I do need help with zangeif players tho are there any certain rekka patterns or keep awaw pokes i can use to prevent being thrown evry time i get close
The meaty s.hp on wakeup still works like a charm. Prevents the opponent from doing a Reversal attack on you.
This is brilliant. It would be a nice toolbox to have, analogous to Ken’s SRK pros and cons. Nothing broken at all…a best of both worlds situation between ST and Remix Fei that would be more powerful overall, yet balanced and fun. I really miss being able to keep such steady pressure with Fei. I love playing him, but he really feels like the bottom of the barrel in this version of the game. If only they’d patch such a simple yet effective fix in, alas.
It doesn’t prevent it, a perfectly timed reversal will still beat it.
wont that only stop reversal attacks, can it stop the reversal 360 throw too. or do you have to sweep to prevent reversal throws. thats my main problem with zangeif i always get thrown on wakup. its mad annoying.
will safejumping work? that is a technique i’ve just learned about, but havent been able to put into practice yet.
…looks at join date.
my inner-prejudice is STRONG!
shakes head
Are you hitting them at the very end of the move? It does require some strict timing. Not insulting your intelligence or anything.
I would normally play pretty good players who would reverse attack me if I fuked up the timing, but never did if I timed it right.
I’ll look into it some more though. I’d like to make sure.
Caliagent. What is your view on Fei Long’s ranking atm? Personally, I think he may very well end up being the worst character in the game. Regardless, I enjoy playing him and I will probably continue to work on him as I pick up characters like Honda and Guile.
Anyways, there are some Fei Long tactics I haven’t seen in this thread. I will list them in this post. These will mainly help beginners:
Negative edge LK hot foot. As Sirlin points out in his ST video series the motion ends in down-back, so you can get a free attempt at the flame kick. Just hold down LK, do the reverse DP motion, and let go of LK. If you did it right it should come out, and if not you will most likely be crouch blocking.
Meaty c. lk (link) c. lp -> rekka series. I don’t use this much because of the difficulty in the timing and the point blank range you have to be in. However, it’s a nice option when your opponent always blocks high.
Point blank meaty crouching fierce with a number of great follow ups such as:
A. Sweep. Great dizzy damage and a knock down. By far my favorite when I pull off the crouching fierce at point blank range.
B. Another crouching fierce. Great dizzy damage, but no knock down. Can be done as a follow up to a meaty crouching fierce from further away.
C. Crouching middle punch. Can be done from max range and is the most lenient to time out of just about all these options.
D. Light or Medium punch Rekka. You can hit it if you time the meaty fierce right. Obvious advantage is major damage if it connects and chip damage if it is blocked.
E. Overhead. Works really well, though if you end up too close you might get hit back. Try to flame kick.
F. Throw. This is better done off a standing fierce meaty.
G. Super. Can’t seem to link it off a crouching fierce, but does good chip damage and has advantages over just throwing it out by itself.
As for the timing of the crouching fierce I find it is extremely easy to time if you do it when you see the opponent start his stand up animation.
Use his forward + RH. It has great dizzy potential and combos into a sweep. Usually a standing fierce and forward + RH -> Sweep combo is enough to dizzy everyone. It’s also great for advancing, although I am partial to MP Rekka because of the meter it gives.
Against Zangief lariat I have had success by doing a light punch rekka out of range followed by a hard punch rekka (second punch). If it connects you can of course do the third and final hit for a knock down and some nice damage.
Against Ryu fireball shenanigans walking forward and blocking on reaction seems to work best. LK chicken wing seems to get swept on reaction, and Fei’s jump is HORRENDOUS. (Note: This is the chief reason why I’m learning Honda. His tools against fireballs are so much better) When they get to the corner they will probably try to hurricane kick their way out. This is where things get tricky. I suggest RH flame kick to knock them back into the corner.
Against Vega (Claw) I’ve been having a lot of success against wall dives by using neutral jump middle kick. It has a great hit box, and when they switch up to counter it I find RH flame kick works quite well too. Against his more generic pokes crouching fierce gives him a lot of problems from the right ranges. Don’t just blindly rekka him, make him afraid of the crouching fierce first.
