Who REALLY is the worst character in the game?

the worst characters in the game are definately kyosuke, e.honda, and sakura.

kyosuke doesnt do damage. if you look at his jumping attacks none of them do any more than 600 damage which is like jab damage. i tested it myself. his fireball can just be rolled through, and then punished. the motion for his level 3 super isnt practical. and he is slow.

e.honda is bad because he cant combo without charging so everytime you jump in you cant combo anymore. how can somebody be good if he cant even attack. the only way he is good is if he keeps doing headbutt and somebody doesnt know how to jump over it and attack him.

sakura is weak and her supers dont do enough damage. the best one if the one where you have to block low but even that doesnt do enough damage. her fireball doesnt even go far. it goes as far as sagat’s leg. her dragon punches dont even stop jumps. the only way is if they dont attack. lol goodluck.

thats why kyosuke e.honda and sakura are the 3 worst in the game. it is about a 3 way tie. i talked to my cousin about it and he thinks so also. the people everybody is naming is crazy. they are not as bad as the worst 3.

PLEASE god tell me your being sarcastic

LOL dood did you just take a hit off the crack pipe or what? Please tell me your joking…


LOL, Gadgy please don’t beast. You should go to evo next year and wreck peeps with sim. I really would pay to see the look on peoples face after getting ocv’d by R1 sim

watch some vids of iyo. granted he doesn’t OCV anyone with R1 sims, he still held his own against some high lvl japanese players.

:stuck_out_tongue: I know right? Bring EVO to Austin & we’ll see. Until then it’ll have to be on xbl.

vasAZNion13 maybe you can post some links for all the Sim haters?

LZJ, you’re on crack bub.

i got the vids from a friend, a looonng time ago. sorry. i heard iyo dropped sim and n groove for C-mai. but that doesn’t neccessary means sim sucks./…it’s jsut cuz runaway mai >daigo

The key word was practical. Low jab to low strong is a one frame link. You’re not going to be getting that every time.

Iyo actually gets TONS of OCVs, against all the players you’ve heard of too. They’re just not on video.

what are you all talking about? i am not on crack. in fact i do not do any drugs at all. do you all mean that you dont believe that kyosuke, e.honda, and sakura are tied for worst last? there are many better people. i’d like to see any of the bottom 3 try to fight a battle against sagat, blanka, or any halfdecent characters. if anybody wants to know why kyosuke, e.honda, and sakura cannot be “serious” characters then pm me. i’ll explain in depth to anybody who asks.

Hope you’re joking.

I feel ashamed to of lost to you at MWC now.

coming from the guy who can do A-sak’s CC…i’m now confused…

the worst characters in the game are definately kyosuke, e.honda, and sakura.QUOTE]

WTF!!! Sakura is GOD tier man. Have you ever seen a REAL Sakura. Instant dizzy A-groove Combos to longer extended combos that end with a lv.1 super. Those arent combos that a mid or even Top tier character would have. You know why? Because she excels ABOVE top tier. How can a tournament winning character be one of the worst. To most people (including me) she outranks Sagat, Blanka, Cammy and the rest of the cast. Have you ever even heard of roll cancel or shoshosho? I know you havent so let me tell you. It happens to be the second best CC in the game next to Bison’s “Paint The Fence”. It has Instant dizzy start ups and finishers and does an entire GC bar if they block. She’s fast, has range and one of the best poke in the game(S.Hk), good basic combos, She has some of the best moves to be roll canceled, fast dizzy rate and certain combos that can kill a Character IN ONE COMBO. She’s not only top tier she god tier up there with Sagat, Cammy and A-Bison. Tell me a REAL tournament that doesnt have Sakura in the top three teams.

Kyosuke has some major combos too. Some that can take up nearly there entire life gauge. So hes out for worst Character (though he still isnt good.)

E.Honda has plenty of combos. Just because you have to charge doesnt’ mean you cant do combos. E.Honda is Just like blanka except not as cheap. And another thing CvS isnt about combos its about strategy. Combos are good to know and are EXTREAMLY important, but some characters dont need them as much.

