Whining about Fei Long and Fei Long Players thread with some Hawk mixed in

I’ve talked to Sirlin and he has assured me that Fei Long is one of his main characters and that he’s not a bad character. He was also kind enough to give me some pointers which I will gladly share with you now.

I’ve also asked him about Dee Jay and hopefully he will hit me back on that one. Basically, the main thing he emphasizes is mastery of the new Rekka ranges. Not only of the initial punch, but of the 2nd and 3rd punches as well. This is actually rings quite true with me because I notice the 2nd punch can beat out a lot of moves that usually hit you out of the 1st one. Jab Rekka I -> Fierce Rekka II can be really deceptive and you can still end up safe in certain distances while still having the option of ending with Jab Rekka III.

I did good in a some recent tournies with Fei. Guiles can be tough (Battosai/brother/choi) but its VERY winnable, just walk forward and play patient, lk CW is a life saver. Balrog gave me problems, but c.fp is one of the best tools in this match IMO. Sagats, are np, Vega is really tough, you just have to get well timed rekkas and c.fp/ bait him into loosing flip kick charge. Bison is the match I have a really hard time with, again its very winnable though. Typically it involves me walking him down with s.mp/fp, using Rekka poke strings…etc THough I did not get much Dahlsim exp, I feel that this is the hardest match, harder than honda/.

vega is the hardest match by far imo.

EVERYTHING vega has is better than fei long except maybe damage output but those wall dives does a grip and thats without the izuna drop.

better normals, better jump ins, hes faster, bigger throw range, and his command anti air has more invincibility than yours.

I played tons and tons of Super (not Turbo), and Rekkas were my main offense and defense (staying just out of their range on the 2nd or 3rd hit). So I was a bit surprised when I’d watch a lot of super turbo vids of fei (noguchi, yuubou, greentea) where they didn’t use his rekkas alot, and focused on using lots of chicken wings.

So after the nerf of the CW, I think my gameplan is still going to be pretty good as I’ll still rely on the Rekkas, and now just have to learn the new distances which I’ve already begun to do.

As in my title, “rekka rekka rekka” :wink: And what you do after the 3rd rekka is important too.

Lots of rekkas, and chicken wings. One of my bro’s is a Vega player, and he told me CW’s are one of the most annoying things I can do to him.

CW gets flipkicked on reaction every time. rekka gets stuffed by c.mk/mp. You have to use c.fp to win this match.

I’d listen to Magus on this one. =)

My hardest matchups are vega, honda, and dalhsim. Once these guys start turtling, fei is pretty much out of options.

since i’m bored, i’ll list the matches that got better or worst since vanilla ST. feel free to discuss

ryu: better
ken: better
guile: better
chun: better
sim: worse
gief: worse
blanka: same, maybe slightly better
honda: worse
bison: worse
vega: worse
balrog: worse
sagat: better
deejay: same
t hawk: worse
cammy: same

i dont think he has enough improvements since vanilla ST. losing his corner lockdown with the chicken wing kick and losing his safe dp are severe blows for him but the new range on his rekka is too good along with flame kick juggles and lk chicken wing kick going thru fireballs.

overall he got better vs fireball characters but worse against everyone else

I’m thinking of picking up fei because it’s fun being balls out aggressive getting them in the corner but I have no idea how to use rekkas as pokes as in which rekkas to use and when any tips?

oro: The rekkas have different distances, and whether they are blocked or hit.

Unless you’re right on top of someone, you can start with strong or fierce rekka. If it’s blocked, you’re going to need to reduce the strengths on successive hits depending on how far you’ve sunk in. If you’re right on top of them, use jab, otherwise try strong or fierce if they aren’t already in the corner, and you need to push them further. The last hit should be jab or strong depending on how far you sunk in on the 2nd hit. You want to be out of sweep range.

Sometimes there isn’t much you can do even if your last hit is a jab and you’re as far out as you can be. Honda might be able to fierce headbutt or guile might be able to roundhouse flashkick.

In the cases where you expect retaliation after the 3rd hit and you’re far out, throw out a flame kick. Back in old Super days, I’d almost always catch my brother’s Bison Scissor Kick. It probably still works in ST, but I haven’t tested.

I read somewhere that roundhouse CW is the best option when people are in the corner, as it usually connects with all 3 hits. Something I’ll have to play with.

Also, if you plan on only using 2 hits that you’re sure are blocked, make sure the last is a jab or medium. You can then flame kick, block, or do another late timed rekka to catch the person off guard.

Now, if you’re first or second rekka does connect, your next successive hits can be fierce. Strong might be risky if you connected far away.