Against Honda I rely a lot on Standing Fierce and Standing Light Kick to stop his headbutt. You can do standing light kick on reaction, however standing fierce is too fucking slow. Don’t even bother with meaty set ups against a good Honda since you will get stored Ochio’d to death. It really is a tough match. You can try to chip him with rekkas, but he’ll probably respond with HHS. You could flame kick his HHS, but if you guess wrong you will likely eat a fierce headbutt to the face. All you can really do is try to play footsies. Also pray.
Against Deejay… god what a whore. He will run away from you the whole match. Walk back -> max out will be hard to get around. If you jump over, trip guard slide will beat just about all of fei’s air attacks even when it looks like it shouldn’t. When you corner him don’t you dare let him get out. About the only disadvantage Deejay has over other fireballers is that while he walks back he can’t charge his up kicks. This means at certain ranges you can RH chicken wing without fear of an invincible anti air, although his normals are good anti airs in their own right and may trade or beat chicken wing. I’m pretty much at a loss to on what to do in this match.
Against Chunli… very similar to Deejay except you don’t have to worry about a quick slide knocking you down when you try to walk up and block fireballs. However, you do have lightning legs, jumping short, walljump -> stomp, and all the bullshit that makes Chunli what she is to deal with in exchange. Really hard when the Chun knows what she’s doing. She can pretty much walk back -> fireball until she gets into the corner then she can wall jump her way out while stomping or jumping short any of your attempts to stop her.
Against Boxer I like using crouching fierce to stop low rushes. What sucks is that you can’t really chip him with rekkas. Anything beyond the first gets punished for free by low rush, and in addition I think even the first rekka punch gets punished if you don’t get your spacing right. You pretty much have to hit confirm the Rekkas and hope for the best.
Against Dhalsim I try to crouching fierce or hot foot his limbs. His standing MK can be a pain to deal with, but if you crouch it you can advance as he retracts it. He can usually punish 2nd and 3rd rekka punches with his long range attacks, but test your opponent to see what they do.
Yeesh. I didn’t mean to start talking about match ups, but yeah if any of you find use in the above feel free to use it.
The Honda advice I’ll definately have to check out.
For the Ryu fireball shenanagians, I usually work my way into Fierce Rekka range to take advantage of the new range. Smack them before they can throw out another fireball.
I agree that Fei Long is the weakest in the game. The CW nerfs were brutal and unnessesary. If he can now get kicked out of his CW with simple jump attacks then what was the point of adding recovery frames for it?
To me it seems Fei Long didn’t get as much play time as other characters during balance test. After all he’s not the most popular, so whether or not they play tested him, it was probably players who don’t main him anyway. So he got shafted IMO.
This was actually helpful ima look into the zangeif post. but rekkas seem to work againt boxer. and with blanka after a blocked ball u get free rekkas, after this site taught me that i havent had a blanka problem since. thanx.
Yes, it’s a great tool against fighters like Chun and Guile if you use the s.cw kick at max range but against everyone else I’ve either gotten punished or pushed away. And for everyone else I’ve found that even tho I am theoretically safe because of the distance the cw kick puts between me and my opponenents, some of the better players will simply walk up and throw…and even wait for me to flame kick and counter. I have tried going for 2 cw kicks in a row but a simple low fierce counter by them makes for a shitty trade.
It does have it’s uses in some matches but the risk/reward factor isn’t all that great.
You’ve never played Guile players like John Choi, Jason Nelson or Mike Watson have you? Those tactics are ok against novice Guile players but a good Guile player wouldn’t even let fei come into striking distance. Vs Guile, Fei suffers BADLY from the E.Honda curse(free sweep attacks because of no trip guard).
Trust me, I practically invented that tactic with Fei Long here in the states and there are players who can reverse it EVERY single time. The reason it’s so good online is because…well…you’re playing online. It’s practically a perfect lag tactic because the reversal timing has to be perfect. It’s a huge risk to try and reverse it, but once I find a player that is reversing on point I am forced to change my strats like baiting them into reversals on purpose.
I go out of my way to do them both(meaty standing fierce, and walk up/wait-bait)to let them know that I can do either one at any time. Throw in the overhead mixups and it becomes option select for you…but beware…better experience players who are great at reading can reset the ground game and make you work for every inch of ground you cover to get near them again.
Just played against a really good Ken player. He was reversing me every time I tried it. So yeah, I’m now a believer. I believe the reason no one is reversing it is because they’re playing on controller where this Ken player seemed to be a stick user. I take it that the piano method is required to reverse on the first frame.
when guile does his double sweer i leared u can trade in between with a crouching Fierce punch. so after the first sweep is blocked attack with a crouching fierce and it will trade hits. it actually won me a match. And your attack is almost twice as strong.
“piano-ing” is the new hot word. Similar to Maverick, Rogue, Folksy and Bailout.
Everyone and their mothers are talking about it online when I play. When they ask, “hey jumpsuit…do you you use the piano method when doing reversals?” I tell them “I don’t use that artsy fartsy srk bullshit. I reverse the old fashioned way with a one button press…because I am just that good” :arazz:
On the contrary, I bet Fei Long got shafted because Sirlin and other playtesters were using him too much. They kept finding nuance after nuance and they made over thirty revisions to Fei Long, for crying out loud! If they spent half the time they did tweaking Fei Long and spent that time instead fixing Akuma so he worked as designed, we may have had an HD Remix where Fei Long was top tier and even more fun to play with than he is now. I fantasize about that possibility every night.
I would say that Fei’s tier ranking remained pretty much the same or even a little lower.
I should prolly stop playing Fei and pick up another character. I hate having to play “psychic” against Guile, Honda, Vega, and dalshim.
Now that I think about it, this makes even more sense. From reading Sirlin’s blog, he wanted Honda to be able to get inside a turtle style Guile. Thus gave him the tools to do so. Fei Long however has even worse trouble with Honda now than Honda did with Guile in Vanilla ST. All the so call beefs he was suppose to recieve to get in still gets you punished by torpedos or handslaps. When you do finally get in all he has to do is throw out any torpedo and whether it’s blocked or not, sends Honda flying back halfway across the screen to safety and you have to work hard to get in again.
I mean, WTF?
And what’s worse is he nerfed his CW!
If there is a small chance of there being a patch, here is my small request in making Fei Longs life a little better.
Remove the 5 frames from his short CW, but keep it as a worse air to air prioity. This will help Fei Long not get swept so damn easily after going through fireballs, and it won’t be too much of a problem for the opponent if their trapped in a corner. Yes this was Sirlin’s intention, but it’s rediculous on how it’s so damn easy to sweep! Apparently, the reason for the 5 frames of recovery was so that you couldn’t loop meaty fp into CW. This only worked with Roundhouse CW, so why did the rest of the CW have to suffer?
Give the other two CW back their regular air to air priority they had in Vanilla ST, but keep the 5 frames of recovery on the roundhouse CW and remove the 5 frames of recovery from the forward CW. The distance between the short CW and forward CW is almost non existant, so because of that reason, there is no reason why the forward CW should suffer the nerfs. It can’t go through fireballs anyway.
I don’t think Fei long (Along with Cammy) had any players representing him like the rest of the cast did. So again, he got screwed.
I personally think that Cammy had more buffs than fei ever did. The only thing Fei received was the longer rekkas, everything else was nerfed. I agree, bring back Fei’s original ST short Rekka kick with the “anti-fireball” property and without the 5 extra frame recovery. Short Rekka kick is so goddamn useless and not even viable going through fireballs. Heck, cammy’s 3 variations of her knuckles are better options.
The juggle priority doesn’t count as I believe it was just a replacement for the Rekka kick + super juggle which Fei had back in ST.
I’m going to talk to Sirlin about this issue.