And to everyone who doesnt think that Dhalsim sucks. Heres a list of characters who are Better…

Sagat, Cammy, Bison, Sakura, Blanka, Geese, Ken, Chun-li, Guile, Rolento, Vega, Akuma, Ryu, Rock, Yamazaki, Kim, Rugal, Haohmaru, Terry, Yun, Hibiki, Kyo, Iori, Ryo, Joe, Zangief, Morrigan, Todo, E.Honda, Benimaru, Eagle, Vice, Maki, Balrog, King, Atheena and Yuri

He also sucks ALOT in X-men vs SF, because his little auto telleport sets him up for Infinites that only work on him. So yes they’re are more games that Dalhsim sucks in. So there is NO game besides old skool SF games where Dalhsim is good.

And to patester, WTF are u talking about “Just what game are you playing again”. My list earlier was completly acurate. And What game are YOU playing? SF2 turbo??? A game where Dahlsim was acually good! Think about it! Who can win a REAL tournament for CvS with Dhalsim, Chang or King. Or any other low tier charaters. And by “low” I dont’ mean mid. In this years Evo, even Mai came into the mix, but where was Dhalsim or Chang. Learn a little bit about the fuckin’ game before you go around saying you know the most about it. JEEEEZ!!! :mad: :rolleyes:

shes weak, so she does little damage on her moves. the low stamina and low damage attacks she has really puts her far down the list. her roundhouse kick does less than everybody elses. some of her fierces dont do as much as sagat’s medium punch. right there you know you have to hit your opponent much more than he has to hit you when you use sakura. if he blocks every attack youre still not guardcrushing him that bad. you need to get lucky to beat people with her basically. she does have some combos though. but nothing that really hurts anybody. her special moves have weaknesses that can all be exploited. such as hurricane kicks. if somebody rolls or jumps she is going to eat a lot of damage. her fireball doesnt go far enough to have fullscreen fireball battles like sagat and ryu. her air hurricane kick has massive delay upon landing. her dragon punch doesnt even antiair. it gets beat whenever somebody attacks. and if it does hit thats only small damage because its a 5 hit dragon punch and youre getting the last hit. her supers are weak and so. her fireball super doesnt go anywhere. its not fast at all. her uppercut super doesnt antiair well. it leaves her unsafe when blocked and when you hit somebody out of the air with it. her hurricane kick super is the best because it hits low first and has better recovery than the rest. its still a low damage combo. if you get close enough to do this to somebody than you probably already lost a lot of health and are only getting even. i wish you could play my cousin’s sagat. he will never lose to any sakura. and he has been playing the game for 2 years so he knows a lot and he has taught me many things. sakura just isnt a good character. i suggest you use blanka and sagat if you want to be good at this game. always glad to help!

Ok, U just posted wat u PMed me. And I already disproved EVERYTHING you said, so here it is again.

As for her specials u may think that there not safe,But I think your forgeting about roll cancel. u dont need projectiles. Her throw range is second only to Cammy’s.As for damage shes supposed to be used for her bread and butter combo which Gets them dizzy in a matter of no time,does pretty good damage and mixups afterwards.If she has meter and makin ONE mistake can kill u because of her CC and instant dizzy.As for anti-airs standing fierce works wonders even against cross ups.Her supers are weak, but ur supposed to use A CCs.A Sakura CC does way more than a super. Even if performed incorrectly.She also builds Meter faster than ANY other character in the game.Shes extreamly safe in her actions.Her CC takes off 1/2 life bar just when there blocking.Just look at the Sagat threads.It has so many Sagats trying to get advice against a SKILLED Sak who can RC efectively and knows how to play Sak RIGHT.I’ve been Playing since CvS1.I use EVERY toptier character.In this order this is the chart for toptier characters.
ABison,ASak,ABlanka,Arolento,NSagat,NCammy,P-Cammy,PVega,CCammy,and CChun. I may be forgeting a few.
U think shes weak,but being really safe and being able kill someone slowly or with ONE COMBO.She builds Meter so fast that she can kill two people off EASILLY before you can even get her life down to 1/2.
EVERY and I mean EVERY good A-groove team has to have Sak in it and since A is the best groove in the game thats proof that Sak is GODtier.
AGroove is the only Groove that can win the Evo or the nationals and every A-groove has Sak in it.Can your cousin beat Daigo,BAS or Ricky Ortiz? Since they put Sak first and your lucky if you can take off 1/2 there life just for Sak with all three of ur characters.They Only put her first,because shes a good battery and they wanna start off STRONG. Shes second best in the game u cant argue with pros.

I’ve been playing since the first one so I’m always up for a good debate about CvS.

i think you overestimate sakura’s abilities. she has no mixups or dizzy combos so right away i know that you dont know much about the game. her range is not the best either. eagle vega and balrog have the best range. and the fireball characters since they have fullscreen attacks. i assume that CC stands for custom combo, or the a-groove level 3 right? i dont understand how a-groove with no real level 3 super can be the “best” groove. it doesnt even have a level 2 lol. c-groove has level 2 super, level 3 super, and it gets its level 1 super faster than any other groove. not to mention they have strength boosts every meter they get! a-groove has no such perks to it. and it cannot airblock, low jump, or dodge. it has a roll but so does c-groove. i ask you how the a-groove can be considered the best groove when c-groove has everything it has plus a whole lot more. and i assume that “roll cancel” means coming out of your roll with something invincible. well let me educate you. her dragonpunch is not invincible. lol. it gets beat by everything unlike sagat and ken. rolling then uppercutting only works when the uppercut beats everything out. another thing. your list of toptier is wrong. toptier is blanka and sagat. nobody else is ontop like those 2. also i have heard about the evo tournament. my cousin did not go to evo so i cant say the names that you listed are better than him. but if they put sakura on their team i think it will be a very uphill fight against him. i would love to play you and show you the truth sometime. where do you live? maybe we can get together and play.

LOL omg dude you can’t be serious…

She has 2 of the best rc’s in the game. Who cares that her fireball doesn’t go full screen or that her dp isn’t a great anti - air… they don’t need to do those things, her fireball is very good when rc’d as is her hurricane kick. You haven’t faced anything until you faced a properly done rc’d hurricane trap in the corner.

LOL dude are you kidding me?!? Roll canceling is when you cancel the first few frames of a roll into a special move thus gaining the invincibility of the roll. Perhaps you should learn a bit more about the game instead of telling other people to.

As for honda you can pretty much win by just sitting there and waiting for your opponet to attack and then rc headbuts and kill them. That is what the japanese did in one of the first evo’s, boring yes, but incredibly effective, now you think that a character who can do that is one of the worst… not a chance.


i dont understand the abbreviation RC but i stand by what i said. sakura is NOT A GOOD CHARACTER. there are no traps in this game so i’m afraid youre wrong right there. i will wait for the hurricane kick to end and then throw. i stopped your so called trap right there. and as for your comment about me learning the game, i already told you me and my cousin have been playing this game for 2 years already. theres pretty much nothing we do not know about this game. and for your e.honda strategy you just said. it does not work because you are not winning. and what happens when a fireball character just shoots fullscreen fireballs( unlike sakura’s trash no range fireball ) at e.honda all day? e.honda is trapped! lol and you said i should learn the game lol. anyways i’d love to play you guys some time. i’m the second best in my arcade and my cousin is the best and we have been for a long time. its too bad we’ll never play because now you’ll never know how good we are.

you are a fucking noob.

sakura can’t be thrown out of the hurricane kick if you do it at the range you’re supposed to be doing it. it’s free invincible pressure that sets up a guard crush CC perfectly.

if you throw fireballs at honda all day, honda will RC his headbutt and go through the fireball and hit you. noobified.

now go back to your scrubland arcade.

Word. LZJ, you & your cousin may be the best at your arcade, but there is whole higher level of play that you apparantly haven’t witnessed. If you are, in fact, joking then haha. Not really amused, but whatever.

I’m not even gonna bother arguing that Sim is not the worst. You’ll just say that I haven’t beaten the top players or won some tourney. Buk already stated what he believes are the worst characters. And if you’re not gonna believe Buk, why would you believe me?

I hope you know that he’s not serious, lol