Throw in normals, don’t always rekka. Try ->+RH, ->+MK, c.MP, c.FP, s.FP.

Fei’s rekkas can be comboed from punches only now I think. Even a s.LK won’t combo, I think.

I learned Fei back in Super before he even had CW, and I could great corner traps with him. The CW frame delay doesn’t really factor in to my game, but I see it’s affected players who used it a lot.

Catch Vega moving forward and use a CW then, not when he’s crouching or landing from a jump.

A fierce rekka at the right distance and trickery won’t be caught. Don’t make your style obvious.

Great advice here ^

I love corner traps with Rekkas. Basically what you need to do to set up a Rekka trap is to threaten with a late final Rekka punch. Scrubby players will block instinctively, but good players will try to hit you back. In order to discourage this you will have to perfectly time the last rekka so it will hit them out of whatever counter hit they are attempting. If your 3rd rekka punch is being beaten out by normals it’s because you are doing it too late and you need to do it earlier. If they start doing DPs to beat it out then don’t do the 3rd punch and just punish them on the way down.

Anyway, after they start blocking you can really take advantage and make them desperate to jump out or do something stupid. Here are some of my favorite blocked rekka strings:

The standard: Fierce rekka I from max distance, MP rekka II, JP rekka III
First Alternative: Fierce rekka I, MP rekka II (pause) MP rekka I, MP rekka II, JP rekka III
Second Alternative: Fierce rekka I, MP rekka II (Pause) MP rekka I (pause) MP rekka I, MP rekka II, JP rekka III

(The last one is hilarious when it works because it’s 6 ticks of block damage the opponent basically just handed to you out of fear.)

Basically the main idea is to reset the rekkas. This makes the opponent restless because they KNOW they can hit you between these and they feel like they are letting you have free block damage. A stupid move almost always follows. Keep in mind you can also mix in chicken wings if you think they are going to try to sweep you, or just waiting and blocking if you think they are going to try to DP or jump over you. Sirlin was right about making his mix ups count, as that’s the only thing Fei really has.

Another important note I want to bring up that is somewhat unrelated. Butterfly Kick (Forward+ RH) is great for starting rekka strings. If you make them block the butterfly kick from max range it has so much frame advantage that it is very easy to make them block a Fierce rekka afterwards, and start his shenanigans. I’m starting to notice that predicting what your opponent will do after blocked Rekkas is one of the most important aspects of Fei Long’s game. If you can anticipate and counter what they do then you will start winning a lot more matches.

Here’s a good article with more detail than what I used.


Be aware that doc is pre-HD remix, so it’s not completely up to date. There is a HD Remix only section to update you on Fei’s changes.

Thanks :slight_smile:

Yes, the last part I quoted is very important. Mind games are super important with Fei because if someone makes a mistake you can do a ton of damage. Most people will do only a couple of things when they are trapped and fearful, and others won’t do anything at all, allowing you to get a throw.

@ Ono: If you don’t have a joystick, I recommend you get one. I don’t think Fei can be played properly with a regular controller, that’s my experience any way.

I’m willing to admit while I already knew about the Rekka Strings, I honestly haven’t been using them due to the shitty ass Xbox controller.

I’m starting to use them more often, and my Fei Long game is starting to get better. Doing pauses during Rekka String will allow you to break off Claw’s claw (Haha) very easily.

I am starting to see how it can be effective.

Edit: I just checked that guide. Fei Long has an Air Throw!?!?!


Hahaha, I had the same reaction. It’s towards and MP. Back might work too, not sure. He didn’t have one in Super, I don’t think. Just ST. My eyes popped outta my head when I accidently did it after I bought HD Remix.

Whoa whoa whoa.

Combos are first and foremost dependant on attack strength and distance from your opponent, not whether something is a punch or a kick.

If you couldn’t combo into a Rekka Ken off of a s.LK, it’s would be because you can’t combo into it from any weak attack. However, after just firing up the PS2 and doing it myself on the CCC2 version, the Rekka Ken does combo off of any weak attack except c.LK (because it’s not interruptable).

I thought that sounded suspect…but hey…you did say you weren’t really sure.

b/f + MP/HP and, no, he definitely didn’t have one in Super…I think. :slight_smile: I might’ve slept on that one back in my SNES SSF2 days. :slight_smile: I was shocked that he even has this air throw!

I know it sounds wierd, but I thought I saw Sirlin write that somewhere, but it’s not in the change list on Sirlin.net. I’ll look for the source when I get back.

edit: Alright, I didn’t feel like waiting. Here it is: