Who REALLY is the worst character in the game?

Since a lot of people have been asking me about this in mirc and aim, I’ll post my reply here:

There is no C-Kyosuke semi infinite.

What about that one that you saw in the Sairec video?
It requires a glitch. A very impractical glitch that unfortunately makes it impossible to get in a real match.

As for the S-Groove infinite, I don’t quite remember but I’m 90% sure it requires a similar glitch.

As of right now, C-Kim is the only character that has an infinite you can get in a real match.

Can you rank A Benimaru please?

Wait isn’t the S kyosuke(sp?) infinite just land the super lightning spike, super jump cancel it into jumping fierce or foward I can’t remember right now check some of the older threads, the go back to the super lightning spike and repeat the process. My timing sucks so I have never gotten it to work after the first set but it seems like that should work.

lol punk

yes i can now contribute

YES there is a HUGE difference between jumping roundhouse and fierce, and it is one of the coolest thing about balrog!!

Go to training mode, get right next to a crouching honda. Now do a crouching strong. Afterwards jump forward and do either fierce or roundhouse. You’ll notice that the fierce lands you behind while the roundhouse lands you in front. Balrog has a very sweet and deceptive cross up that can be set up with his kick throw, and if it connects it leads to jab jab headbutt knock down, then more mind games. whoo!

Interesting input on Balrog. I went to test it myself on Sagat, and I would hardly call the difference between the jump roundhouse and fierce HUGE. According to your scenario, the hitboxes are obviously in different places. When I tried to test just how different they were, they both seemed pretty identical to me. Were talking maybe 1-2 pixels of difference here. At first I thought that jumping roundhouse was more likely to accidentally cross up, then for a while it seemed like fierce was. Test results? Both cross up very randomly and quite rarely, even on a crouching Sagat. The only obvious difference I could find between the two were the sounds they make when they hit the opponent.

Anyway, I just found a few crazy dope new C-Kyosuke combos with some experimentation:

  1. df+roundhouse launcher, super jump MP HP HK, land, level 2 fireball super, super cancel to level 1 launcher super, super jump MK HP HK, land, close fierce xx roundhouse flash kick.
    9200ish with C-Groove damage bonuses, but not including a jump in so that’s a good ballpark number. The combo isn’t very consistent on cornered opponents, but you’ll look really dope doing it midscreen, do a ton of damage, AND build back a grip of meter.

  2. (corner) low fierce, dp+fierce, juggle level 2 flash kick super, land, super cancel to level 1 launcher super, super jump, MK, HP, HK, land, close fierce xx roundhouse flash kick.
    8500ish with C-Groove bonuses, and once again not including a jump in. It actually does slightly less than my standard Kyosuke combo, but it looks a lot tighter. Also noteworthy that Kyosuke can do the majority of this combo off of a random RC dp+p lightning thingie on a cornered opponent. I didn’t even know that the flash kick super had juggle potential heh. That also means an opponent trying to jump out of Kyosuke’s corner fireball trap stands the risk of jumping into the fireball’s high arc… which then lets me juggle the flash kick super on reaction if I’m close enough.

Kyosuke has a lot of variations on his combos, which keeps things entertaining when you’re fighting the local scrubs. :smiley: The combos all average to around 8500ish too, so you’ll be doing serious damage while looking good.

Oh, and these combos are trademarked Campbell Tran. Whatever props you get from doing these combos must be transferred over to me.

hmm. Launcher, jump MK HP HK, land and Final Symphony doesn’t connect. I can’t think of any reason why not, since the opponent seems to be put in a modified free juggle state after the launch xx super jump. Normal moves and fireball supers hit, but the Final Symphony super goes right through the opponent for some reason. Oh well, woulda been tight.

I play Nakoruru in K-groove and she rocks. Her j.short crossup and abilty to combo from 3 jabs or short makes her pretty good.

It does not require the glitch. The glitch directly linked to level 2 cancels as far as I remember.

Infinite is technically doable at any time, Kyosuke just has to never hit a neutral state, though it’s extremely difficult. Still not practical.

hey buk I can’t get anything to Juggle after the air chain ending with HK, they always hit the ground.

A few months ago I came up with a not so useful but interesting tactic using Kyosuke’s lvl 3 lightning upper super. The lvl 3 version carries a massive amount of frame advantage after it when blocked. If the super is done very meaty on wake up, like say after a fierce throw in the corner before they touch the ground, your opponent will get up into the super just as Kyosuke recovers completely. While they are blocking the super Kyosuke is free to mix up between instant jump or low jump MK or low LK, and if one of those attacks hit, the remaining hits of the super combos. When done as meaty as possible the most hits you can get out of the super is 6, which will be 7 hits after it combos with crouching LK or instant low jump MK.

In low jump grooves after the instant low jump MK you can normal jump strait up and juggle with an early QCF + fierce for more damage after the super hits. The same works if crouching short hits as well. You however cannot jump cancel after the move hits like you can normally.

Although in most grooves this is fairly worthless as you wont ever be able to get more then 3000-5200 damage out of it, in K groove it MIGHT be worth doing if you happen to land a fierce throw in the corner while your super bar is about to run out.

That sounds like Uriens Ageis mixup in the corner.

Whoa, why is everbody here racking down on Balrog? Man, he’s one of my absolute strongest players. And the secret is rolling, throwing and HK. He’s actually fast as hell and deals a good deal of damage. Now, do I have to mention Gigaton Blow in C-groove?

The worst characters in the Game is probably Benimaru and Dan.
Dan has crappy reach and is slow; Benimaru just doesn’t deal any good damage, he’s weak as hell.
And Dhalsim is kind of crappy to. Now you’re probably thinking “what the hell is he talking 'bout?” and the I say I’m talking about how crappy Dhalsim actually is. I mean, I’ve met som pretty darn good Dhalsim players but I still manage to kick their azz with almost any character cause he just isn’t that good.

Man I’d so love to play you.

now now gadgy. we can’t have u beasting on the misinformed now can we… :lol:

dhalsim will always be sweet in a game with a guard meter :smiley:

There is no worst character if you know how to use them correctly. Or can use them well. People try to tell me honda sucks but they eat their words when i 100 hand slap it down their throat, and my friend would destroy you with an A Balrog! So there is no worst character, oh sure there are easier to use characters,and there are harder! Just cuz you may suck with 1 character, doesnt make em bad. All characters have their pros and cons. Although, I would have to say, Dhalsim is 1 of the absolute most underpowered characters in the game, Capcom continues to put him in games, but never improves on him.

I dont think we’re playing the same game… some characters have obvious disadvantages

yeah, like kyosuke, he’s got the disadvantage of sucking something fierce

what makes a bad character is the amount of life he/she has, and their life points. (along with pokes, priority and blah blah blah) take, yuri, good supers, good pokes, but sadly deals no damage, and eats it like honda would eat cakes. which makes her a bad character.

k, i’m bored… i’ll check up on this tomorow :stuck_out_tongue:


No way is Ryo or Haohmaru amoung the worst characters. They are the most slept on (especially my man Ryo). Sure they have their weaknesses, but theisr strengths out way them. Hell, Ryo’s only weakness is that his kohto has no range or priority and that i can’t figure out his damn super where he punches his opponent really hard and they go flying.


Actually ryo has no weaknesses

His pokes beat out anything, his mp (air ground or crouching) is the quickest normal in the game, it beats anything. Dont believe me ?? I’ve stuffed a cannon spike with it off a low jump :cool: