcade. but it helps me bring to point the fact that i dont suck since you are so convinced that i do. and i can think anybody is the worst in the game if i want to. if you dont want to listen to my advice then dont get involved. what do you care that i think sakura is the worst in the game for? my cousin uses A-groove so i know what a good A-groove is(his A-ken is amazing). but A-groove is not the best groove. i already stated why it is inferior to C-groove in an earlier post. why do you keep insisting that A-sakura is so important? C-sakura should be much better since C groove has so many more options. and lastly you said you know if somebody is good. you are just too wrong. you say that i am a scrub without even playing me. i could very well be better than the winners of the EVO tournament. i have never played them before so i dont know.

maybe if you went to evo… :smiley:

cool, but i was just suggesting that it’s kind of hard to play a money match if you guys live on opposite sides of the continent.

wait wTF?
lzj aren’t u josh wong?
maybe i’m getting some shit mixed up or something, but yer not sounding too much like the guy I played and watched at MWC/EVO.

Big deal so I wasnt’ at Evo I had no way of getting there. Believe me I tried to go, but what was I supposed to do? Ride a magic carpet or something? I’ll be there next year for sure.

The basics? First of all, rolling is more trouble then it’s worth. Second the basics will get you owned. I mean honestly what are the basics? Jump, attack, and block. MAYBE roll. Jump=Anti-air, Block=throw & guard crush and roll=death. Now then lets get out of this immaginary world of SF2 and get into the world of CvS2. You dont need RC, but it’s good to at least know what it is so that you know what to do when you come across someone who knows how to use it.

You also stated that C-Sakura would be better than A. Think about it. When you can link a custom combo from any situation and do big damage, then end the combo leaving them dizzy, do a few small attacks in a combo till your bar is up then link to a L.v1 super. This is a combo that Sakura can do. It comes out at around 90 hits and leaves them with no life left. How do you beat that. I mean sure I know C-groove is crazy too, but not better than A. I’ve seen full damage combos from C-groove too. From Chun-li, Akuma, Ryo and even KYOSUKE and many other characters too. I know how good C-groove is, but everyone know for a fact that A is better. You can build meter faster too. What takes longer? Getting 3 supers on C or filling up the A-groove bar when you have a good battery on your team like Sakura or Bison. Why is C better? Lots of people say that C-Sakura is just like A-Sakura, but without the damage. Safe fall is decent too. I’m the best at my arcade to, but I’m not using that to furthur myself. Hell, I’ll be honest, everyone else at my arcade sucks with the exception of maybe 8 or 9 people, but 8 or 9 skilled players is good enough competition for practice. Theres a few people from out of town too, so you cant say that just because theres alot of scrubs at my arcade that I suck because I dont get competition and practice.

And another thing! Do you even know what an amazing A-ken is like. Oh wow, S.Hk x4, forward H.k x13, L.k huricane kick-> shin ryuken. WOW thats SO amazing. :rolleyes: Do you even know about his 10000 damage corner CC or is that not basic enough for you. Ken does big damage on A too. If you can use him the right way. You use one of his instant dizzy cross-up combos then you do your CC. He’s good on C too, but compared to A he’s weak.

I was just trying state a fact that isnt true and aware you about it. I mean thats what forums are for to try and help somebody out. I just wanted to warn you about one of the biggest threats in the game. Who damn sure shouldnt be overlooked Just because Shes maybe one of the hardest characters in the game to make effective. But obviously your too good to listen a little scrub like me. :rolleyes: Keep in mind that this all started when you said “You’ll never beat me at CvS2”. I just defended myself and you’re the one that took it the wrong way.

Eh, acually it happens alot. Even Ricky Ortiz has stopped by my humble little town. My bad, I though you meant that I sucked because of the town that I’m from.

i’m guessing you’re EX matt right? what’s up man? i’m not gonna sit here and make a shit load of excuses, but i’m horrendously bad on ANY arcade sticks that aren’t japanese. read my evo log if you haven’t already. i went 2 and out at MWC ON ARCADE, and got top 50 at evo ON CONSOLE with my trusty agetec. when you play A-groove, but can’t shosho or paint the fence on the arcade and you’re forced to play a different team (C-groove against you), you’re in trouble. and that was my situation. but you did beat me fair and square. i heard you were at Evo right? too bad we didn’t play any matches, i would’ve liked to play you on console, but maybe next year.


PS- how did this thread go from the worst character in cvs2 to this:confused:?

I’ll tell you. It started with this little comment from LZJ…

“the worst characters in the game are definately kyosuke, e.honda, and sakura.”

naw thats not josh wong… josh wong used a-sak first round semifinals against me at evo, lol, why why why did i pick k groove.

uh, hmmm, so yeah, tracy>stockton

honda and sakura are 2 of the best characters in the game

and yeah, thats about it

King sucks… i’ll give her the honor of smelliest crap character in the game

that guy travels pretty much anywhere if there’s free money involved…

popoblo, i didn’t really realize you were a console warrior up until recently… we shoulda did a rematch back at evo or something.

jesse u bitch stop losing to albert in yer riverside tournies.

getting back to the thread though. i think maki sucks shit in cvs2. she’s nearly as bad as blanka/sagat. damn, i give myself props for using one of the shittiest teams in cvs2.

Uhmmm… Acually, Stockton>Tracy.

Saks top tier, but Honda’s only upper mid tier.

And King does suck ALOT, but Chang is worse.

lol, yea we should have, but it’s all good. remember at MWC when i was super pissed that i couldn’t do any of my customs or most of my RC’s, and sugarland was trying to calm me down, but with no success? i would’ve killed to use an agetec at any point during that tournament. that’s why i DEFINITELY won’t go to nickel city for midwest challenge 3. the sticks are fine, but i’m not used to them. i’m used to my agetec and that’s it. did you think i was just some scrub who posts a lot online after you beat me? hell, i would’ve.

but anyway, i’ll be looking forward to your new maki vid, i heard you have one in the works right?


maki sucks. she’s obviously unusable. :cool:

on what basis?
dhalsim > chang >king

haha na I didnt goto evo.

I couldnt use the sticks at mwc either. Not the cabinet where I had to play all my matches on. I fucked up enough CC’s. But whatever =P


King does not suck.

she counters Guile :smiley:

i c, i thought i heard somebody say you were at evo and for me to play you on console (for whatever reason). we played on the soundless cabinet right? that shit sucked really bad. another reason why i love console- people can’t bitch about controls. and we’re both bitching, so it’s ok right:mad:?

king counters guile? aside from the double fireball vs sonic boom, what can king do against guile’s low forward? hopefully you’re kidding about that…