me neither, the HK sends them straigh to the ground every time. am i missing something here?
CE,SSF2,SSF2,ST all had really good versions of Sim, some would even say he was top-tier. In fact I don’t know a version where Sim was bad.
even dj-b13 used him against blaziniflo one time, i remember that was my first mvc2 vid
You gotta do it close to the ground so that you land first.
Whoops, forgot about this thread. The Kyosuke combo isn’t that hard, there’s just a lot of places to mess it up.
df+roundhouse, immediate super jump cancel, wait till the peak of Kyosuke’s jump, MK HP HK, land, level 2 fireball, immediate cancel to level 1 pillar super. Super jump immediately after the 3rd hit of the pillar super (hit number 12 on the combo meter), wait till the peak of Kyosuke’s jump, MK HP HK, land, s.MK xx qcf+HK.
The last s.MK can be swapped with a s.HP for more damage and slightly more difficulty.
Now, the places you’re most likely to mess up the combo:
after the first launcher, make sure to wait until the peak of Kyosuke’s jump before attacking. If you attack too early you won’t land before the opponent and have time to juggle the super. If you do it too late, you won’t have enough air time to land the jump HK.
the cancel from the level 2 fireball super to the pillar super has to be as fast as possible.
the jump after the pillar super is the hardest part of the combo as it is slightly random. Most of the time the pillar super will hit 3 times, bringing the combo total to 12 at that point. In this case you want to jump immediately after the 12th hit. However, sometimes it will hit 4 times, which brings up the total possible damage of the combo but also royally screws up your timing. If you somehow know the pillar super is going to hit 4 times, the timing of the combo is considerably easier though. You just wait a moment after the 13th hit of the combo then super jump. Big window of error. If you want to test it, the pillar super will almost always hit 4 times against Chun Li.
again, after the second jump you want to wait until the peak of Kyosuke’s jump before you do the MK HP HK chain for the same reasons as above.
I’ll be happy to show this combo to anybody at Evo.
sounds good, i’ll be sure to ask when i see you:)
yo what about chang what’s the good the bad and the ugly about him
Chang has a solid trapping game, and he’s really one of those characters that no one has any idea how to fight haha.
though Vice, Rock and Iori have fast forward-moving special movies, so they can easily go through choi right? or will they hit Choi and not Chang?? I once played him =) he owns
Choi is a wonderful blocker
I don’t know about supers, I think Rocks would go straight thru…there’s a chance that Iori’s wouldn’t though.
I’m pretty sure Bison’s kpn hits Choi then keeps going.
ahh kool, but what Im trying to ask was does Choi get hit by Rock’s elbow lets say? Or does he go through and his chang?
Oh, sorry, I thought you said supers
Ok, well, let’s put it this way: as long as the move contacts with Choi, it will use up one hit. So Rock: his hard edge will hit Choi and Choi will fly off the screen, only to walk up to Chang later, unhurt I might add. Rock will then stop unless you were using his hp hard edge, in which case he will do his second hit.
As for Iori, I’m not sure which fast moving move you’re talking about…if you’re talking about his running grab, then he gets hit clean out of it.
Now I’m not sure if anyone’s said very much about this, but Bison seems to be one of the only people who’s body projectiles has a different number of hits depending on whether you get hit by it or block it (and I would assert this is the case, since I’ve never managed to hit someone more than 1 time with the psycho crusher even in CC mode). Anyway, this isn’t the point…the point is that…erm…hahah, I forgot what happens, I believe Bison exchanges hits. If it’s RC psycho crusher, I’m not sure, maybe he goes through and ends up smacking Chang.
Actually, Honda’s headbutt can hit twice on block when done up close.
Does Honda’s headbutt only hit once if the opponent doesn’t block? (In CC mode or normal)
I don’t have my PS2 with me in college. Go try it yourself =P
his lp headbutt hits twice. The others dont.
Characters that suck and why!!!
Ok I’ll be brief.
Ryo doesnt’ suck he just has bad range.
Haohmaru is good. Think about it. Sagat isnt a combo character, but hes top tier. Plus haohmarus supers aint that bad either. If someones predictable enough u can catch em’ with that super slash shit. Both of his supers are extreamly damaging and that shoryureppa type can be linked easilly be linked by a J.Fp. Not to mention his solid pokes and mixups. You can use S.Mp all day and then turtle when you feel like it. And Haohmarus Small jump fierce is Godlike. Its unpredictable and does good damage.
Dan straight up sucks, but his supers do crazy damage so thats what keeps him from being the worst.
Benimaru shouldnt even be on the list, because hes got some good pokes and specials. Plus his supers are great. N-groove Benimaru can store lv.1s so fast that all u need is his grab super.
S-groove Balrog is the shit so WTF is everyone talkin’ about, but he is really slow.
Dhalsim just sucks. No combos,slow and weak. That makes him a potential worst character.
Nakoruru is a scrub character. She sux and the only reason that even scrubs use her is because shes annoying.
Chang is Big, slow and stupid. Most likely the worst character in the game. His specials suck and whats he supposed to be good for? lol. His wide variety of combos or maybe lightning fast speed.
Yun IS good. WTF are ppl thinking saying that you need RC? You can play him on P-groove. Only factor is that he eats damage.
Kyosuke eats damage extreamly bad and does barely any, but I’ve seen a few good Kyosukes so I aint gonna say shit! Although he eats more damage than he can do I’ve seen some krazy juggles and combos with him.
Vice is acually pretty good, but WAY to hard to use effectively. Too much effort for such a mid tier character.
Raiden was decent in CvS1, but in 2 he sucks. Just use Zangief if u wanna use a big slow wrestler guy with no range.
Yuri sucks, but not as bad as others.
If Blanka wasnt as cheap as he was then you would still have a pretty good character. Oh wait, a toned down Blanka is just another way of saying
Mai is annoying and scrubby, but she still sucks. Shes just really hot and thats the only reason a few ppl use her.
King sucks!!! No explaination just figure it out by taking the ten seconds to play her before you give your verdict.
And the winner for worst character goes to… it’s a tie between Dhalsim and Chang,but out of those 2 I would have to say Chang for obvious reasons.
Peace out!
Dan can C.Jab - C.Strong - Fierce Gadouken, with no counter hits.
Dhalsim is no where near the worst character, and if you think so I feel sorry for you that you haven’t had the chance to play a good Sim.
Just what game are you playing again?