the worst characters in the game are definately kyosuke, e.honda, and sakura.QUOTE]
WTF!!! Sakura is GOD tier man. Have you ever seen a REAL Sakura. Instant dizzy A-groove Combos to longer extended combos that end with a lv.1 super. Those arent combos that a mid or even Top tier character would have. You know why? Because she excels ABOVE top tier. How can a tournament winning character be one of the worst. To most people (including me) she outranks Sagat, Blanka, Cammy and the rest of the cast. Have you ever even heard of roll cancel or shoshosho? I know you havent so let me tell you. It happens to be the second best CC in the game next to Bison’s “Paint The Fence”. It has Instant dizzy start ups and finishers and does an entire GC bar if they block. She’s fast, has range and one of the best poke in the game(S.Hk), good basic combos, She has some of the best moves to be roll canceled, fast dizzy rate and certain combos that can kill a Character IN ONE COMBO. She’s not only top tier she god tier up there with Sagat, Cammy and A-Bison. Tell me a REAL tournament that doesnt have Sakura in the top three teams.
Kyosuke has some major combos too. Some that can take up nearly there entire life gauge. So hes out for worst Character (though he still isnt good.)
E.Honda has plenty of combos. Just because you have to charge doesnt’ mean you cant do combos. E.Honda is Just like blanka except not as cheap. And another thing CvS isnt about combos its about strategy. Combos are good to know and are EXTREAMLY important, but some characters dont need them as much.
And to everyone who doesnt think that Dhalsim sucks. Heres a list of characters who are Better…
Sagat, Cammy, Bison, Sakura, Blanka, Geese, Ken, Chun-li, Guile, Rolento, Vega, Akuma, Ryu, Rock, Yamazaki, Kim, Rugal, Haohmaru, Terry, Yun, Hibiki, Kyo, Iori, Ryo, Joe, Zangief, Morrigan, Todo, E.Honda, Benimaru, Eagle, Vice, Maki, Balrog, King, Atheena and Yuri
He also sucks ALOT in X-men vs SF, because his little auto telleport sets him up for Infinites that only work on him. So yes they’re are more games that Dalhsim sucks in. So there is NO game besides old skool SF games where Dalhsim is good.
And to patester, WTF are u talking about “Just what game are you playing again”. My list earlier was completly acurate. And What game are YOU playing? SF2 turbo??? A game where Dahlsim was acually good! Think about it! Who can win a REAL tournament for CvS with Dhalsim, Chang or King. Or any other low tier charaters. And by “low” I dont’ mean mid. In this years Evo, even Mai came into the mix, but where was Dhalsim or Chang. Learn a little bit about the fuckin’ game before you go around saying you know the most about it. JEEEEZ!!! :mad: :rolleyes: