Who REALLY is the worst character in the game?

Stupid fucking people. You can’t even realize he’s fucking around. :rolleyes:

there was little to no sarcasm dripping from his posts

if hes joking hes not very good at it…

sakura’s hurricane kick is NOT invincible. neither is her dragonpunch neither is her fireball. sagat ken ryu and a number of other people have invincible special moves. but as for sakura she has no invincible moves at all except for her low damage supers. she is tied for the worst character and everybody seems to think that she is good. and honda does go through ground fireballs but i am talking about the midair fireballs that the capcom side of the game posesses. he will go through a reppuken but not a hadouken. he will go through the air fireballs if he uses his level3 super however. but you cant do level3 supers over and over. and stop saying that i am a newb. i already told you all that i have been playing this game for 2 years already. i know all of the special moves of everybody in the game and can do all the supers in the game consistantly (except impractical supers like geese’s raging storm). if you think i am so bad then maybe you should play me for money. not so confident anymore are you?

LZJ u were wondering where in philly suburbs i lived, i live in levittown, pa (across from burlington/trenton, nj)

i volunteer to play you for money (if your posts arent trolling and you really are this retarded)

OK guys let’s stop ruining the thread. If you can’t realize he’s just messing around then please stop posting.

Are you sure he’s just messing around, he keeps on talking as if he’s for real… lol i hope he is messing around, and if you are messing around LZJ stop being retarded, and make some decent contributions instead of trying to ruin a good thread.


This LZJ guy sort of sounds alot like someone on SRK.

As for that Dan link combo, well it can be practical to someone who practice doing this more often once he figures out when to link it.

You guys are all a bunch of zitfaced punks who never get laid!

I am not a zit-faced punk. :frowning:

Yes you are don’t lie!!! Joking!

i will play you for money. there is an arcade in philly called university pinball. there are very good players there(none of them use sakura e.honda or kyosuke). i will be willing to play you for money there.

Man, what a scrub this LZJ guy is. When are you guys playing? I want to come and bet this fool too.

since, everyone is on the topic of money matches. If there is anyone from Cali on this thread that lives in the area of Sacramento. Then I’m ALWAYS down for a money match. All you need is to bring whatever low tier characters you have and some money.

If I’m ever in Philly then I’d be glad to stop by LZJ’s Scrubland and beat everyone there with a ratio1 Sakura, then Happily run off with everyones money.

And I never said Dahlsim was the worst. I just said that 90% of the other characters in the game are better. Ok on second analylist He isnt’ the second worst. there are a few more characters he outranks.

you’ll lose your money to LZJ

you would never beat me in cvs2

How big of a money match are you willing to do? If it’s enough I might bring plenty of low tier characters to the next Stockton tourney.

Damn, too good!!!

so ragnafrak when would you like to play for money?

Not you man, your TOO good. It’s like giving you free money. If you still want to come down though, that would be cool. I would love to meet a player of your calibur.

you would never beat me in cvs2

HAHAHA!!! Damn, that shits funnier than Dave chappelle. :rolleyes: You dont even know what RC is. And you also think Sak is one of the worst characters when shes acually better than MOST people in the game. Dude your a scrub. Do you know how hard it is to be funnier than Dave chappelle?!?!? :rolleyes:

Not you man, your TOO good. It’s like giving you free money. If you still want to come down though, that would be cool. I would love to meet a player of your calibur.

why do you think you cant beat buktooth88 and that you can beat me if you have never met us both. i already told you i’m the 2nd best in my arcade and my cousin who is really really good is the 1st best. i do not know the abbreviation RC but i probably know what it is if you say the unabbreviated terminology. and i stand by what i said about sakura. if you believe her to be a good character than that is your own mistake. i’m not a scrub. would a scrub have won 2 cvs2 tournaments already? how many tournaments in the game have you won? how can you criticize somebody’s skill in a game when you have never even seen them play? :lame: