Who REALLY is the worst character in the game?

if you werent at evo and i wasnt at evo then dont call me a scrub. rolling at the right time is the best thing in the game. you move through anything that comes your way(that isnt a throw) and you recover next to the opponent. this doesnt sound like a good strategy? somebody who thinks roll=death doesnt know much about this game at all. like all things its great if used right and bad if used wrong. i really dont understand this RC at all but you all need to stop talking like its a necessity to win. and for my statement about C sakura being better than A sakura, i think that both sakuras are horrible and that sakura is horrible not matter what groove shes in. C sakura has airblock, can combo into supers, gets a meter faster than any other groove, she has level 2 cancels which do a lot of damage, and she has strength boosts for every level she obtains. and since youre mocking my cousin’s A ken i take it you know how to play ken. thats fine i dont care. i was just saying that i’ve seen good A grooves even though A is a weak groove in general. dont say i’m basic either. i know a lot of things about the game. its fine that youre trying to educate me about why you think sakura is not worst in the game. i have no problem with that. i do have a problem with cocky people only saying that theyre better because of this and that. youve never played me so dont call me a scrub. thats all thats making me mad right now. i thought we were having an debate about why characters are good or not. just because my contribution to the thread is different doesnt mean you people have to start a fight over the internet about it. i’ll never play you for money because i would never go to wherever you live in cali but thats good for you because i’m pretty sure i’d beat you for free. well whatever then. also chang is a very good keep away character for those who dont know. hes nowhere near the bottom 3. chang is probably top 15 in the game.

Ok, I’m not gonna argue with you about skill anymore because thats starting to get really old. I’m just gonna state a few facts.

Ok, rolling is decent if use correctly, but nomatter what, asides from roll cancel it’s not a big part of the game. Alot of people would think of rolling as a weakness. You can easilly be attacked or thrown out of a roll. For example, Guile’s Sonic boom if your in the corner you may want to roll, but since Guile’s Sonic boom has maybe the best recovery time in the game for a projectile then you can get tossed even when you least expect it. Also rolling leaves you open for quite a while. You can get owned by a combo, super, CC etc. Alot of the times people play footsies to bait people into a roll so they can get a free whatever. And I know plenty about the game. I used to rely on rolling when I just started playing and I lossed alot. So I know from experience that rolling isnt’ as good as your making it seem. So dont try to say that I dont know nothing about CvS2 because I dont roll as much as you.

Known fact that A-Sakura has one of the best CCs in the game. Much better than a simple lv.2 cancel. Airblock is pointless because it doesnt’ help much. You can still get anti-aired just as easilly. It just makes people play in an unsafe way because they think they’re invincible in the air.

Quit getting shit twisted! I’m not mocking nothing. I was just stating that you shouldnt think average is godlike. And yes I do play ken. Hes on my C and A team. Thats proof that I know all about what groove is better, C or A? since I play both unlike you, so I acually have ground in that arguement. And I hate to say it again, but I guess it’s the only way to proove it to since your so damn stuborn about everything thats true. How come the best use A-groove if it’s the weakest. And they seem to win with this “weak groove”. They also have Sak in there teams, but I guess I’m going off topic with that. Ok, maybe you do know alot about the game, but it’s obviously clear to everyone that you dont know enough. And theres nothing wrong with being basic. As long as you’ve still got skills. It’s just that if someone knows more and they can back it up then they’re gonna most likely end up winning. I know I cant back it up, because you’ve never seen me play, but I KNOW alot I just got to find some way to back it up.

There you go again getting everything twisted. Your a hypocrit! This all started when you said “You’ll never beat me at CvS2”. You keep saying all this BS about me judging you with out playing you, but you dont even know that you did it first. Keep in mind that you said that first, before I called you a scrub. I know this seems childish, but you started it. And how am I cocky you dont see me going “I’m the best at my arcade and I won two tournaments” though that sounds really fammiler. And your the won that said you would be glad to play for money beacause your confident in your skills. I said “I would be glad to stop by LZJ’s scrublang and happilly take everyone’s money”. Did I say that you’re a scrub. NO! You Just said that I could never beat you cough Hypocrit cough so I called you a scrub because you think your so good, but you know so little about the real world about the game.

Cough BULLS**T cough!!!What a hypocrit you are. It’s that kinda shit that makes me wanna call you a scrub again! You wouldnt even be the scrubs at my arcade. Even they know how to deal with the basic roll tactics. They’ll throw you all day. If I ever meet you at a tourny ir whatever, then I’ll be sure to shoshosho(Sakura’s CC) and roll cancel on you all day. And Cammy, Sagat, Bison, Geese, Vega, Blanka, Ken, Akuma, Chun-li, Rugal, Haohmaru, Guile, Hibiki, Rolento, Kyo, Iori, Morrigan and Terry are all better than Chang. The list goes on too, but I think you get the picture. And that was well over 15, not to mention all the characters I didnt’ feel like mentioning. Oh wait, whats that I didnt even have to mention Sakura, because I already know how you feel about her. Well thats proof that this is still a worst character thread.

Cough cough HYPOCRIT cough cough

“hypocrit” :smiley:

:lp: :lp: :r: :lk: :hp: :cool:

Na I wasnt there, probably someone looking for me cause I talked shit to them or they wanted to play me for money.

Anyways I wasnt totally serious about king countering guile @_@

But she can fight him. Low forward ?? I dont know what counters it.


Her s.hk is an unbeatable anti air. It beats anything out cleanly.

Her jump hp is the shit for air to air.

i dunno shit about her to be honest. But I can sorta use her. And she is definitely under-rated.

You guys need to step off LZJ’s nuts for half a second here. He just stated an opinion, and for those who think it’s ludacris, it’s “his” opinion. I don’t agree with what he’s saying, but I still take what he says into consideration.

I personally think rolling (with certain characters) is a great tool. Have you ever seen Iori’s roll, it’s a big part of his game. Being able to roll through supers is great as well. But yes, if abused it becomes your own worst enemy. Forget about roll-canceling because I think that’s bull-shit to begin with, but more power to the people who can do it. I’m just not going to spend my time learning it.

And Chang is a fucking beast, especially in K. He’s obviously not the best, but he has some good shit to offer if you take the time to learn. I’ve seen pretty decent players get wrecked by a good K-Chang.

As for the worst player in the game…I’d have to say Athena. Don’t ask me why I just think she is.

Wat was that all about?

Your right there are certain rolls, that are exeptionally like Iori’s and Kim’s, but not everyone is lucky enough to have a roll like that. I was just posting on the average roll. And LZJ made it seem like rolling is one of the most important things in the game. I just posted my opinion about rolling. And canceling is a big help. You should learn it, because in the future it will help you out alot. Just my opinion though.

Chang in the long run sucks. He may be a beast, but what character cant’ be good if someone knows how to play him right. He’s just too hard and a waste, since hes mid tier at most.

Atheena isnt the worst character, but I respect your opinion. Lemme just say something about her. Her crouching fierce has so much priority. It’s so damn cheap. It’s basically all you really need with her. She may not be good, but she is cheap and thats what I think makes her decent.

He Shungokusatsu’d You :0

I just wanted to say, that Ken is one of the worst characters ever. He has nothing going for him. I will say that Yuri is like 9-1 matchup for Ken. As is King. Ken has no way of beating King because King has great air defense. If Ken can’t jump, he can’t crossup, and thereby can’t cr LK. So King owns Ken for free. Yup, same with Yuri. Ken jumps, cr FP. Ken stay on ground mash RH. If Ken RCs… RC Hundred hand slap. Yuri is 9-1 matchup. Ken = low tier.

Also btw… Chang has a 10 - 0 matchup vs Vega. Because Chang can jump back FP. and when Vega tries to walk in, slide him. You win. Plus Vega has to hit you 3 times as much to beat you.

I’d have to rank the worst chars in the game as:

Maki, then Ken, then probably Rolento, I’d have to go with K groove Geese as next, then Vega.

vasAZNion13- :db:,:hcb:,:df:+ :hp: and I’m sure you would jump right into it.Oh so now your gonna criticize me for my spelling? Grow up! :lame:

Cheesemaster-Im not gonna argue, because it’s your opinion. All I’m gonna say is Rolento is top tier on A-groove and Geese and Vega are Top too. Geese owns on K and Vega owns on K,P and A. Ricky Ortiz got second at EVO with Vega. I dont mean to bring up that kinda stuff, but I’m just saying that Vega and such other good characters shoulnt be underestimated. I own with K-Vega. All you have to do is small jump and tick throw. They’re Not god tier or nothing, but there some of the better characters in CvS. Ken isnt’ all about the air either. he has a decent ground game too. Characters dont suck just because they have weaknesses to certain characters that do better in the air. I hope It didnt’ seem like I was arguing with you.

eddie lee won with haohmaru if im correct, that doesnt make him toptier, stop talking about vega BECAUSE ricky ortiz uses him, thats just bullshit

Rolento is toptier in C groove not A groove. Vega in K and P are is also not toptier. just because who and who got second in a tournament with Vega does not make him good automatically. my cousin has gotten 1st in a tournament with S-sakura but it doesnt make her good. and when you say 1 dimensional strategies like “all you have to do is small jump and tick throw” it is hard to acknowledge your skill. stop hanging on to ricky ortiz’s nuts and just play your own game. people who talk about other people winning tournaments and how good they are always seem to be those who dont know how to play themselves.

tracy fucking sucks.

lzj is a fucking dumbass if he thinks it’s fun to ruin a perfectly good thread.

good fucking job.

LZJ, you should go download some vids. It won’t take long before you see why Sak & more specifically A-Sak is on top.

That’s just it cr.fp is all Athena has going for her besides her size and speed. Every supposed “good” Athena you come against will just throw out random ass cr.fp’s and hope they stuff whatever you throw at them.

I don’t think Ken is in anyway the worst in the game. C - Ken has LVL 2 cancels that do ridiculous damage. cr.lk, cr.lk, cr. lk xx lvl 2 Shouryu Reppa xx Nataotoshi Kick, lp.shoryuken, lvl 1 shinryuken in the corner is too good. I hate A - Groove, but I hear he’s good in it so whatever good job ken.

I hate Vega, but his speed, range and priority can’t really go unnoticed. He’s decent in pretty much every groove too. In the long run he’s just an annoying piece of shit, so yeah he’s low-tier fuck him. You hear that vega F-U-C-K Y-O-U.

ok, I understand we must respect people’s opinions, but sould we respect opinions as stubborn, 1-sided and stupid as this?
I think he just posted this to piss everyone off, I’m sure he isnt serious…

imma have to disagree with that. maki is the best character in the game.

Maki > blanka

i still cant’ figure out why A-dan is ranked so much higher on the low tier ranks(according to buktooth). is it only because he can runaway all day with tked qcb+hk plus a decent AA CC? shit he ranked the sucker above K-raiden.
i agree with the rest of the cast though(except for maybe K-ryo being down that far… )

LZJ: you’re wrong about your tier listing. kyosuke is not bottom 3. :slight_smile:

i was bored, and i felt like posting something, but with the new restrictions i can’t post less than 20 letters, so i put in random stuff(in case you were wondering about the raging demon command). sorry if you took that one a little too personal.
btw…doesn’t your post make you a “hypocrit” too?

“Grow up! :lame:, BTW i did raging storm…i’m sure you’d jump right into it.”

haha, well… kinda, but i saw you play a little more at evo and yer definitely above avg when you have your agetec. we’ll prolly have to wait till next evo to play again unless both you and me go to texas showdown. who knows.

almost done i think… my friend is editing it right now so whenever he’s done it’s all good.

Jesse on nam’s sn
guys guys, lets end the argument here… sakura is god, honda is kinda god, and tracy is teh best, whilst stockton is teh suX0rZ LOLZ

huggles to keif and ell bee


Buktooth, I was wondering how horrible you thought Benimaru was. I would assume that’s not very far from being off the list, in that’s probably ninth or tenth or something. Not that I hate him, it’s just I see too much bad about him, especially when a decent poke of :mk: becomes that obvious :r: + :mk: that gets you blown to hell.

Also, I’ll be honest and say that it also hurts his ability for me because of that, while I mostly got over my problem of :hcb: x 2, :hcb:, :r: still escapes me and with at least his super throw being seemingly “good”, you can see how that’s not helpful.

I’m mostly just wondering because I don’t think anyone has anything about him before this bitching start.

P.S. I find your avatar quite humorous.

Damn everybody seems to be on my nuts about how I brought up Ricky Ortiz to make Vega seem top tier. Thats not what I was trying to fuckin’ do. I’ve always thought of Vega to be top even before this year. I was just using that as an example, because Gaurdcrush and CheeseMaster said he was one of the worst characters and I just decided to use that as an example. No matter what Vega’s good even if Ricky Ortiz didnt use him. Think about it, one of the reasons I said he was good was because of his small jump. A-groove doesnt even have SJ. A is what he used. I just used that as an example. because there are some people who are too stuborn to believe anything and how else am I supposed to prove it. I’m not some name dropper, but how can I prove somthing without playing anybody. Same case with LZJ when I “name dropped” about people who used Sakura. So I just posted some evidence that doesnt involve meeting or playing anybody. Thats understandable isnt it? So get off my nuts! :mad:

Oh yeah right!!! Stockton, jokes about Tracy about everything and how there players think there so good at every game, but then when somebody goes down there they come back with stories about how Tracy got their asses humiliated.

Would you please just SHUT UP!?!?!? I’m tired of arguing with you, because your hella stuborn and you think you the best. Rolento is one of the best characters on A-groove, I already told you why I used Ricky Ortiz as an example, I stated reasons why Vega’s good, and you say I’m hanging on to Ricky Ortiz’s nuts, but it seems to me like your hanging on to your cousin’s nuts. YOu need to quit dissing people who know a few helpful facts just because you know any. You just use basicness as an excuse, because you dont know shit. Quit talkin’ shit.

Here it comes “Well I may not know as much as others, but I’m still better”. :lame:

And why’s everyone getting on MY nuts. I’m not the one who fucked this thread up.